2015年9月15日 星期二

附屬項的均等論討論 - Honeywell International, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp.(CAFC)


Felix v. Honda案例中有關均等論的討論:

"當專利權人刪除獨立項,並為了要獲准專利而改寫附屬項為另一新增獨立範圍,即使這個修改仍未被核准,仍建立了歷史禁反言"("The rewriting of dependent claims into independent form coupled with the cancellation of the original independent claims creates a presumption of prosecution history estoppel.")

地方法院認為,Felix在答辯過程中,在「襯墊」的限制為核准專利的重要的限制條件,故不能主張均等擴張範圍(The district court rejected Felix's argument that the amendment adding the gasket limitation was tangential to patentability)

"Felix在修正過程中,放棄了主要範圍Claim 1而將Claim 7改寫為另一新增獨立項(非如審查委員建議可核准的Claim 8),建立了歷史禁反言"("Felix’s decision in the first amendment to cancel original claim 1 and to rewrite original claim 7 in independent form as claim 14 gave rise to a presumption of surrender.4")

在這案例中,” Felix在修正過程中,放棄了主要範圍Claim 1而將Claim 7改寫為另一新增獨立項,而非如審查委員建議可核准的Claim 8



附屬項改寫為獨立形式,表示已經拋棄了原獨立請求項範圍,這個修正產生了禁反言("The rewriting of dependent claims into independent form coupled with the cancellation of the original independent claims creates a presumption of prosecution history estoppel.")



"當專利權人刪除獨立項,並為了要獲准專利而改寫附屬項為另一新增獨立範圍,即使這個修改仍未被核准,仍建立了歷史禁反言"("We therefore hold that the presumption of prosecution history estoppel attaches when a patentee cancels an independent claim and rewrites a dependent claim in independent form for reasons related to patentability, even if the amendment alone does not succeed in placing the claim in condition for allowance.")

另一案例Honeywell v. Hamilton:
("Honeywell, 370 F.3d at 1142 (“[T]he fact that the scope of the rewritten claim has remained unchanged will not preclude the application of prosecution history estoppel if, by canceling the original independent claim and rewriting the dependent claims into independent form, the scope of subject matter claimed in the independent claim has been narrowed to secure the patent.”)")

("Equivalents are presumptively not available with respect to that added limitation.")

CAFC於2004年案例"Honeywell International Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation"指出,將附屬項改寫為獨立項後,即便附屬項逐項來看,範圍沒變,仍不適用均等論。不同於地方法院,CAFC將此合併範圍視為限縮修正
"On appeal, the Federal Circuit held that rewriting a dependent claim into independent form is a narrowing amendment, which bars the application of the Doctrine of Equivalents for the subject matter added from the dependent claim to the original subject matter of the independent claim."


原告(專利權人):Honeywell International, Inc.
被告(侵權被告、上訴人):Hamilton Sundstrand Corp.

專利涉及一種控制壓縮機洩放空氣的系統,其中透過一個電湧洩氣閥(surge bleed valve),控制洩氣的比例維持一個恆定的最小氣流量。此系統可用於交通工具上,如飛機。


Honeywell International, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp. (CAFC 2004/2008)


(Honeywell I)

(Honeywell II)
CAFC在2004年對Honeywell v. Hamilton案例的判決表示,否決地方法院作出侵權成立(均等論適用)的決定,因為專利權人審查時刪除了原獨立請求項,因此建立了歷史禁反言。
法院發回重審,事實上是因為知道建立禁反言的基礎是有有實質修正與新的限縮特徵加入請求項範圍,但是本系爭專利審查的修正僅是併入原附屬項的限制,因此作出發回重審的決定,希望地院陪審團可以重新審視Honeywell是否有"拋棄"範圍的意圖,而適用Festo判例所建立的禁反言規則(presumption of surrender under the criteria set forth in Festo)。

(Honeywell III)
"Because Honeywell did not show that the alleged equivalent was unforeseeable at the time of the narrowing amendment or that the narrowing amendment bore no more than a tangential relation to the alleged equivalent, this court affirms."

(Honeywell IV)
CAFC於2008年對Honeywell v. Hamilton作出結論,此處涉及均等範圍的可預見性,同意地方法院對此案均等論意見的「解套」,判決指出,專利權人Honeywell無法證明修正當下已經可以預見目前意欲均等的範圍,這是需要專家證人與外部證據來證明。
"The Court held that the patentee could not show that the alleged equivalent was unforeseeable at the time of the narrowing amendment or that the narrowing amendment bore no more than a tangential relation to the alleged equivalent."

"The Court reiterated that the goal of the principle of foreseeability is to “ensure that the claims continue to define patent scope in all foreseeable circumstances, while protecting patent owners against insubstantial variations from [the] claimed element in unforeseeable circumstances."


For the reasons stated herein, the court holds that Honeywell has failed to rebut the presumption of surrender, and is therefore barred by prosecution history estoppel from asserting the doctrine of equivalents. This court affirms the judgment of the district court.


"The court today applies its new presumption of surrender to all equivalents of the claim elements and limitations that originated in dependent claims that were never amended and that were not the subject of prosecution history estoppel. The court held in its previous opinion, Honeywell Int'l, Inc. v. Hamilton Sundstrand Corp., 370 F.3d 1131 (Fed. Cir. 2004) that "the surrendered subject matter is defined by the cancellation of independent claims that do not include a particular limitation and the rewriting into independent form of dependent claims that do include that limitation."

"Under such circumstances, the surrendered subject matter is defined by the cancellation of independent claims that do not include a particular limitation and the rewriting into independent form of dependent claims that do include that limitation. Equivalents are presumptively not available with respect to that added limitation."

"Patent claims are customarily presented in independent and dependent form, a practice encouraged by the Patent and Trademark Office, for it simplifies examination."

"Equivalency is determined element by element, Warner-Jenkinson, 520 U.S. at 29, yet on the panel majority's presumption of surrender, there is no restricting action by which to measure what was surrendered. In Festo the Court was explicit that the burden is to "show[] that the amendment does not surrender the particular equivalent in question." 535 U.S. at 740. My colleagues err in now holding that all equivalents of an element presented by dependent claim are presumed surrendered by simply cancelling the independent claim."


On remand from the Supreme Court in Festo, this court explained that the foreseeability criterion
presents an objective inquiry, asking whether the alleged equivalent would have been unforeseeable to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the amendment. Usually, if the alleged equivalent represents later-developed technology (e.g., transistors in relation to vacuum tubes, or Velcro (R) in relation to fasteners) or technology that was not known in the relevant art, then it would not have been foreseeable. In contrast, old technology, while not always foreseeable, would more likely have been foreseeable. Indeed, if the alleged equivalent were known in the prior art in the field of the invention, it certainly should have been foreseeable at the time of the amendment. By its very nature, objective unforeseeability depends on underlying factual issues relating to, for example, the state of the art and the understanding of a hypothetical person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the amendment. Therefore, in determining whether an alleged equivalent would have been unforeseeable, a district court may hear expert testimony and consider other extrinsic evidence relating to the relevant factual inquiries.

my two cents:



CAFC 2008年判決:



2 則留言:

  1. 您好,非常有這個榮幸拜讀您的文章,對於文章討論的問題感到非常有興趣


  2. 感謝你的留言,有關「將附屬項改寫為獨立項的動作」,附屬項範圍解釋時,會加入依附項的內容,因此將附屬項改為獨立項,是一種「限縮」的修正(CAFC的態度),這時表示「放棄了原來被依附項較廣的範圍(可能是被依附的獨立項、在前被依附附屬項)」,因此產生禁反言,將來解釋時不適用均等論。

