2017年2月21日 星期二

專利範圍中前言、步驟順序與條件產生的問題 - Michael S. Sutton Ltd. v. Nokia Corp. (Dist. Court, ED Texas 2009)


另討論到「條件發明(conditional invention)」,其實很少人這樣講,我也是偶爾看到老外這樣稱呼,不過也算是中題。以下為相關案例(Michael S. Sutton Ltd. v. Nokia Corp. (Dist. Court, ED Texas 2009)),忘了是從哪裡得到的資訊,如果找回,會適當填回。

Ving...if...; and

侵權被告:NOKIA CORPORATION and Nokia Inc.
系爭專利:US 5,771,238

本案是有上訴到CAFC,不過CAFC以Rule 36終止程序,CAFC同意地院意見。(Rule 36可參考:http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/07/rule-36-cafc.html


Claim 1:
1. A method of preparing a message packet for digital data transmission which enables eight bit data, binary data and control messages to be encapsulated in a 7 bit character packet where one or more of the 7 bit characters are prohibited comprising the steps of:
(1) analysing a message to be transmitted to ascertain if it is a control message or a data message,
(2) if a data message,
(a) analysing it to determine if it can be compressed according to a known compression technique and if so compressing the data by that technique,
(b) if compression was not possible, and if the data consists of characters which are uniquely determined by 7 bits, treating the data as a 7 bit character string and stuffing the 7 bit character string into an 8 bit string,
(c) assigning a sub-channel number to data which is processed according to steps 2(a) or (b) or which has not been so processed,
(3) assembling the message packet which incorporates
(a) framing information which includes bits which indicate whether the packet is control data or message data,
(b) information indicative of assigned sub-channel where the message is a data message, and
(c) the control data or
(d) the compressed, stuffed or unoptimised message data,
(4) unpacking the packet from 8 bit bytes to form a 7 bit byte packet,
(5) analysing the 7 bit byte packet to ascertain if it contains any prohibited characters and if so substituting such prohibited characters with a suitable escape character and a complementary check character to produce the message packet for transmission.

Claim 3:
3. A method of receiving an incoming encoded binary message having packets transmitted over a paging network by a selective call receiver which enables the message receiver to receive at a single network address, unmodified paging messages and to selectively accept or reject eight bit data information messages and encoded control messages as well as being able to accept or reject data information messages specified for a specific subchannel (0-255) for which the receiver respectively is or is not currently authorised to accept; for each received packet of an incoming message the method comprising the steps of:
(1) if the received packet has a predetermined header and the receiver is configured to receive unmodified messages, then processing the packet as a modified packet according to steps (2) to (8), otherwise sending the packet to a user's application as an unmodified paging message,
(2) if the receiver is configured to receive only data information messages processing the packet according to steps (3) to (8),
(3) treating the packet as 7 bit characters and reconstituting any characters indicated by a predetermined flag,
(4) packing the 7 bit characters into 8 bit characters,
(5) checking a frame byte for type of packet and compression,
(6) decompressing the packet to data,
(7) validating the subchannel and if valid releasing security passing the data to an end user application, and
(8) if the message is a control message parsing and processing the control message.


解釋專利範圍(claim construction)時,法院引用內部證據,包括說明書與專利審查歷史,並以一般文字意義解釋請求項發明。這裡即採用前例的標準:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html)。



"A preamble is generally construed as a limitation if it recites essential structure or steps or if it is necessary to give life, meaning, or vitality to the claim."

"On the other hand, a preamble is not limiting where a patentee defines a structurally complete invention in the claim body and the preamble is merely used to state a purpose or intended use to the invention."




"Generally, "although a method claim necessarily recites the steps of the method in a particular order, as a general rule the claim is not limited to performance of the steps in the order recited, unless the claim explicitly or implicitly requires a specific order."

"However, the specification or prosecution history may also require a narrower, order-specific construction of a method claim in some cases."


有關「系爭專利請求項中所描述的「條件(if ...)」」,本案以"if"描述的專利範圍形成了強烈的「前後邏輯」,然而,這樣的邏輯若"不符邏輯",就可能形成無法據以實施的嚴重問題("if an invention is inoperable, then it will also fail the enablement requirement because a person skilled in the art would be unable to practice the invention")。


看來,系爭專利請求項3中的"if...only"描述方式造成了麻煩。「claim 3. ... (2) if the receiver is configured to receive only data information messages processing the packet according to steps (3) to (8)」,法院認為雖然似乎刪除"only"可以解決問題,但不同意在此刪除。

"No matter what the construction, there is no scenario where the claim steps can be logically performed giving meaning to all the words used in the claim. The logical inconsistency would be most easily resolved by the simple deletion of the word "only" from step (2). Though the inconsistency within claim 3 is likely the result of mere drafting error, courts are not permitted to rewrite claim language."



my two cents:

參考案例:方法步驟順序的限制 - Mformation v. RIM案例討論(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/09/mformation-v-rim.html

有關條件發明,有時無法避免地需要以「條件式」來撰寫專利範圍,但需要避免過於限定的用語,如"if ... only"。其他,我認為會有兩種不同的面相:



「專利性」討論時,案例顯示卻又不是這樣,專利範圍的"最廣"範圍在於「當有條件符合而流程結束,就以此為最廣專利範圍」,可參考案例報導Ex parte Schulhauser (PTAB 2013-007847)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/10/ex-parte-schulhauser-ptab-2013-007847.html)。也就是,當專利範圍中有多個條件式,但只要有前案揭露了其中一個條件符合後的動作,即算是對應到專利範圍的最大範圍。



