2017年1月6日 星期五

合理解釋專利範圍的討論 - D’Agostino v. Mastercard (Fed. Cir. 2016)

系爭專利:US7,840,486, US8,036,988(分別對應IPR2014-00544, IPR2014-00543

本案緣起John D’AgostinoMasterCard提起侵權訴訟,MasterCard於是對系爭專利提出IPR異議程序,PTAB作出系爭專利被異議的幾項專利範圍不符102, 103規定專利無效決定,不過,案件經上訴CAFC後,CAFC認為PTAB錯誤解釋專利範圍,作出撤銷IPR決定並發回重審。

兩件系爭專利為同一家族專利,皆涉及透過降低交易時使用「信用卡號」的需要來加強信用卡交易安全的方法,方法應用在遠距交易(電話、網路交易)上,一般需要用講的或是用填寫的方式將信用卡號告知對方(零售商),包括認證信用的銀行(安全資料保管方),過程都可能是在暴險中進行,因此系爭專利提出銀行端在交易中透過專屬消費者的交易碼(transaction code)與零售商進行交易,避免直接使用「信用卡號」。

如系爭專利US8,036,988的Claim 1,界定一執行安全信用卡交易的方法,主要步驟為聯繫保管授權方、提供消費者帳號資訊、定義消費額、產生交易碼、與零售商通訊後,確認購物資訊,並完成交易。

1. A method of performing secure credit card purchases, said method comprising:
a) contacting a custodial authorizing entity having custodial responsibility of account parameters of a customer's account that is used to make credit card purchases;
b) supplying said custodial authorizing entity with at least account identification data of said customer's account;
c) defining at least one payment category to include at least limiting a number of transactions to one or more merchants, said one or more merchants limitation being included in said payment category prior to any particular merchant being identified as one of said one or more merchants;
d) designating said payment category;
e) generating a transaction code by a processing computer of said custodial authorizing entity, said transaction code reflecting at least the limits of said designated payment category to make a purchase within said designated payment category;
f) communicating said transaction code to a merchant to consummate a purchase with defined purchase parameters;
g) verifying that said defined purchase parameters are within said designated payment category; and
h) providing authorization for said purchase so as to confirm at least that said defined purchase parameters are within said designated payment category and to authorize payment required to complete the purchase.
在'988的Claim 21中,實現執行安全信用卡交易的系統,(系統)方法包括接收帳號資訊、接收交易請求、產生交易碼,並以此與商店通訊,之後接收到授權付費的請求,最後完成授權付費。
21. A method for implementing a system for performing secure credit card purchases, the method comprising:
a) receiving account information from an account holder identifying an account that is used to make credit card purchases;
b) receiving a request from said account holder for a transaction code to make a purchase within a payment category that at least limits transactions to a single merchant, said single merchant limitation being included in said payment category prior to any particular merchant being identified as said single merchant;
c) generating a transaction code utilizing a processing computer of a custodial authorizing entity, said transaction code associated with said account and reflecting at least the limits of said payment category, to make a purchase within said payment category;
d) communicating said transaction code to said account holder;
e) receiving a request to authorize payment for a purchase using said transaction code;
f) authorizing payment for said purchase if said purchase is within said payment category.

在解釋專利範圍時,請求項範圍(claims 1, 21 of '988)可以區分兩種範圍,一是限定在多個交易到一或多個零售商One or More Merchants Limitation、"at least limiting a number of transactions to one or more merchants"),另一則是限定在多個交易到單一零售商Single Merchant Limitation, "at least limits transactions to a single merchant"),PTAB認為後者如果無效,前者也會無效,因此僅根據對於"single merchant"的決定,而認為"one or more merchants"也一併無效。其中,解釋單一零售商的範圍時,PTAB引用前案"Cohen (US6,422,462)"作出專利無效的決定,包括涵蓋以上兩種範圍專利不具新穎性與非顯而易知性的決定。

A. Anticipation of Claims 1–10, 15-25, 27–33, and 35–38 by Cohen
B. Obviousness of Claims 11–14, 26, and 34 over Cohen and Musmanno
(註:Cohen提出改善信用卡交易的方法,手段是將客製化信用卡限定用途在餐廳、訂飛機票、旅館、一些商店等,"The card could even customized for use in a particular store itself or a particular chain of stores (such as a particular restaurant, or a particular chain of restaurants).")

對此決定,專利權人John D’Agostino提出上訴。

CAFC首先表示同意PTAB使用BRI原則解釋專利範圍,但卻認為PTAB並未參酌系爭專利的審查答辯歷史(patent prosecution history),答辯歷史使得專利範圍中一或多個零售商與單一零售商限定的解釋有了微妙的差異,否決PTAB僅根據單一理由就駁回所有的請求項範圍。

CAFC法官評論PTAB作出的專利範圍解釋時,認為前案"Cohen"中的「連鎖商店"a chain of stores"」僅用以對比「one or more merchants」的範圍,因此不認同PTAB的決定。


其中,單一零售商Single Merchant Limitation明顯表示系統對每個不同零售商提出分開的通訊,也就是信用卡保管方對不同零售商產生不同的交易碼(transaction code),根據系爭專利審查歷史的證據顯示,Single Merchant Limitation表示僅限定某零售商使用所產生的交易碼。使得CAFC法官認為,限定到某一特定商店或是到連鎖商店(particular store or chain of stores)並不同於限定到單一零售商的情況


以上就是解釋專利範圍的步驟,這使得single merchant limitation與one or more merchant limitation有不同的交易流程,PTAB在作出判斷時顯得不夠周詳,這也可能是CAFC用更嚴格的方式檢驗解釋專利範圍中的細節。如此認為PTAB不當以Cohen的連鎖商店解釋single merchant limitation作為不具新穎性與顯而易知的核駁意見。

"we (the CAFC) will not find the Board’s decision unsupported by substantial evidence simply because the Board chose one conclusion over another plausible alternative."

my two cents:





