2015年8月26日 星期三

IPR請願中利害關係人的討論 - IPR2014-00737討論

提出AIA下多方復審(IPR)的程序中,在提出IPR請願文件中,除了對於要撤銷的案件提出評論與先前技術討論外,隨附的資訊有個要件是明確指出請願人(petitioner)真正利害關係人的身份(real party-in-interest, identify each real party-in-interest for the party)。

§42.8   Mandatory notices. (強制性通知)
(a) Each notice listed in paragraph (b) of this section must be filed with the Board:
(1) By the petitioner, as part of the petition;
(2) By the patent owner, or applicant in the case of derivation, within 21 days of service of the petition; or
(3) By either party, within 21 days of a change of the information listed in paragraph (b) of this section stated in an earlier paper.
(b) Each of the following notices must be filed:
(1) Real party-in-interest. Identify each real party-in-interest for the party.
(2) Related matters. Identify any other judicial or administrative matter that would affect, or be affected by, a decision in the proceeding.
(3) Lead and back-up counsel. If the party is represented by counsel, then counsel must be identified.
(4) Service information. Identify (if applicable):
(i) An electronic mail address;
(ii) A postal mailing address;
(iii) A hand-delivery address, if different than the postal mailing address;
(iv) A telephone number; and
(v) A facsimile number.


IPR2014-00737 (PTAB, Nov. 4, 2014)案例討論(Samsung Elecs. Co. v. Black Hills Media, LLC):

IPR請願者:Samsung Electronics Co.
專利權人:Black Hills Media, LLC
系爭專利:US 8,050,652

在此案例中,PTAB得知此IPR程序中的系爭專利所涉及的ITC案中的賠償方包括"Google",也就是Google與Samsung兩者有一爭訟的賠償協議,但"Google"卻未列於此IPR案的利害關係人,經專利權人Black Hills提出此爭議,PTAB提出自已的意見:所謂利害關係人就是在此IPR程序中具有行使控制的一方,包括提供資金。

"As the Board explained, whether a non-party is a real party in interest depends on whether the non-party “exercised or could have exercised control over a party’s participation in a proceeding” and “the degree to which a non-party funds, directs and controls the proceeding.

專利權人於初步回應IPR案時引用「37 C.F.R.§ 42.8(a)(1)」,認為Samsung並未將Google列為真正利害關係人,PTAB應撤銷IPR。

於是PTAB從Samsung與Google雙方的賠償協議中得知,協議並未允許Google控制Samsung的IPR程序,且Google參與Samsung的ITC案僅為一種利益表達("expression of an interest"),因此PTAB認為此IPR案已經充分指出真正的利害關係人,否決Black Hills的主張。


my two cents:



