2017年7月24日 星期一

歐洲"Programs for computers"專利撰寫筆記

Guidelines for Examination

Part F – The European Patent Application
Chapter IV – Claims (Art. 84 and formal requirements)
3.9 Claims directed to computer-implemented inventions

3.9.1 Cases where all method steps can be fully implemented by generic data processing means

(T 410/96T 1173/97 and T 2140/08)

Method claim (claim 1)
A computer-implemented method comprising steps A, B, ...
A method carried out by a computer comprising steps A, B, ...
Apparatus/device/system claim (claim 2)
A data processing apparatus/device/system comprising means for carrying out [the steps of] the method of claim 1.
A data processing apparatus/device/system comprising means for carrying out step A, means for carrying out step B, ...
A data processing apparatus/device/system comprising a processor adapted to/configured to perform [the steps of] the method of claim 1.
Computer program [product] claim (claim 3)
A computer program [product] comprising instructions which, when the program is executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out [the steps of] the method of claim 1.
A computer program [product] comprising instructions which, when the program is executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out steps A, B, ....
Computer-readable [storage] medium/data carrier claim (claim 4)
A computer-readable [storage] medium comprising instructions which, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out [the steps of] the method of claim 1.
A computer-readable [storage] medium comprising instructions which, when executed by a computer, cause the computer to carry out steps A, B, ...
A computer-readable data carrier having stored thereon the computer program [product] of claim 3.
3.9.2 Cases where method steps require specific data processing means and/or require additional technical devices as essential features

A method of determining oxygen saturation in blood in a pulse oximeter, comprising:
receiving in an electromagnetic detector first and second electromagnetic radiation signals from a blood-perfused tissue portion corresponding to two different wavelengths of light;
normalising said electromagnetic signals according to steps A, B and C to provide normalised electromagnetic signals;
determining oxygen saturation based on said normalised electromagnetic signals according to steps D and E.
A pulse oximeter having an electromagnetic detector and means adapted to execute the steps of the method of claim 1.
A computer program [product] comprising instructions to cause the device of claim 2 to execute the steps of the method of claim 1.
A computer-readable medium having stored thereon the computer program of claim 3.

Part G – Patentability
Chapter II – Inventions
3.6 Programs for computers



(T 1173/97 and G 3/08):
"A computer program claimed by itself is not excluded from patentability if it is capable of bringing about, when running on or loaded into a computer, a further technical effect going beyond the "normal" physical interactions between the program (software) and the computer (hardware) on which it is run (T 1173/97 and G 3/08). "

"Likewise, although it may be said that all computer programming involves technical considerations since it is concerned with defining a method which can be carried out by a machine, that in itself is not enough to demonstrate that the program which results from the programming has technical character; the programmer must have had technical considerations beyond "merely" finding a computer algorithm to carry out some procedure (G 3/08)."

所述進一步的技術效果(technical effect)需要電腦程式中的技術特點,如控制工業程序、電腦內部功能或其介面,而影響了程序的效能或安全性,因此,實現數學方法的電腦程式本身仍可能具有技術貢獻,應考量其是否帶來技術效果
"A further technical effect which lends technical character to a computer program may be found e.g. in the control of an industrial process or in the internal functioning of the computer itself or its interfaces under the influence of the program and could, for example, affect the efficiency or security of a process, the management of computer resources required or the rate of data transfer in a communication link. A computer program implementing a mathematical method that itself makes a technical contribution (see G‑II, 3.3) would also be considered to be capable of bringing about a further technical effect when it is run on a computer."

"Whether a computer program can contribute to the technical character of the claimed subject-matter is frequently an issue separate and distinct from the technical character of the hardware components which may be defined in order to execute the computer program. When a computer program produces a further technical effect (T 1173/97), it is by itself considered technical and not excluded. In contrast, any claimed subject-matter defining or using technical means is an invention within the meaning of Art. 52(1) (see T 424/03 and T 258/03, and confirmed in G 3/08). This applies even if the technical means are commonly known; for example, the inclusion of a computer, a computer network, a readable medium carrying a program, etc. in a claim lends technical character to the claimed subject-matter."

"If claimed subject-matter relating to a computer program does not have a technical character, it should be rejected under Art. 52(2) and (3). If the subject-matter passes this test for technicality, the examiner should then proceed to the questions of novelty and inventive step (see G‑VI and G‑VII)."

電腦軟體申請專利範圍不應包括電腦程序(program listings),但要包括具有可專利性方法的特徵。
"A patent may be granted on one of the different forms of a computer program product claim if all the requirements of the EPC are met; see in particular Art. 848354 and 56, and G‑III, 3 below. Such claims should not contain program listings, but should define all the features which assure patentability of the process which the program is intended to carry out when it is run (see F‑IV, 4.5.2, last sentence). Short excerpts from programs might be accepted in the description (see F‑II, 4.12)."

my two cents:



