2016年9月12日 星期一


根據歐盟法院(CJEU,Court of Justice of the European Union)裁決,在不是商業用途(非營利)下,以網頁超(hyperlink)連結並未取得擁有人同意的內容,是合法的;但是,如果是商業用途的超連結,則可能侵犯著作權

如果使用未經作者同意的超連結的網站不是營利用途,則非向公眾傳播(法律上定義的"communication to the public"),也就(推定)並未知悉這是違法傳播。
"The posting of a hyperlink on a website to works protected by copyright and published without the author’s consent on another website does not constitute a ‘communication to the public’ when the person who posts that link does not seek financial gain and acts without knowledge that those works have been published illegally."

"In contrast, if those hyperlinks are provided for profit, knowledge of the illegality of the publication on the other website must be presumed."

GS Media BV v. Sanoma Media Netherlands BV, Playboy Enterprises International Inc.,Britt Geertruida Dekker,

緣起,本案被告為GS Media,是荷蘭前10大新聞網站。GS Media在2011年公開的文章中加入引導讀者連接到某澳洲網站花花公子Dekker小姐的照片,經抗議後,GS Media仍不移除這個連結,甚至當澳洲網站自己移除照片時,GS Media又發表具有新的連結的文章。

澳洲網站編輯對GS Media提出著作權侵權告訴,歐洲法院的態度是,每一個向公眾傳播的行為都該要得到著作權人的允許,然而,法院其實也知道,網際網路上到處充斥著這類連結。

"every act of communication of a work to the public  has  to  be  authorised  by  the  copyright  holder."
"However,  the  Hoge  Raad  notes  that the internet is overflowing with works published without the right holder’s consent.It will not always be easy for the operator of a website to check that the right holder has given his consent."


"At the same time, that directive seeks to maintain a fair balance between, on the one  hand,  the  interests  of  copyright  holders  and  related  rights  and,  on  the  other,  the protection  of  the  interests  and  fundamental  rights  of  users  of  protected  objects,  in  particular  their freedom of expression and of information,as well as the general interest."

簡單地說,就我的理解來看,定義Article 3(1)的「communication to the public」,就是除了作者本人以外透過超連結讓公眾看到並未經原作者授權的內容。

所述「傳播給公眾(communication to public)」的標準如:(1)傳播為思考過的行為,理應知道傳播行為的後果;(2)所述"公眾"包括不特定的觀者,意含有大量的觀者;(3)向公眾傳播的行為與取得利益是有關係的。

"first,the deliberate nature of the intervention. Thus, the user makes an act of communication when it intervenes, in full knowledge of the consequences of its action, in order to  give  access  to  a  protected  work  to  its  customers. Secondly, the concept of the ‘public’covers an  indeterminate  number  of potential  viewers  and  implies a fairly  large  number  of  people. Thirdly, the profit-making nature of a communication to the public is relevant."



當加入超連結是商業用途,應盡到查核工作。因此,本案GS Media加入的超連結涉及他人的利益,應該知道將此公開給眾人是違法的。

"Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society must be interpreted as meaning that, in order to establish whether the fact of posting, on a website, hyperlinks to protected works, which are freely available on another website without the consent of the copyright holder, constitutes a ‘communication to the public’ within the meaning of that provision, it is to be determined whether those links are provided without the pursuit of financial gain by a person who did not know or could not reasonably have known the illegal nature of the publication of those works on that other website or whether, on the contrary, those links are provided for such a purpose, a situation in which that knowledge must be presumed."

my two cents:







