2016年5月25日 星期三

歐洲設計揭露規定 - 正確與準確

歐洲設計受理單位由OHIM(OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Trademarks and Designs),歐盟市場調和局-商標與設計)改為EUIPO(European Union Intellectual Property Office),但就設計的規定來說,並無變動。


歐洲設計定義,規定於歐洲共同體設計法Article 3:

(a) "design" means the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and/or materials of the product itself and/or its ornamentation;
(b) "product" means any industrial or handicraft item, including inter alia parts intended to be assembled into a complex product, packaging, get-up, graphic symbols and typographic typefaces, but excluding computer programs;
(c) "complex product" means a product which is composed of multiple components which can be replaced permitting disassembly and re-assembly of the product.





  • 申請人/設計人有責任確保設計的特徵已經完整被圖面顯示出來。
  • 提出好品質的圖面。
  • 圖面應確保在縮小到8公分仍有好的品質。
  • 圖案數目至多10張,其中可有7張要保護的圖面,以及3張不保護的圖面。(這是最大限制,不是最小要求)
  • 圖面可以為:平面圖、正視圖、截面圖、透視或分解圖。
  • 可以提供立體圖。
  • 如果是「組合設計」,也就是產品由多個元件組成,可以相互取代、分開與重組的設計,應以至少一張圖面表示組合的樣態。如棋盤與棋子的「組合設計」。
  • 可以用黑白圖,或是彩色圖,但同一件設計不能同時具有黑白與彩色圖。
  • 背景圖(可以有)應能區隔出環境與設計本身。
  • 歐洲設計接受「部分設計」。
  • 主張與不主張權利的部分可以虛線、陰影、邊界、分離的方式表示。
  • 不要有不必要的文字或符號在設計圖上。

Is your design correctly and accurately represented?
The purpose of graphical representation is to display all the features of the design you are applying for. You alone are responsible for ensuring that the features of your design are displayed as thoroughly as possible.
Therefore, it is important that you prepare the representation of your design carefully and thoroughly. The quality of the representation is paramount to your design protection.
In practical terms, the quality of the graphical representation must allow your design to be reduced or enlarged to a size no greater than 8 cm by 16 cm for entry in the Register of Community Designs and for publication in the Community Designs Bulletin.


You can file up to ten different views to represent your design; seven protected views and three non-protected views. Different views such as plain, in elevation, cross-sectional, in perspective or exploded views can be uploaded. Our online design application allows you to upload using the drag-and-drop function and you can use both 3D and static images. Please make sure that the views you file relate to the same design and represent a visible part of it.
If you file a complex product, i.e. a product composed of multiple components that can be replaced, allowing the product to be taken apart and reassembled, at least one of the views must show the complex product in assembled form. The same applies to a set of articles such as a chess-board and its pieces or a set of cutlery.


The set of representations of the design may be made either in black and white or in colour. It is not permitted to mix colour types, e.g. to file three views in black and white and four in colour for the same design.


The representation of your design must be displayed on a neutral background. The design should be clearly distinguishable from its environment.


If you want to highlight certain parts of the design; either to show that you only claim that specific part or that you expressly do not claim a certain part of the design, you can use one of the following identifiers
  • Broken lines for indicating elements for which no protection is required
  • Boundaries for outlining features of the design for which you do want protection
  • Colour shading and blurring for excluding a number of features from protection
  • Separations for indicating that the precise length of the design is not claimed
No explanatory text, wording or additional symbols may be used in the design views.

Farewell OHIM, hello EUIPO: the European Intellectual Property Office opens for business


