2017年6月22日 星期四



本案來源:CN-> PCT-> EP
申請人:ZTE Corp.


11.03.2011 - PCT申請日:03.10.2011,公開日:11.03.2011,申請號:PCT/CN2011/071689,優先權日:(CN) 04.30.2010,語言:中文。

11.03.2011 - PCT公開,同時公開檢索報告

11.22.2011 - 電子傳送優先權文件,語言:中文。

10.18.2012 - 進入歐洲專利局,取得EP申請日,此案同時申請實質審查,請求項也壓在沒有超項費用的15項。




11.21.2012 - 向EPO遞交PCT初步審查報告譯本,原本PCT初步審查報告由中國專利局提出,語文為中文。

12.07.2012 - 歐洲專利局回應費用與修正相關資訊,通知函表示PCT進入EPO案可於指定專利局前提出修正,也可在本次通知後六個月內提出(主動)修正,並表明本申請案請求項費用。

02.06.2013 - EPO通知將進行公開程序,以及賦予公開號。

10.01.2013 - EPO提出補充審查報告(supplementary European search report),包括初步意見,這個檢索報告比PCT提出的檢索報告更為豐富。

04.10.2014 - 申請人回應檢索報告(針對新穎性與進步性),並修正專利範圍與說明書內容,此案距接獲補充檢索報告有六個月。

04.30.2014 - 歐洲專利局要求申請人提交先前專利局(SIPO)的檢索報告。

12.18.2014 - 接獲歐洲專利局實質審查報告,審查委員同時也回應申請人之前回應補充檢索報告的內容。

03.19.2015 - 申請人提交之前SIPO作出的審查與檢索報告,此案共兩次。

03.24.2015 - 申請人回覆EPO實質審查報告,包括修正專利範圍。

06.16.2015 - 接獲歐洲專利局專利可核准通知,包括費用以及核准理由。

10.12.2015 - 申請人遞交歐洲專利核准後必要文件,除申請時使用英文外,此案包括德文、法文譯本。


10.29.2015 - 核准決定,包括指定國別(須於核准通知後三個月內指定國別,每個國家對於是否需要全本譯文有不同的要求)。

09.28.2016 - 通知核准公告異議期限過期(異議期限為核准公告後9個月)。

Art. 65 EPC
Article 65 Translation of the European patent
Any Contracting State may, if the European patent as granted, amended or limited by the European Patent Office is not drawn up in one of its official languages, prescribe that the proprietor of the patent shall supply to its central industrial property office a translation of the patent as granted, amended or limited in one of its official languages at his option or, where that State has prescribed the use of one specific official language, in that language. The period for supplying the translation shall end three months after the date on which the mention of the grant, maintenance in amended form or limitation of the European patent is published in the European Patent Bulletin, unless the State concerned prescribes a longer period. 
Any Contracting State which has adopted provisions pursuant to paragraph 1 may prescribe that the proprietor of the patent must pay all or part of the costs of publication of such translation within a period laid down by that State.
Any Contracting State may prescribe that in the event of failure to observe the provisions adopted in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2, the European patent shall be deemed to be void ab initio in that State.

歷程檔案可取自Global Dossierhttps://register.epo.org/application?number=EP11774309&lng=en&tab=doclist



