2015年11月12日 星期四

ITC管不到數位內容 - In ClearCorrect v. ITC and Align Tech (CAFC 2015)


Section 337, Tariff Act of 1930, Investigations of Unfair Practices in Import Trade
Finding: If the accused imports are determined to infringe a valid and enforceable U.S. patent, copyright, registered trademark, or mask work, the USITC may issue orders excluding the products from entry into the United States and/or directing the violating parties to cease and desist from certain actions. Where such infringement is shown, injury need not be shown to establish a violation of section 337. In cases involving other unfair methods of competition or unfair acts, if the USITC finds that the importation of the accused articles substantially injures or threatens to substantially injure an industry, prevents the establishment of such an industry, or restrains or monopolizes trade and commerce in the United States, it may also issue exclusion and/or cease and desist orders. USITC orders are effective when issued and become final 60 days after issuance unless disapproved for policy reasons by the U.S. Trade Representative within that 60-day period. Appeals of USITC determinations may be taken to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Violators of USITC section 337 orders are liable for civil penalties of up to $100,000 a day or twice the value of the imported articles. (For further information, see section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S.C. 1337.)

爭議涉及ITC法源Section 337的條文,規定ITC可以管轄是否准予侵犯美國專利、著作權、商標、光罩等物品(the "article")進口美國,ITC判決可以禁止物品進口,或停止某些工作。主旨以侵權與否發出禁令,並不涉及損害,但仍可因避免傷害產業、壟斷等不公平競爭的情況而對進口物發出禁令。

案件資訊(In ClearCorrect v. ITC and Align Tech (CAFC)):

原告"Align Technology, Inc."於ITC對"ClearCorrect Operating, LLC"等被告提起侵權禁令告訴。
U.S. 6,217,325、U.S. 6,705,863、U.S. 6,626,666、U.S. 8,070,487、U.S. 6,471,511、U.S. 6,722,880、U.S. 7,134,874

相關爭議是一種用在牙科矯正牙齒用的建模技術,被告ClearCorrect的技術在於掃描病患牙齒,並建立數位重建的資訊,這是一種數位3D影像,用於建立實體「熱塑成型」模型。然而,被告物品(the "article")為數位模型、數位數據與醫療計畫,這些是「虛擬」物件,並非具體物品


簡單列舉其中880案的Claim 1如下,明顯是個軟體發明,用以建立牙齒位移的資訊。
Claim 1:
A method for making a predetermined series of dental incremental position adjustment appliances,
said method comprising:
a) obtaining a digital data set representing an initial tooth arrangement;
b) obtaining a repositioned tooth arrangement based on the initial tooth arrangement;
c) obtaining a series of successive digital data sets representing a series of successive
tooth arrangements; and
d) fabricating a predetermined series of dental incremental position adjustment appliances based on the series of successive digital data sets, wherein said appliances comprise polymeric shells having
cavities shaped to receive and resiliently reposition teeth, and said appliances correspond to the series of successive tooth arrangements progressing from the initial to the repositioned tooth arrangement.

325案的Claim 21為建立齒模的方法。
Claim 21:
A method for fabricating a dental appliance, said method comprising:
providing a digital data set representing a modified tooth arrangement for a patient;
controlling a fabrication machine based on the digital data set to produce a positive model of the modified tooth arrangement; and
producing the dental appliance as a negative of the positive model.

經被告上訴CAFC,爭議在於Section 337是否賦予ITC管轄數位內容?不論各方提出的大字典如何解釋,最後CAFC採用ITC自己在1924年發表的字典的解釋,表示「article」為一般用品。


"We recognize that section 1337 covers both articles that were “made” and articles that were “produced, processed, or mined.” While this language in section 1337 perhaps suggests a broader scope for section 1337 than for section 271(g), nothing in section 1337 suggests coverage of information, in addition to articles under section 271(g)."

"The provision relating to unfair methods of competition in the importation of goods is broad
enough to prevent every type and form of unfair practice and is, therefore, a more adequate protection to American industry than any antidumping statute the country ever had."

在Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc. (1984).判決中,似乎毫無疑義地認為ITC的判決效果可及於電子傳送的數位資料,但ITC管轄範圍因為337條文"article"是否僅指為"material things"而有疑義,CAFC認為電子傳送的內容或許有具體的特徵,比如「電子」本身為有量的物質,不過,一般常識都可曉得這與字面上"material things"有明顯差異,因此CAFC認為ITC對數位內容進口沒有管轄權。


my two cents:




有關Chevron Two-Stephttp://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/08/cafcitc.html


2 則留言:

  1. 如果337可以擴張到電子資訊的傳輸,豈不是達成了前幾年國會爭議甚大的SOPA法案的限制效果?個人認為CAFC限縮解釋的結論應可資贊同。

  2. 感謝您的留言,SOPA確實對自由流通的網路資訊不利。 Ron
