2015年12月16日 星期三

禁反言、誘使侵權與用詞"when"討論(專利用詞討論六) - Info-Hold v. Muzak (Fed. Cir. 2015)


"when"的使用頗為有趣,因為會與"if"、"once"等條件式重疊或是混淆,中文或許可以寫成「當...就...」或是「如果...就...」或是「一旦...就...」。其中,"when"是有時間的關聯,也就是在某個情況下,與時間有關,事情發生了,接著就繼續某個動作,這就是本系爭案的爭點之一:『當來電者等候接聽(on hold),就播放選擇的訊息』。

"when"是"at the moment",或是"during the period"?

用詞解析6 - When 等
解析案例 - Info-Hold, Inc. v. Muzak LLC, 783 F.3d 1365, 2015 WL 1865685 (Fed. Cir. 2015)
(另一對應案Info-Hold, Inc. v. Applied Media Tech. Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2015))

原告/上訴人:Info-Hold, Inc.
被告/被上訴人:Muzak LLC(同時另有一被告Applied Media Technologies Corporation)

地方法院United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio審理此專利侵權訴訟案,在簡易判決表示侵權比對雖成立,但專利權人Info-Hold並不能取得合理賠償,被告Muzak引誘侵權不成立。原告於是上訴CAFC。

系爭專利'374關於一種電話系統的控制播放訊息的可程式化系統(Programmable messaging system for controlling playback of messages on remote music on-hold- compatible telephone systems and other message output devices),就是通話前可以設定等候接聽所要播放的訊息,例如撥電話到客戶服務電話時(call center),在尚未接通時,會在等候時間播放訊息,可能是廣告、公告訊息、音樂等。

不過此專利範圍在更厲害(意謂限制較多)的電腦系統(call center端)上,範圍限制在操作員(客服端)的使用,其中請求項7界定此訊息播送系統,包括通訊連線、訊息播放裝置,有儲存訊息的儲存裝置,在收到通訊連線時,操作員在具有顯示器的電腦上根據引導選擇播放的訊息(特別是廣告訊息),而訊息播放裝置可以根據設定重複播送訊息。

Claim 7(與Google Patents公告版有所不同):
7. A programmable message delivery system for playing messages on message playback devices
at one or more remote sites comprising:
a communication link;
a plurality of message playback deviceseach of said message playback devices communicating with a respective telephone system and comprising a storage device for storing messages and for playing selected ones of said messages through an output of said message playback device when a caller is placed on hold; and
a computer remotely located from said plurality of message playback devices and operable to generate and transmit control signals via said communication link for controlling at least one of said plurality of message playback devices;
each of said plurality of message playback devices being adapted to receive said control signals via said communication link and being programmable to access at least one of said messages from said storage device and to provide said accessed message to said output in accordance with said control signals when a
caller is placed on hold;
wherein said computer comprises a display device and is programmable to generate screens on said display device that include user selectable menu items for selection by an operator to define relationships between said plurality of message playback devices and said messages, the screens guiding an operator to make choices selected from the group consisting of which of said messages are to be played, which of said plurality of message playback devices are to play said selected messages, a time of day when said control signals are to be transmitted to said message playback devices, a date on which said control signals are to be transmitted to said message playback devices, a sequence in which said selected messages are to be played, and how many times to repeat at least one of said selected messages in said sequence, and to generate said control signals to implement said choices via said message playback devices.

地方法院決定:在簡易判決中判定Muzak LLC等被告引誘侵權(induce infringement)不成立,原告也無法獲得賠償。


值得注意的是,此案例判決所認定的引誘/誘使/誘導侵權(induce infringement)是一種間接侵權的形式,一方面,證據要顯示被告要知悉產品會落於侵權的可能(這涉及其他相關訴訟爭議的事實討論);在一方面,可以從專利範圍看到端倪,專利範圍界定一種「系統」,如果實現此系統,涉及多方協同作業,如果不是僅有一方實作整個系統,就產生特定對象是否有引誘/誘使/誘導最後產品或是輸出結果有侵權的爭議;另一方面,就是被告販售被告侵權「系統」中的某項產品。

在此系爭案中,專利權人,也就是發明人Joey C. Hazenfield將專利讓與原告Info-Hold,並要求從販售額中取5%權利金...與被告之間的權利爭議歷史要看判決書。

'374專利在訴訟前曾經經歷再審程序(re-examination),在面對先前技術的挑戰時,Info-Hold作出修正,加入以上請求項版本(與Google公告版不同)中的幾段「時間限制」,如:『when a caller is placed on hold』,並主張與先前技術不同("fails to teach, or even suggest, a
music-on-hold-compatible telephone system or playing messages or generating signals when callers are placed on hold . . . ."),加入以後,專利範圍解釋為:當有來電者等待通話時,訊息播放裝置連結電話系統而由系統播出訊息



“when a caller is placed on hold","when"是"at the moment",或是"during the period"?

"“when” meant at the moment the caller was placed on hold (Muzak’s position) or during
the period the caller was on hold (Info-Hold’s position)."

地方法院解釋“when a caller is placed on hold"是在來電者等待通話(on hold)的當下


最後,地方法院裁決:Muzak等人誘導侵權不成立,因為被告並不具備真實得知其誘導侵權的行為("no induced infringement based on supposed lack of evidence of knowledge or willful blindness");原告並未提出因為系爭專利得到利益的證據,因此否決原告以損失利益來主張損害賠償。


CAFC引用前例誘使侵權的定義:要證明有誘使侵權,專利權人應證明被告誘使者具備誘使侵權的知識而鼓勵侵權的行為。所謂誘使侵權的知識為有真實的知道("actual knowledge"),或是有意的無視("willful blindness")。

"To prove inducement of infringement, the patentee must “show that the accused inducer took an affirmative act to encourage infringement with the knowledge that the induced acts constitute patent infringement.”"

"The inducement knowledge requirement may be satisfied by a showing of actual knowledge or willful blindness."

所謂"willful blindness",要證明誘使者主觀相信侵權的高機率,以及迴避此事實的故意行為。



這裡就是文法學習,例如"she played sports when she was in high school",這裡的"when"就有一段時間的意思;"the lights go on when you flip the switch",這裡的"when"就有當下瞬間的意思。

整體來看,內部證據包括參考說明書實施例,以及相關技術人員對於前後文的理解,以及包括審查歷史禁反言,系爭專利在播放音樂或訊息前,會從儲存裝置"取得"訊息(accessing message),而這些動作是在來電者等待通話的時候,在從系爭專利權人面對再審無效程序時的主張,在等待通話時(on hold),會產生控制訊號,控制訊息播放裝置取得訊息後播放出來


my two cents:





