2016年9月6日 星期二


全世界最大律師事務所之一Baker & Hostetler僱用了IBM開發的華生(Watson)超級電腦實現的人工智慧律師(法律專家)- ROSS來研究法律案例,能以自然語言提供法律諮詢服務,其主要的能力是能夠閱讀/分析大量產出的法律意見與判決,並且隨時監控最新產出的案例與判例,經過大數據分析後,成為提供法律諮詢服務的依據。




"For example, by parsing the input question 510 and extracting the identifiable features from the input question 510, it can be determined that the input question is directed to sports, baseball, financial services, healthcare, medical diagnosis, legal advice, or any of a plethora of other domains for which the QA system is configured to answer questions."

請求項1界定在文集內沒有答案時能根據問題回答問題的方法,方法大概是在得到問題時,先找到候選答案,每個候選答案都給予分數,判斷其中是否有超過最低標準的答案,之後才是重點(通常claim這部分即可),當沒有候選答案高於最低標準,就分析問題,判斷問題的領域,取得註解(annotator),找出領域內的用語與語句,從文集找出組成內容,計算「domain specific calculable values」,最後依據這個值輸出回答問題的答案。

1. A method, in a data processing system comprising a processor and a memory, for generating an answer for an input question when the answer is not directly present in a corpus of information, the method comprising:
receiving, in the data processing system, an input question from a computing device;
processing, by the data processing system, the input question to generate a first set of candidate answers to the input question and corresponding confidence scores for each candidate answer in the first set of candidate answers;
determining, by the data processing system, whether at least one of the candidate answers in the first set of candidate answers has a corresponding confidence score equaling or exceeding a minimum confidence score value, wherein the answer to the input question is determined to not be directly provided in the corpus of information with a predetermined level of confidence if none of the candidate answers in the first set of candidate answers has a corresponding confidence score equaling or exceeding the minimum confidence score value; and
in response to the answer to the input question not being directly provided in the corpus of information with the predetermined level of confidence:
analyzing, by the data processing system, the input question to determine whether the input question is requesting an answer that is calculable at least by:
determining a domain of the input question, wherein the domain indicates a subject matter area context of the input question, and wherein the domain is one of a plurality of domains for which input questions are received by the data processing system; and
invoking one or more domain specific annotators, corresponding to the determined domain, to analyze the input question, wherein the one or more domain specific annotators are configured to identify domain specific terms or phrases, specific to the determined domain of the input question, which are indicative of the answer being calculable; and
in response to a determination that the input question is requesting an answer that is calculable:
retrieving, by the data processing system, from a corpus of information, one or more constituent data values for calculating the requested answer to the input question;
calculating a value corresponding to the requested answer based on the one or more retrieved constituent data values; and
outputting, by the data processing system, the calculated value as the requested answer to the input question, wherein calculating the value corresponding to the requested answer comprises invoking the one or more domain specific annotators to perform domain specific calculations to generate domain specific calculable values that are specific to the determined domain of the input question, and wherein different domains are associated with different sets of domain specific terms or phrases and domain specific calculable values.

事實上,IBM Watson還有很多其他領域的服務。





幫助使用者收集音樂與意見:Decibel Music Systems


my two cents:



