2015年7月7日 星期二

內部證據影響專利範圍解釋的案例討論 - Vasudevan Software, Inc. v. Microstrategy, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015)

案例Vasudevan Software, Inc. v. Microstrategy, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015)被我注意主要是因為蘋果公司在訴願階段捍衛915案(如文末連結,訴願決定專利無效)專利性時所引用的案例,其中討論到請求項範圍使用"or"時的解釋,當採用"disjunctive interpretation(翻為"反意連接詞")",即缺乏任一特徵即造成資料庫"解離";當採用"conjunctive interpretation(可對應翻為"正面"連接詞)",則缺乏全部的特徵才造成資料庫"解離"。據此,CAFC於Vasudevan案考量文法、專利權人在再審(reexamination)程序中的說詞,以及專家證人的證詞後裁定"or"應為「正面連接詞」。

可參考以下節錄的CAFC意見,提到資料庫中相互連結的數據會"解離(disparate)"的狀況是"缺乏"幾種資料欄位(就看怎麼解釋"or"):相容的鑰匙、資料標識列、架構格式,或是數據結構,CAFC採用以「conjunctive」解釋"or":"absence of all of these characteristics makes the database disparate"。

the disparate nature of the databases refers to:
an absence of compatible keys 
"or" record identifier columns of similar value 
"or" format in the schemas 
"or" structures of the database ...

以上表示"or"語意雖各說各話,但CAFC意見影響了專利範圍的解釋,這也對應到蘋果公司915案(US 7,844,915)的claim 8解釋,在觸控螢幕上的手勢操作(gesture)或是捲動(scroll)判斷中,"two or more input points"範圍應該及於「超過一個輸入點」的操作都為gesture。

8. A machine readable storage medium storing executable program instructions which when executed cause a data processing system to perform a method comprising:
receiving a user input, the user input is one or more input points applied to a touch-sensitive display that is integrated with the data processing system;
creating an event object in response to the user input;
determining whether the event object invokes a scroll or gesture operation by distinguishing between a single input point applied to the touch-sensitive display that is interpreted as the scroll operation and two or more input points applied to the touch-sensitive display that are interpreted as the gesture operation;
issuing at least one scroll or gesture call based on invoking the scroll or gesture operation;
responding to at least one scroll call, if issued, by scrolling a window having a view associated with the event object; and
responding to at least one gesture call, if issued, by scaling the view associated with the event object based on receiving the two or more input points in the form of the user input.
Vasudevan Software, Inc. v. Microstrategy, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015)
系爭專利:U.S. Patents No. 6,877,006, No. 7,167,864, No. 7,720,861, and No. 8,082,268
專利權人/侵權原告/上訴人:Vasudevan Software, Inc.
侵權被告:MicroStrategy, Inc., TIBCO Software, Inc.

背景:Vasudevan Software, Inc.於地方法院提出侵權告訴,被告提出專利範圍無效的簡易判決,地院判決專利因為無法實施而無效,於是專利權人上訴CAFC。


列舉US 6,877,006的claim 1:
1. A method executed by a programmable apparatus, comprising:
a. receiving with a computer a data retrieval request from a graphical user interface (GUI) on a programmable user display device,
b. in response to the retrieval request, accessing with a computer a plurality of disparate digital databases and retrieving with a computer requested data from such databases,
c. assembling with a computer an OLAP cube of the retrieved data, wherein the OLAP cube is assembled dynamically on demand without accessing a multidimensional database of stored retrieved data,
d. displaying the OLAP cube to the user using the GUI,
e. accepting through the GUI a user update of specific data displayed from the assembled OLAP cube,
f. accessing a database relevant to the specific data of the user update, and updating that database dynamically on demand with the specific data of the user update, and
g. dynamically updating the assembled OLAP cube on demand with the specific data update.

其中涉及「disparate database」的解釋,地方法院參考說明書與答辯歷史等內部證據認為,所謂的「disparate database」表示資料庫缺少「相容鑰匙」"and"「資料標識列」"and"「架構格式」"and"「數據結構」等欄位,也就是認為資料庫缺少"全部"以上的欄位才稱為"解離"。



很遺憾地,我雖沒有探討系爭專利審查歷史,但簡單以說明書來看,對於disparate database沒有多餘的解釋,也不明確,僅在請求項中一再地使用。


經地方法院認定這些歷史資料已經"明確"地解釋了這個用語,申請人雖作出不同意見,CAFC同意地方法院以答辯歷史的解釋方式。這裡爭議就是何謂造成disparate database,是各種條件之一,還是全部,CAFC明顯採用"conjunctive interpretation",還為我們上了一課:

"not A, B, or C"表示"not A, not B, and not C"



  • 其實如"or"的用語在專利範圍解釋上是"模糊"的
  • 但"or"提供的模糊的解釋空間仍有必要
  • 在具有「選擇性」的描述上,使用"or"應該仍有必要
  • 盡量用明確的用語,比如"two or more",或許可改為"more than one",才比較直覺地而無歧異地「排除"one" input point」(但誰知道?)
  • "two or more"看似沒有問題,卻可能被對手拿來做文章,應可以透過說明書實施例來解釋其範圍,事實上,法院正是如此
  • 因此,即便請求項用語有些模糊,「實施方法」的描述就成為關鍵
  • 「答辯歷史」的內容也要小心,都是成為將來檢視專利範圍的內部證據

http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/14-1096.Opinion.4-1-2015.1.PDF (updated Jan. 8, 2019)




