2016年3月11日 星期五


在EPC Rule 141(2)修正中,如果EPO可以取得,也在專利局長認可下(優先權主張為奧地利、丹麥、日本、韓國、英國或美國),視為已經適時提交檢索報告,即豁免申請人提交檢索報告的責任。根據2016/2/10的決議,西班牙因為已經以電子文件提供EPO檢索報告,符合EPC Rule 141(1)規定,也列於上述國家內。



"根據2011年1月1日生效的EPC 141(1)修訂內容中,在2011年1月1日當天或之後提出的EP申請案與國際申請案進入EP階段的申請案,申請人有義務要將其主張優先權的專利局所提出的檢索報告於EP申請時或是國際申請案進入EP階段時一併提出"




EPC Rule 70b規定要求申請人在審查時提交(兩個月內)其他國家檢索報告的副本,如果申請人沒有適時回應EPO,歐洲申請案會被撤銷

依照EPC Rule 141(1)規定,EPO要求申請人提交的提供主張優先權的專利局作出的檢索報告,例如應於申請歐洲案同時提交優先權國的檢索報告,若當下沒有收到檢索報告,將會日後(如審查時)通知申請人於期限內(兩個月)提交,如台灣人申請EPO主張台灣案優先權,就將要中華民國專利局檢索報告提交EPO。

EPC Rule 141(3)規定要求申請人(兩個月內)提交如EPC Rule 124(1)規定的先前技術文獻,此處規定的就不限定在主張優先權的該國專利檢索報告,而是提交與歐洲專利申請案相關的先前技術。如果申請人沒有適時回應EPO,歐洲申請案會被撤銷



Rule 70b
Request for a copy of search results
Where the European Patent Office notes, at the time the Examining Division assumes responsibility, that a copy referred to in Rule 141, paragraph 1, has not been filed by the applicant and is not deemed to be duly filed under Rule 141, paragraph 2, it shall invite the applicant to file, within a period of two months, the copy or a statement that the results of the search referred to in Rule 141, paragraph 1, are not available to him.
If the applicant fails to reply in due time to the invitation under paragraph 1, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

Rule 141
Information on prior art
An applicant claiming priority within the meaning of Article 87 shall file a copy of the results of any search carried out by the authority with which the previous application was filed together with the European patent application, in the case of a Euro-PCT application on entry into the European phase, or without delay after such results have been made available to him.
The copy referred to in paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be duly filed if it is available to the European Patent Office and to be included in the file of the European patent application under the conditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office.
Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2, the European Patent Office may invite the applicant to provide, within a period of two months, information on prior art within the meaning of Article 124, paragraph 1.

Article 124
Information on prior art
The European Patent Office may, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations, invite the applicant to provide information on prior art taken into consideration in national or regional patent proceedings and concerning an invention to which the European patent application relates. 
If the applicant fails to reply in due time to an invitation under paragraph 1, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.


