2016年2月24日 星期三

OK Google ! - 產品與專利


Android版的Siri(或許Google不喜歡如此稱她)相關美國專利如US 8768712(申請號:14/096,359;申請日:12-04-2013),以此案衍生的後續佈局包括(資料來源:PAIR):



US 8768712揭露根據部分熱字啟始動作的技術,主要技術如Claim 1揭露,接收語音數據,判斷當中對應到熱字的初始部分(initial portion of a hotword),顯然就是要找到語音數據中的關鍵(或是特徵),並以此啟始一或多個動作,並執行出來。

1. A computer-implemented method comprising:
receiving audio data;
determining that an initial portion of the audio data corresponds to an initial portion of a hotword;
in response to determining that the initial portion of the audio data corresponds to the initial portion of the hotword, selecting, by one or more computers, from among a set of one or more actions that are performed when the entire hotword is detected, a subset of the one or more actions; and
causing one or more actions of the subset to be performed.
18. A system comprising: 
one or more computers and one or more storage devices storing instructions that are operable, when executed by the one or more computers, to cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: 
receiving audio data; 
determining that an initial portion of the audio data corresponds to an initial portion of a hotword; 
in response to determining that the initial portion of the audio data corresponds to the initial portion of the hotword, selecting, from among a set of one or more actions that are performed when the entire hotword is detected, a subset of the one or more actions; and 
causing one or more actions of the subset to be performed. 

19. A computer-readable storage device storing software comprising instructions executable by one or more computers which, upon such execution, cause the one or more computers to perform operations comprising: 
receiving audio data; 
determining that an initial portion of the audio data corresponds to an initial portion of a hotword; 
in response to determining that the initial portion of the audio data corresponds to the initial portion of the hotword, selecting, from among a set of one or more actions that are performed when the entire hotword is detected, a subset of the one or more actions; and 
causing one or more actions of the subset to be performed. 

"In some examples, the user 116 says one or more words that the mobile computing device 100 detects. In some examples, the utterance includes one or more hotwords, or partial hotwords, that cause an action to be performed by the mobile computing device 100. As depicted in the illustrated example, the user 116 says "OK Google." The mobile computing device 100 detects the utterance "OK Google" with the audio subsystem 102 appropriately receiving audio data of the utterance "OK Google." "




1 . A method comprising;
converting an audio frequency domain signal into one or more voltage signals;
determining the characteristics of the one or more voltage signals;
comparing the characteristics of the one or more voltage signals with one or more characteristics of an audio trigger command; and
initiating activation of an audio user interface on the basis of the comparison.


