2017年8月8日 星期二

消費者下決定背後的心理議題 - Ceramiche Caesar SpA v Caesarstone Sdot-Yam Ltd (SGCA 2017)



那如果買「建材」呢? 是否消費者會更著重「建材特性」,而不在乎「品牌」,這就是這篇訴訟報導的主要議題。

這篇新加坡上訴法院(Singapore Court of Appeal,SGCA)告訴我們消費者在怎樣的條件下會有商標混淆的問題而產生困惑?這個討論也頗有意思,因為爭議中的商標本身(如下)似乎不會有混淆,但是卻涉及相關類別的「消費者心理」所產生的商標認知混淆。

上訴人:Ceramiche Caesar SpA
被上訴人(被異議商標申請人):Caesarstone Sdot-Yam Ltd
判決日:26 April 2017

上訴人是義大利陶瓷磁磚製造商Ceramiche Caesar,已經擁有商標為:



兩者商標註冊類別都是Class 19,有關非金屬建築材料。
"Class 19: Non-metallic tiles, panels for floors, floor coverings, wall cladding, flooring, and ceilings; non-metallic covers for use with floors and parts thereof; non-metallic profiles and floor skirting boards; slabs and tiles formed of composite stone for building panels, counter tops, vanity tops, floors, stairs, and walls."

Ceramiche CaesarCaesarstone提出商標申請公開後提出異議,新加坡商標註冊處(Trade Marks Registry)駁回商標申請,於是Caesarstone上訴高等法院(High Court),高等法院駁回商標註冊處的決定(不認為有商標混淆的問題)。這回就由異議人Ceramiche Caesar上訴到新加坡上訴法院(SGCA)。

Ceramiche Caesar上訴理由:「Class 19」的消費者所在意的不是「商標」,而是商品價格與特性(建材的特性:耐水、耐刮、顏色、風格),也就是說,消費者對跟商品連結的商標是漠不關心的,反而導致更高的混淆("the consumer's indifference towards the mark used in relation to the goods led to a higher likelihood of confusion.")。

與我在看這段的內容相同的疑惑,高等法院法官的意見表示,如果如異議人所言,Class 19消費者對於特定商標的商品的關注不如商品本身的特性,應該就不會有連結商品的商標混淆的問題,不過上訴法院有不同的見解(不關注商標與商品連結的消費者反而會被混淆)。

(a)     whether, in appeals from the Trade Marks Registry, there is a threshold requirement for a "material error of fact or law” to be shown before appellate intervention is warranted ("Issue 1”);
(b)     whether the Judge erred in finding that the opposition under s 8(2)(b) of the TMA was not made out ("Issue 2”); and
(c)     whether the Judge erred in finding that the opposition under s 8(4)(a) read with s 8(4)(b)(i) of the TMA was not made out ("Issue 3”).

在分析過「消費者心理」後,上訴法院法官認為,在這個消費者可能比較不在乎「品牌差異」的類別中,「富有經驗的消費者」比較不會對商品來源產生混淆,但對於連結商品的商標"漠不關心(indifferent)"的消費者可能不在意這些競爭商標的差異,不過這樣就有混淆的可能性("likelihood of confusion")。





於是,法院認為,Class 19的消費者若如異議人所提對品牌「漠不關心」,反而會導致「混淆的可能性("likelihood of confusion")」。

"we are satisfied that consumer indifference towards the mark used in relation to the relevant goods or services does not preclude the question of a likelihood of confusion from arising. Consumer indifference would, in the normal course of events, point towards a likelihood of confusion in so far as consumers would pay less attention to the differences between the marks. Conversely, where consumers are especially sensitive towards the mark used in relation to the relevant goods or services (for example, in the case of luxury goods), this would likely point away from a likelihood of confusion as consumers would pay more attention to the differences between the marks. Accordingly, the finding that consumers of Class 19 goods are likely to be indifferent towards the mark used in relation to the goods points towards, rather than away from, a likelihood of confusion in the present case."


"The first is that consumer indifference towards the mark used in relation to the relevant goods or services is a conceptually distinct matter from the likelihood of confusion in relation to the marks. "

""trade mark” means any sign capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing goods or services dealt with or provided in the course of trade by a person from goods or services so dealt with or provided by any other person."

"The third (and final) reason is policy. The entire trade mark regime would be seriously undermined if a finding of a likelihood of confusion were excluded every time it was thought there was consumer indifference towards the competing marks because of the nature of the relevant goods or services."

(a)     there is no threshold requirement for a "material error of fact or law” to be shown before appellate intervention is warranted in appeals from the Trade Marks Registry (see [24] above);
(b)     the Judge erred in finding that the opposition under s 8(2)(b) of the TMA was not made out (see [93] above); and
(c)     the Judge did not err in finding that the opposition under s 8(4)(a) read with s 8(4)(b)(i) of the TMA was not made out (see [115] above).

my two cents:




