2016年1月6日 星期三

用詞"one","predetermined"討論(專利用詞討論八) - IGT v. Bally Gaming Intern., Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2011)


IGT v. Bally Gaming Intern., Inc., 659 F.3d 1109 (Fed. Cir. 2011)
被告/上訴人:Bally Gaming Intern., Inc.
系爭專利:RE37,885 (’885 patent) and RE38,812 (’812 patent)

緣起:IGT對Bally提出侵權告訴。地方法院判決認為被告遊戲機上的Power Rewards功能侵害'885專利的claims 10, 33, 46,以及'812專利的claims 21, 44;Power Winners侵害'885的claims 10, 46;另判決Power Winners在SDS/CMP功能侵權不成立。於是,原告上訴CAFC,CAFC則同意地方法院判決。

被告Bally Gaming在遊戲機上提供兩個措施:Power Rewards與Power Winner,此措施需要有一個主機電腦與控制器,每個控制器管理遊戲機,可以得知玩家在每個機器的使用狀態,並透過回饋刺激玩家可以在特定遊戲機上進行遊戲(賭博)。比如Power Rewards,玩100元,就回饋10元之類的。每當玩家操作某個遊戲機時,插入識別卡片,主機電腦可以識別出玩家,每當玩家玩到一定程度時,透過控制器發出訊息後,可將回饋金存入玩家帳戶;而Power Winner則是隨機給任一玩家回饋金。


系爭專利關於網路遊戲的技術,涉及高速網路上遊戲機的監視與設定的系統,其中有檔案伺服器、控制器、終端機等,各遊戲機之間經控制器(floor controller)相互溝通,遊戲機中的電子模組設有讀卡機,以此識別玩家,並能執行監視費用、紅利與促銷活動。其中控制器監視每個遊戲機的行為,可以發出重新設定的指令到遊戲機上,檔案伺服器儲存數據,並產生使用報告。

Claim 10 of '885:
10. A method of operating gaming devices interconnected by a host computer having a user-operated input device comprising:
associating each gaming device with a unique address code;
preselecting less than all of the gaming devices interconnected by the host computer responsive to a user-effected action at the input device which identifies the preselected gaming devices with the respective associated address codes;
using the network to track activity of the preselected gaming devices;
issuing a command over the network to one of said preselected gaming devices responsive to a predetermined event; and
paying at said one gaming device in accordance with the command.

Claim 21 of '812:
21. A method of operating gaming devices interconnected by a computer network to a host computer comprising:
selecting a plurality of the gaming devices;
issuing a command over the network including data establishing criteria to cause a bonus to be paid via one of said selected gaming devices upon the occurrence of a predetermined event;
storing the command in a memory connected to a controller associated with only one of the gaming devices;
transmitting data indicative of gaming device activity from the gaming device to the controller;
transmitting a pay command from the controller to the gaming device upon the occurrence of the predetermined event; and
paying the bonus via the gaming device responsive to receipt of the pay command.

爭議在於Bally Gaming公司提出的遊戲機是否在滿足"predetermined event"後發出"指令("command")",如在此條件下提供回饋金。

地方法院認定Bally遊戲機Power Rewards與Power Winners功能侵權成立,理由是滿足了系爭專利請求項中特定預設事件下執行某動作的遊戲規則,也就是玩家會被通知達到回饋金,並入帳;但判決Power Winners中SDS/CMP功能侵權不成立,理由是在此功能下,玩家僅被通知獲得回饋金,但是並不會引發付款的動作。


"The district court determined that the transaction #151 message is the “command” and the “predetermined event” is the player’s fulfillment of the “Play X” requirement."

"The court held that the predetermined event is the random selection that a given time period should produce a winner. Id. at 308-09. The court further held that the “command” is the transaction #151 message set to Play $0, Get Y that causes the gaming device to pay out."

解釋專利範圍,先看請求項範圍中用字是否為相關領域一般技術人員可以瞭解的程度開始,用字討論包括:"one"、"transmitting a pay command . . . upon the occurrence of the predetermined event"、"predetermined event"、"predefined event"、"paying"、"command"、"message"等。

請求項範圍中「一個遊戲機」的"one"如何解釋?被告Bally認為"one"就是在玩家達到回饋金門檻的回饋/促銷期("promotional period")僅"一台"遊戲機取得指令,因此付費也是針對"一台"遊戲機,而Bally提供的系統在當下不僅一台遊戲機執行回饋付費,因此不落入專利範圍。



"transmitting a pay command from the controller to the gaming device upon the occurrence of the predetermined event"
就這句話文義來看,預定事件(predetermined event)發生將引發控制器傳送付費指令到遊戲機。被告Bally解釋為預定事件發生即引發付費,也就將此動作解釋成為一個步驟,但Bally遊戲機卻不是直接付費,而是透過觸發案件才付費。


"predetermined event"


"predefined event"
另有其他系爭專利範圍在同樣的描述中使用"predefined event",IGT還在審查過程中聲明"predefined"比"predetermined"解釋起來還廣,但法院認為"predefined"與"predetermined"實質相同,也沒有造成不明確的問題,這也是一般意義,沒有「無法解決("insolubly ambiguous")」模糊的問題。


系爭專利使用的指令(command)為"reconfiguration command",解釋為重新設定之前的遊戲機設定,這不同於被告遊戲機僅發出贈獎的指令而不直接入帳的功能,使得Bally Power Winners SDS/CMP並未落入專利範圍解釋中。


my two cents:
"one",一般都指數量,與"a"/"an"冠詞解釋不同,不論被告產品使用了多少數量,都"至少有一",仍有極大的機率是落於專利範圍的"one"。更何況,一般請求項撰寫上不會故意限制在此"一個"數量上,專利權人也不會這樣限制,就是不要故意寫"only one",說明書自然也要有所支持。




用詞解析8 – Predetermined等
解析案例 - IGT v. Bally Gaming Intern., Inc., 659 F.3d 1109 (Fed. Cir. 2011)

用詞解析9 –Substantially 等
解析案例 - Deere & Co. v. Bush Hog, LLC, 703 F.3d 1349 (Fed. Cir. 2012)


