2015年8月13日 星期四



接收到歐洲檢索報告(search report)前不能修正
接收到歐洲審查意見(first/second ... Communication)後,申請人可提出修正


歐洲專利修正規定這裡討論很多,本篇直接引用歐洲審查指南的Part H「修正與校正(Amendments and Corrections)」中「檢索報告後的修正」規定(收到檢索報告前不得修正):

2.2 After receipt of the search report - Rule 137(2)
After receiving the European search report and the search opinion, the applicant must respond to the search opinion (see B-XI, 8) and may, in his reply and of his own volition, amend the description, claims and drawings (see C-II, 3 and subparagraphs, and C-III, 3.2). Likewise, for applications for which no supplementary European search report is prepared (see B-II, 4.3) when entering the European phase from the PCT, the applicant is required to respond to the WO-ISA, IPER or SISR
where the ISA and, if applicable, the IPEA or SISA was the EPO (see E-VIII, 3.1 and 3.2). This response to the WO-ISA, IPER or SISR may include amendments made by the applicant of his own volition to the description, claims and drawings. Thereafter, the applicant may amend the application only with the consent of the Examining Division.


修正細則在Rule 137:

Rule 137
Amendment of the European patent application
Before receiving the European search report, the applicant may not amend the description, claims or drawings of a European patent application unless otherwise provided. 
Together with any comments, corrections or amendments made in response to communications by the European Patent Office under Rule 70a, paragraph 1 or 2, or Rule 161, paragraph 1, the applicant may amend the description, claims and drawings of his own volition.
No further amendment may be made without the consent of the Examining Division. 
When filing any amendments referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3, the applicant shall identify them and indicate the basis for them in the application as filed. If the Examining Division notes a failure to meet either requirementit may request the correction of this deficiency within a period of one month.
Amended claims may not relate to unsearched subject-matter which does not combine with the originally claimed invention or group of inventions to form a single general inventive concept. Nor may they relate to subject-matter not searched in accordance with Rule 62a or Rule 63.



4.2 In examination proceedings
The question of allowability of amendments is legally a question of whether the application as so amended is allowable. An amended application must of course satisfy all the requirements of the EPC including, in particular, inventive step and the other matters listed in B-XI, 3.6 (see also C-III, 2). Also, however, especially when the claims have been substantially limited, the examiner should bear in mind that the following questions may require special consideration at the amendment stage.

(i) Unity of invention
Do the amended claims still satisfy the requirements of Art. 82? If the search report seems to reveal lack of novelty or inventive step in the concept common to all the claims, but the amended claims do not necessitate further search, the examiner should consider carefully whether an objection of lack of unity is justified at this stage of the proceedings (see F-V, 8). If, however, the claims lack a common inventive concept and a further search is necessary, objection should be raised.

(ii) Agreement of description and claims
If the claims have been amended, will the description require corresponding amendment to remove serious inconsistency between them? For example, is every embodiment of the invention described still within the scope of one or more claims? (see F-IV, 4.3). Conversely, are all of the amended claims supported by the description? (see F-IV, 6). Also, if the categories of claims have been altered, will the title require corresponding amendment (see H-V, 8)?



