2016年10月24日 星期一

專利被撤銷不能主張過去的權利 - 歐洲侵權賠償實務與最高法院的意見

長久以來根據大英國協英格蘭與威爾斯(England & Wales)法律,即便專利在某個時刻被撤銷,但被告不能主張專利權人因為專利權被撤銷而不能主張損害賠償,也就是不影響過去侵權成立的判決以及取得的損害賠償(可追溯)。

但根據英國最高法院於2013年的新的判決Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited v Zodiac Seats UK Limited [2013]以上規則已經被推翻,當專利權已經被撤銷(且確認不能回復),為了公正性以及公眾利益,侵權被告可以主張專利權人因為專利權已經被撤銷而不能要求損害賠償,也就是,"過去的"專利權人已經不能追溯過去專利權仍有效的損害賠償。

專利權人/原告:Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd ("Virgin",維珍航空)
侵權被告:Zodiac Seats UK Ltd ("Zodiac")
系爭專利:EP (UK) 1 495 908 ("the 908 patent"), EP (UK) 2 272 711 ("the 711 patent") and EP (UK) 2 289 734 ("the 734 patent") (updated on Oct. 27, 2016)


(updated on Oct. 27, 2016)
EP (UK) 1 495 908

Claim 1: A passenger seating system for an aircraft, comprising a plurality of seat units (40), each seat unit defining  a  notional  longitudinal  seat  axis  (C- C)  and comprising a supporting structure (42) adapted for attaching the seat unit to a floor of an aircraft (12)and means forming or being configurable for forming a seat comprising a seat- pan (71) and a back- rest(72), said seat units being arranged to form a column(29) defining a notional longitudinal column axis (B-B),  in  which  column  said  seat- units  are  arranged side- by- side  in  longitudinally  offset  relation  at  an acute angle to the notional column axis (B- B), there-by defining a space to the rear of each seat, each seat unit further comprising means forming or being configurable  for  forming  a  substantially  flat  bed(47,48,67,74,76),  so  that  when  the  seat  unit  is formed into a bed a major proportion of the bed is disposed forwardly of the position that was occupied by the seat, and characterised in that the flat- bed extends rearwardly into said space (36) behind the seat.

EP (UK) 2 272 711

Claim 1: A seat unit (40) for a seating system for an aircraft, the seat unit defining only one notional longitudinal seat axis (C-C) and comprising a supporting structure (42) adapted for attaching the seat unit to a floor of a vehicle and means forming or being configurable for forming a seat comprising a seat-pan (71) and a back-rest (72), the seat unit being adapted to be arranged side-by-side with other like units to form a column (29) defining a notional longitudinal column axis (B-B), in which column said seat-units are in longitudinally offset relation at an acute angle to the notional longitudinal column axis (B-B), thereby defining a space (36) to the rear of the seat when the unit is configured as a seat, the seat unit further comprising means forming or being configurable for forming a substantially flat bed, a major proportion of which bed is disposed forwardly of the position of the seat, said seat forming means and said bed forming means comprising one or more movable passenger-bearing elements (71, 72) which are selectively configurable to form, in a seat mode, at least part of the seat for a passenger or, in a bed mode, at least part of said flat bed, and wherein the flat bed in the bed mode is disposed at substantially the same level as the seat-pan (71) in the seat mode, characterised in that the bed extends rearwardly into said space (36) and a generally triangular first passenger-supporting element (47) is disposed in said rearward space substantially coplanarly with said one or more movable elements (71, 72) when said movable elements are configured in the bed mode and is adapted to form part of said flat bed.


被告於2008年就提出異議程序,提出"中央型/統一型"專利異議程序(centralised opposition procedure),也就是專利一旦被撤銷,或是修改,全部EPC成員國的國家專利都一致被撤銷或修改,反之,如果僅是提出國家區域的異議,其結果僅適用該國專利。異議程序到訴願委員會在歐洲上訴法院判決之後作出決定,專利權已經被判無效。

根據EPC Article 68規定,專利一旦撤銷,自始不存在。



"The Supreme Court found that there was no cause of action estoppel because Zodiac was not re-opening the question of validity of the patent (as decided by the Court of Appeal), but instead was relying on the "mere fact of amendment, not on the reasons why it happened.""

"On the present facts, Zodiac was raising the new fact of revocation (irrespective of the ground for that revocation) and not re-opening the issue of validity."



EPC Art. 68 Effect of revocation or limitation of the European patent
The European patent application and the resulting European patent shall be deemed not to have had, from the outset, the effects specified in Articles 64 and 67, to the extent that the patent has been revoked or limited in opposition, limitation or revocation proceedings.



my two cents:
這個意見真是見仁見智,因為專利取得是國家賦予的權利,專利權人會因此使用這個權利(雖然這是排他權)而開始研發與付出投資,這時的侵權自然回影響專利權人的利益,如果法律至少可以保障這段時間的權利,還算說得過去(對政府的信賴);但這時的投入卻可能有個變數 - 專利權之後被撤銷,一旦專利權被撤銷,這些研發與投資就可能因為「被仿冒」而不保,錢也要不回來。反之,專利權一旦確認無效(自始不存在),也就沒有所謂的「被仿冒」,也不能因此主張"過去的"侵權賠償,這也頗有道理。




What if the patent is expired?  (quotation from USPTO)

Even if a patent is expired, the patent owner has six years from the expiration date to file a lawsuit in order to collect monetary damages for past infringement before the expiration date. More information about patent term, and an explanation of how to estimate whether a patent has expired, is available on the Patent Term Calculator webpage. Also, note that the claims of a patent can be invalidated by federal courts and/or the USPTO prior to their expiration, but not afterwards.
對照35 U.S.C. 286,這裡提到的是請求侵權陪長的時間限制,就僅能針對提出訴訟前的六年內侵權行為主張侵權賠償。


Except as otherwise provided by law, no recovery shall be had for any infringement committed more than six years prior to the filing of the complaint or counterclaim for infringement in the action.

In the case of claims against the United States Government for use of a patented invention, the period before bringing suit, up to six years, between the date of receipt of a written claim for compensation by the department or agency of the Government having authority to settle such claim, and the date of mailing by the Government of a notice to the claimant that his claim has been denied shall not be counted as a part of the period referred to in the preceding paragraph.


-可能因為"懈怠"而無法主張專利權 - SCA Hygiene v. First Quality Baby (en banc Fed. Cir. 2015)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/07/sca-hygiene-v-first-quality-baby-en.html



