2017年7月19日 星期三

掃地機器專利訴訟報告 - 從專利瞭解iRobot技術與一些歷史

為了討論這些專利訴訟的內容(同時包括ITC與地方法院侵權訴訟),也趁機初步瞭解一下"iRobot"的專利現狀,先從美國專利開始。用"iRobot"搜尋美國專利,會看到幾個專利權人:"IROBOT CORPORATION"與"IROBOT DEFENSE HOLDINGS, INC.",其中專利權人為"IROBOT CORPORATION"應該是母公司,漸漸地成為家電大廠,目前為止擁有429件美國專利(資料來自USPTO),經查,確實都是一般熟知"iRobot"掃地機器人的相關專利。而分出的"IROBOT DEFENSE HOLDINGS, INC."則是繼續專注軍事用途的事業。
(Gallery of Figures)

"IROBOT CORPORATION"為數眾多的"9"與"8"為首的專利,顯見近年積極佈局的企圖,而且主要針對在地上爬行圓盤式的掃地機器人,目前可知美國設計專利有31件,我覺得這類家電除了其中人工智慧、電路設計的發明外,「外觀設計」應該也是重點,甚至可以看出家電產品的演變史。從已公告設計專利來看,"iRobot"是在投身家電掃地機器人後才積極佈局設計專利。一些統計資料由chrome外掛"petapator"形成。








從專利公開資料也可以粗略得出一個公司的發展史,例如,簡單從早期專利US6,263,989(Robotic platform,優先權日溯及1998年3月27日)可知,"iRobot"最早就是以遙控或自走式機器人開始,特別是軍事用途機器人。




系爭產品: Robotic Vacuum Cleaning Devices and Components Thereof
被告:Bissell Homecare, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan; Hoover Inc., Glenwillow, Ohio; Royal Appliance Manufacturing Co., Inc. d/b/a TTI Floor Care North America, Inc., Glenwillow, Ohio; Bobsweep, Inc., Canada; Bobsweep USA, Henderson, Nevada; The Black & Decker Corporation, Towson, Maryland; Black & Decker (U.S) Inc., Towson, Maryland; Shenzhen ZhiYi Technology Co., Ltd., d/b/a iLife, China; Matsutek Enterprises Co., Ltd., Taiwan; Suzhou Real Power Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., China; and Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., China. (台灣松騰實業也列為被告)


1. A mobile robot comprising:
(a) means for moving the robot over a surface;
(b) an obstacle detection sensor;
(c) and a control system operatively connected to said obstacle detection sensor and said means for moving;
(d) said control system configured to operate the robot in a plurality of operational modes and to select from among the plurality of modes in real time in response to signals generated by the obstacle detection sensor, said plurality of operational modes comprising: a spot-coverage mode whereby the robot operates in an isolated area, an obstacle following mode whereby said robot travels adjacent to an obstacle, and a bounce mode whereby the robot travels substantially in a direction away from an obstacle after encountering the obstacle, and wherein, when in the obstacle following mode, the robot travels adjacent to an obstacle for a distance at least twice the work width of the robot.


1. A sensor subsystem for an autonomous robot which rides on a surface, the sensor subsystem comprising:
an optical emitter which emits a directed optical beam having a defined field of emission;
a photon detector having a defined field of view which intersects the field of emission of the emitter at a region; and
a circuit in communication with the detector providing an output when an object is not present in the region thereby re-directing the autonomous robot.


1. A floor cleaning robot comprising:
a housing and a chassis;
wheels and at least one motor to drive the wheels disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to move the floor cleaning robot across a floor, each of the wheels being attached to the chassis via a respective arm having a distal end and a proximal end;
a control module disposed within the housing and directing movement of the floor cleaning robot across the floor;
at least one sensor for detecting an obstacle and communicating obstacle information to the control module so that the control module can cause the floor cleaning robot to react to the obstacle;
a removable bin disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to receive particulates; and
a first rotating member configured to direct particulates toward the bin,
wherein one of the wheels is rotatably attached to the distal end of each arm, and the proximal end of each arm is pivotably attached to the chassis,
wherein each wheel is biased to an extended position away from the robot chassis by a spring extending between the arm and the robot chassis, and
wherein, during cleaning, the weight of the floor cleaning robot overcomes a force from the spring biasing the wheels to an extended position.

1. An autonomous coverage robot comprising:
a drive system configured to maneuver the robot according to a heading setting and a speed setting;
a bump sensor responsive to a collision of the robot with an obstacle in a forward direction; and
a proximity sensor responsive to a potential obstacle forward of the robot;
wherein the drive system is configured to reduce the speed setting in response to a signal from the proximity sensor indicating detection of a potential obstacle, while continuing to advance the robot according to the heading setting;
wherein the drive system is configured to increase the speed setting if the drive system does not receive a subsequent signal indicating the presence of an obstacle while continuing to advance according to the heading setting and the reduced speed setting; and
wherein the drive system is configured to alter the heading setting in response to a signal received from the bump sensor indicating contact with an obstacle.


1. A self-propelled floor-cleaning robot comprising
a housing defining a housing perimeter;
a powered primary brush assembly disposed within the housing perimeter and positioned to engage a floor surface, the primary brush assembly being configured to rotate about an axis generally parallel to the floor surface;
a cliff detector carried by the housing and configured to direct a beam toward the floor surface and to respond to a falling edge of the floor surface; and
a powered side brush extending beyond the housing perimeter and positioned to brush floor surface debris from beyond the housing perimeter, the side brush being configured to rotate about an axis generally perpendicular to the floor surface and to rotate in a direction to direct debris toward the robot along a projected direction of movement of the powered primary brush assembly, the side brush having bundles of bristles and being positioned such that the bundles of bristles pass between the cliff detector and the floor surface during a rotation of the side brush around the axis, the bundles of bristles being separated by a gap, the gap being configured to prevent occlusion of the cliff detector beam during at least part of the rotation of the side brush around the axis;
a particulate receptacle positioned to receive and collect particulates brushed from the floor surface by the primary brush assembly and the powered side brush;
an obstacle detector responsive to obstacles encountered by the robot; and
a control circuit in electrical communication with a motor drive and configured to control the motor drive to maneuver the robot about detected obstacles across the floor surface during a floor-cleaning operation.


1. A method of cleaning a room, the method comprising:
transmitting from a cleaning robot to a mobile phone a status of the cleaning robot; and
receiving at the cleaning robot from the mobile phone, in response to an operator command input at the mobile phone and at least in part indicative of a schedule, information including instructions configured to cause a processor of the cleaning robot to execute a cleaning operation in the room according to the schedule, wherein executing the cleaning operation in the room according to the schedule comprises:
leaving a stationary charging device at which the cleaning robot is docked according to the schedule, and
navigating about a floor surface of the room.


如:Bissell SmartClean Model 1974





my two cents:






