2016年5月19日 星期四

改善電腦技術的發明非為可專利性標的,後見之明? - TLI Communications v. AV Automotive (Fed. Cir. 2016)


相對於前篇充滿希望的電腦技術發明案例Enfish LLC v Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2016),本篇案例TLI Communications v. AV Automotive (Fed. Cir. 2016)卻給我們另一個觀點:改善電腦技術的發明不見得為可專利性標的!真是折騰。

繼前篇案例Enfish LLC v Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2016)之後,立馬就成為判決的引用案例之一,然而,本篇要討論的案例並非如此"順利",而是遭遇CAFC不認同的相反意見:「僅於已知商業行為加入習知電腦元件、在一般目的電腦上使用數學方程式、使用習知電腦實現數學、以一般電腦活動運行一些步驟等改善電腦的技術,仍是抽象概念,無法通過Two-Step Test的step 2A(或說是step one,這是直接判斷是否落於abstract idea而說的)。

當地方法院,以至於CAFC法官用現在101, 112標準來看1997年專利時,不論是否侵權成立,這個角度就產生極大的心理不平衡。


前篇報導:改善電腦技術的軟體方法具有可專利性? - Enfish LLC v Microsoft (Fed. Cir. 2016)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/05/enfish-llc-v-microsoft-fed-cir-2016.html

其他參考:TWO-STEP TEST)USPTO可專利性教戰守則(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/12/uspto-two-step-test.html


被告/被上訴人:AV AUTOMOTIVE, L.L.C....,還有一些知名網路業者,如Yahoo, Tumblr, Pinterest等;其他被告者很精彩,有Apple, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Vimeo等。

緣起,TLI Communications LLC是一個開發數位影像技術的公司,握有專利US6,038,295,曾以此專利與幾間公司達成授權協議。2014年,TLI對多間公司提出侵權告訴,但地院確認為這些數位資訊處理技術為非可專利標的,另外,請求項中的means for用語並未於說明書揭露足夠的結構特徵,也被認為不符112規定,被判定專利無效。


1. A communication system for recording and administering digital images, comprising:
at least one telephone unit including:
a telephone portion for making telephone call,
a digital pick up unit for recording images,
a memory for storing digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit,
means for allocating classification information prescribed by a user of said at least one telephone unit to characterize digital images obtained by said digital pick up unit,
a processor for processing the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit;
a server including the following components:
a receiving unit for receiving data sent from said at least one telephone unit,
an analysis unit for analyzing the data received by the receiving unit from the telephone unit,
the data including classification information to characterize the digital images,
a memory in which at least the digital images are archived, the archiving taken into consideration the classifying information; and
a transmission system coupled to said at least one telephone unit and to the said server to provide for transmission of data from said at least one telephone unit and to the said server, the data including at least the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit and classification information.

"we find that the claims are directed to the abstract idea of classifying and storing digital images in an organized manner and fail to add an inventive concept sufficient to confer patent eligibility"

當被認定是抽象概念時,法官為了避免過度簡化技術特徵,仍是自認嚴格地作出檢驗,結論仍是認為系爭專利範圍中的interface, network, database等,以及說明書內容僅涉及不可專利的抽象概念,似乎不是技術問題,而是導向採用一般電腦技術的電腦軟體技術而已。其中討論的請求項內容參考Claim 17,並非原告所主張的專利範圍。

17. A method for recording and administering digital images, comprising the steps of:
recording images using a digital pick up unit in a telephone unit,
storing the images recorded by the digital pick up unit in a digital form as digital images,
transmitting data including at least the digital images and classification information to a server, wherein said classification information is prescribable by a user of the telephone unit for allocation to the digital images,
receiving the data by the server,
extracting classification information which characterizes the digital images from the received data, and
storing the digital images in the server, said step of storing taking into consideration the classification information.
結論是,在沒有提出具體先前技術的情況下,法院認為系爭專利發明僅採用一般目的電腦,採用一般網路技術,沒有新的技術,沒有解決問題,沒有提供足夠細節達成該發明,除了解決問題的發明為抽象概念外,沒有產生實質更多(significantly more)的技術,不足以超越抽象概念而具有可專利性。

my two cents:


代表案例參考:功能性用語認定以及說明書寫作標準的討論 - Richard A. Williamson v. Citrix Online, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2015)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/06/richard-williamson-v-citrix-online-llc.html)。

這也可能是法官被一種現實所左右,本案侵權被告盡都是超大公司,Apple, Facebook, Google等,顯然容易形成偏見,或說,這樣判比較沒有太多困擾。




