2017年1月18日 星期三

上訴的立場 - Phigenix v. ImmunoGen (Fed. Cir. 2017)

本案例的話題是,上訴人自己有專利,但宣稱對方並不接受授權而"被迫"提訴(對於IPR決定,但IPR本身的利害關係是因為與過去有關IPR的專利權的家族關係),但是卻被法院認為因為沒有「損害的事實(Injury in Fact)」而不符上訴的立場,因此撤銷上訴。

被上訴人/專利權人:IMMUNOGEN, INC.

此爭議關於幾方人馬,Appellee ImmunoGen, Inc.為系爭專利'856專利權人,本次被上訴人ImmunoGen為第二專利權人,Genentech Inc.為系爭專利全球專屬被授權人,並生產藥品:Kadcyla®TM。本次上訴人Phigenix, Inc.為藥品開發商,並擁有自己的專利US8,080,534,但尚未開發出產品,此次爭議即緣起Phigenix, Inc.宣稱Genentech Inc.的產品落入此專利'534範圍中,但Genentech Inc.拒絕被授權,使得Phigenix, Inc."被迫"提起訴訟。

Phigenix因為已經開發出產品的Genentech Inc.不願付授權金,因此對系爭專利'856提出IPR,主張專利為顯而易見,但於PTAB最終決定是認為專利有效,非顯而易見。Phigenix提出上訴。

系爭專利US8,337,856關於一種「huMab4D5 ANTI-ErbB2抗體 - 美登木素生物鹼偶聯物(antibody-maytansinoid conjugates)」,所主張的專利聲稱可以治療癌症。

1. An immunoconjugate comprising an anti-ErbB2 antibody conjugated to a maytansinoid, wherein the antibody is huMAb4D5-8.
2. The immunoconjugate of claim 1, wherein the maytansinoid is DM1 having the structure:

Figure US08337856-20121225-C00001

and wherein the antibody is chemically linked to the maytansinoid via a disulfide or thioether group at “R” shown in the structure.

Phigenix提出上訴,專利權人ImmunoGen主張Phigenix並沒有上訴的立場("lacked standing to appeal the PTAB’s Final Written Decision"),在CAFC前一次判決中駁回專利權人提起的請願(denying motion to dismiss)(Phigenix, Inc. v. ImmunoGen, Inc., No. 2016-1544 (Fed. Cir. Apr. 20, 2016))。

然而,Phigenix應該證明其具有對PTAB最終決定(final decision)上訴的立場,對此所謂上訴的立場(standing)為憲法賦予的權力,但防止濫訴,上訴人應具有幾個要件(都要符合):

(1) suffered an injury in fact, (實質受到損害)
(2) that is fairly traceable to the challenged conduct of the appellee, (上訴議題可追溯到被上訴人的行為)
(3) that is likely to be redressed by a favorable judicial decision (上訴議題可以因為上訴而被解決)

判決中解釋了以上三點上訴要件,其中"injury-in-fact(損害的事實)"需要具體與特定(concrete and particularized)的證據,所述"concrete"就是需要有實質損害的具體證據,也包括即將面臨的損害(imminent),不能用假設的;所述"particularized"就是受到損害的就是上訴人本人。

以上幾點要件稱為"General Article III Standing Requirements",是在訴訟階段要證明上訴人的合理立場,但是IPR為行政程序,並不考量這部分資格,但不證明可以提出IPR的人也具備了上訴的立場("not every party will have Article III standing in an appeal"),除了patently-o的報導外,找到一篇討論,應該是有幫助:https://www.morganlewis.com/pubs/supreme-court-issues-closely-watched-article-iii-standing-decision

於是,對於上訴立場的舉證責任就落在Phigenix, Inc.Phigenix, Inc.提出因為系爭專利的存在,包括被授權人的產品已經上市,造成其遭受很大的競爭威脅,也拖累自己專利的授權。

法官認為,或許Phigenix, Inc.用自己的專利'534授權給同一人ImmunoGen以及讓系爭專利'856無效後可能增加的獲利,但是,事實上Phigenix, Inc.的專利'534並沒有授權給任何人,沒有證明因為專利授權不力而造成的損害,使得Phigenix, Inc.的主張僅是假設性議題因此判斷沒有證明上訴人有面對侵害本次系爭專利的風險

Phigenix, Inc.使出全部的招數說服法官其有上訴的立場,還主張因為PTAB作出專利有效的決定造成他自己將來的合約的不利影響。但因為Phigenix, Inc.還沒有面對任何侵權議題,法院都不採。

因為上訴人並未提供建立其損害的足夠事實(injury in fact),CAFC撤銷本次上訴。

my two cents:


28 U.S.C. § 1295(a)(4)(A)(規定CAFC法院管轄權,CAFC對以下幾點具有專屬管轄權,其中包括(4)(A)規定的「依據PTAB對於專利申請案、申請人調查、再審、PGR或IPR等的決定提出上訴」,並要確認上訴人是否有權上訴...)
28 U.S. Code § 1295 - Jurisdiction of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
(a) The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit shall have exclusive jurisdiction—
(4) of an appeal from a decision of—
(A) the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office with respect to a patent application, derivation proceeding, reexamination, post-grant review, or inter partes review under title 35, at the instance of a party who exercised that party’s right to participate in the applicable proceeding before or appeal to the Board, except that an applicant or a party to a derivation proceeding may also have remedy by civil action pursuant to section 145 or 146 of title 35; an appeal under this subparagraph of a decision of the Board with respect to an application or derivation proceeding shall waive the right of such applicant or party to proceed under section 145 or 146 of title 35;




