2016年10月5日 星期三

生物產品本身的可專利性討論 - 歐洲訴願案例G0002/12 - T1242/06


案件編號:G 0002/12
上訴編號:T 1242/06 – 3.3.04

案例涉及法條有點複雜,但與生物可專利性的規定在歐洲生物科技指導方針(Biotech Directive),其中,特別是Article 6,其中規定不予專利的生物技術,如人類複製程序、人類本體生殖遺傳、人類胚胎的商業用途、非醫療利益在人或動物身上修改基因一致性的技術。

涉及生物品種的EPC規定在EPC 53(b)
動植物品種或生物方法不能取得歐洲專利,但是不適用微生物生產程序:(b) plant or animal varieties or essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals; this provision shall not apply to microbiological processes or the products thereof;

系爭案涉及生物科技,關於一種含水量低的蕃茄的養殖與生產方法(Method for breeding tomatoes having reduced water content and product of the method),申請時請求項1如下:

1. A method for breeding tomato plants that produce tomatoes with reduced fruit water content comprising the steps of:
crossing at least one Lycopersicon esculentum plant with a Lycopersicon spp. to produce hybrid seed;
collecting the first generation of hybrid seeds;
growing plants from the first generation of hybrid seeds;
pollinating the plants of the most recent hybrid generation;
collecting the seeds produced by the most recent hybrid generation;
growing plants from the seeds of the most recent hybrid generation;
allowing plants to remain on the vine past the point of normal ripening; and
screening for reduced fruit water content as indicated by extended preservation of the ripe fruit and wrinkling of the fruit skin.


既然歐洲擴大訴願委員會(Enlarged Board of Appeal)的裁決形同法院意見,參考先前案例支持其論點為必要的動作,例如引用過去案例:G2/12, 2/13(另有參考T 83/05等案例),可參考部落格報導:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/g-212g-213.html,其結論:
  • 排除「植物產物的實質生物程序(essentially biological processes for the production of plants in Art. 53(b) EPC)」的可專利性並非影響植物或植物材料產品專利(product claim directed to plants or plant material)的可專利性;
  • (重要)如果申請案在申請時僅提出方法申請專利範圍(植物生產的實質生物程序),並不會導致非植物品種的植物或植物材料不可專利;
  • 授予產品專利,並無關於生產該產品的實質生物程序。

  1. 專利申請案請求項範圍為落於EPC 53(b)的動植物品種解釋範圍中("essentially biological processes for the production of plants or animals"),也就是,如果是產品專利,不能排除其可專利性
  2. 不可專利的規定限於動植物生物方法;
  3. 請求項以方法界定產品(product by process)不同於方法範圍,因此系爭案請求項範圍為一產品專利;
  4. EPC 53(b)排除可專利性的方法並非是本次系爭案以方法界定產品的專利;
  5. 專利申請人選擇產品請求項或以方法界定產品的請求項撰寫方式並非是一個「撰寫技巧」或是規避法律障礙,這是一個為了符合可專利性的合法的選擇,使得專利可以滿足可專利性的規定。

"(e) Therefore, the allowability of a patent claim directed to either a plant or plant material or to such a plant product defined by specific method features is governed by provisions of the EPC concerning product claims and product-by-process claims independent of the issue of the allowability of a patent claim directed to an essentially biological process for the production of plants. Thus, the choice of one or the other claim category is not a matter of some sort of "skilful claim drafting" or circumvention of legal hurdles but of the prerequisites for their patentability."

歐洲擴大訴願委員會裁決,系爭案並非落於EPC 53(b)不可專利的動植物品種生產方法,並未排除其可專利性,意思是,即便系爭案請求項界定一個生物方法,但在此討論下申請人主張的是其產品,為可核准專利。

歐洲生物科技指導方針(Biotech Directive)為歐洲地區生物科技專利的保護法:

特別是Article 6,其中規定不予專利的生物技術,如人類複製程序、人類本體生殖遺傳、人類胚胎的商業用途、非醫療利益在人或動物身上修改基因一致性的技術。


my two cents:
裁決很長,一半以上是過去案例的解釋,以及是否適用本案狀況的討論,但隱含一種「專利範圍的撰寫技巧」,也就是規避落入EPC 53(b)不可專利的生物方法,最好的方式就是將專利範圍直指一個生物產品,如本案的含水量低的蕃茄,如此,即便用方法範圍界定該產品,仍可以produce-by-process的方式解釋專利範圍。

歐洲擴大訴願委員會G 0002/12裁決:https://app.box.com/s/ozvrowg906irlpjwhzqaj7lho34bht9i


