2016年10月17日 星期一

功能用語"處理系統"的明確性討論 - Cox Communications v. Sprint (Fed. Cir. 2016)

CAFC案件Cox Communications v. Sprint (Fed. Cir. 2016)涉及違反美國專利法第112條(2)規定的判定標準,還好是CAFC板回一城,否則地方法院嚴格的明確性問題繼續延燒下去的話,專利不好准,也不好寫。

原告/被上訴人:COX COMMUNICATIONS, INC.  et al.
系爭專利:6,452,932; 6,463,052; 6,633,561; 7,286,561; 6,298,064; and 6,473,429


列舉一例,US6,452,932的Claim 1揭示一種處理通話的方法,在訊號進入交換機以前以一處理系統("processing system")處理訊息,並選擇進入其中之一交換機,接著即開始傳輸訊息。
1. A method for handling a call having a first message and communications, the method comprising:
receiving and processing the first message in a processing system external to narrowband switches to select one of the narrowband switches;
generating a second message in the processing system based on the selected narrowband switch and transmitting the second message from the processing system; and
receiving the second message and the communications in an asynchronous communication system and transferring the communications to the selected narrowband switch in response to the second message.

說明書中有關"processing system"的描述如(編者僅用processing system為關鍵字摘錄內容,但是實際上是要通篇來看是否有支持請求項的描述):

"The present invention also includes a telecommunications processing system which comprises an interface that is external to the switches and is operational to receive and transmit signaling. The processing system also includes a translator that is coupled to the interface and is operational to identify particular information in the received signaling and to generate new signaling based on new information. ..."

"The CCP (communication control processor) is a processing system, and as such, those skilled in the art are aware that such systems can be housed in a single device or distributed among several devices. ..."

US6,633,561的Claim 1:
1. A method of operating a processing system to control a packet communication system for a user communication, the method comprising:
receiving a signaling message for the user communication from a narrowband communication system into the processing system;
processing the signaling message to select a network code that identifies a network element to provide egress from the packet communication system for the user communication;
generating a control message indicating the network code;
transferring the control message from the processing system to the packet communication system
receiving the user communication in the packet communication system and using the network code to route the user communication through the packet communication system to the network element; and
transferring the user communication from the network element to provide egress from the packet communication system.

本案例緣起自2011開始由Sprint興起的多件地方法院訴訟,最早有12件專利,目前案例為其中6件,被告之一Cox Communications等在2012年提起專利無效與不侵權的確認之訴(declaratory judgment),到了2014年,地院作了特別的決定,認為系爭專利請求項中用語「processing system」並不是不明確,但是卻沒有斷定專利範圍解釋("...the district court decided, among other things, that the term “processing system” was not indefinite, but did not warrant a construction.")(編按,這應表示此用語並未明確界定專利範圍)。

根據此決定,2015年,被告Cox提出"processing system"不明確(112(2))的部分簡易判決(summary judgment),地院同意此請願,並認為專利範圍不明確,理由是,請求項界定結構特徵,但"processing system"為功能用語,並未符合案例Nautilus(如下連結)中讓發明相關技術領域中一般技術人員可以充分瞭解專利範圍,且外部證據也無法讓這些技術人員可以清楚定義出何謂"processing system",也就是不能確定此用語在此發明的意義(‘established meaning in the art’)




  • (b) CONCLUSION.—The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor regards as the invention.

案件進入CAFC階段,CAFC重新閱卷審查,審理地方法院意見是否有不符法律的問題,首先來看"processing system"是否是「功能手段用語」?是否使得專利範圍不明確?

關於明確性的判斷,遵循的是美國最高法院案例Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.的意見:當請求項發明,參考說明書內容、審查歷史之後,仍不能讓相關領域技術人員瞭解發明範疇,專利範圍為不明確

CAFC提出一個不錯的論點,各系爭專利範圍為方法範圍,當中有個元件「processing system」,其實在解釋系爭專利專利範圍並沒有用處,在新穎性的判斷中,僅關切當中步驟流程,即便移除這個元件,也不會改變對各請求項的解釋,特別製作了一個對照表,左欄為原本'561案Claim 1,右欄為移除"processing system"之後的範圍:

'064案Claim 1對照表:

除了移除"processing system"不會影響專利範圍的解釋,或者說,把此元件以"computer"取代,也沒有改變專利範圍,而且此案口頭辯論時,雙方都同意其實"processing system"就是一個一般目的的電腦。

並且,即在案例Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.中,所關切的明確性是指"claims",而非特定元件用語,因此明確性應以整體來看,查閱說明書與審查歷史,若沒辦法讓相關領域技術人員可以理解專利範圍的話,就是不明確。

以此原則來看本案例系爭專利的明確性,發現其實"processing system"並沒有造成系爭專利範圍不能被實施,整個專利範圍非不明確,即便這是功能用語,但是並非這樣寫法都是不明確。

CAFC不同意的地方法院的是,其實系爭專利請求項中"processing system"並未不明確,因為說明書已經揭露足夠的內容,讓相關技術領域人員合理確定的內容("reasonable certainty")。

"In sum, “processing system” does not render the claims indefinite because it does not prevent the claims, read in light of the specification and the prosecution history, from informing those skilled in the art about the scope of the invention with reasonable certainty. Although the asserted patents describe the operation of the “processing system” in largely functional terms, the recited steps, read in light of the specification, provide sufficient detail such that a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand them with reasonable certainty."


最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html
"最高法院法官提到專利的基本定義,就是政府提供發明人一段時間內的獨佔權(limited monopoly),因此專利揭露以及要求某個範圍的獨占性時,包括其目的是要與先前技術區隔,其範圍的"邊界"理應清楚專利在考量了說明書、審查歷史等仍無法讓相關技術人員可以瞭解專利範圍時,認定為不明確(這回歸一般原則)。"

CAFC第二次對Nautilus v. Biosig作出判決(April 27, 2015)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/12/cafcnautilus-v-biosigapril-27-2015.html

my two cents:
在我寫的專利領域中,確實有時會用到「處理系統(processing system)」、「處理單元」、「處理模組」、「處理手段」等用語,如此,雖然這是一個通常的元件(可以自己承認是一般電腦系統),但重點是,當各種專利都用不同的方式定義這個詞的時候,在說明書明確定義出這個用語的意義十分重要,包括可以結構描述,或是用動作來描述它的功能。

另外,如果在專利範圍中(通常是指方法專利)擺入一個元件並未造成任何專利性的改變,這個元件其實可有可無,或是隨時可以被取代,但是常常這個元件的置入是為了符合明確性,確定「主詞」或是「動作者」或是「受體」,只是解釋範圍時,這個元件是no weight。



