2017年8月17日 星期四

普通意思的意思 - NobelBiz v. Global Connect (Fed. Cir. 2017)

解釋專利範圍時,由該發明所屬技術領域中具有通常知識者("PHOSITA")以申請專利範圍文字的「一般與普通的意思("plain and ordinary meaning")」來解釋,接著才是以說明書、審查歷史等證據來輔助解釋專利範圍,更複雜的會涉及外部證據、專家證詞、均等論適用等。不過,最終都會歸咎於「申請專利範圍」文字本身。即便如此,法官對於專利範圍文字的解釋方式還是有些分岐。


原告/被上訴人/專利權人:NOBELBIZ, INC.

本案緣起原告NOBELBIZ對被告GLOBAL CONNECT, L.L.C.提起專利侵權訴訟,。

兩件系爭專利為同一家族專利,關於通訊技術中,修改通訊中訊息的方法,打電話時,會帶出電話號碼,可經資料庫查詢後,根據一區碼選擇「replacement telephone number」,並據以修改電話號碼為此"replacement telephone number",使得收話端看到的來電顯示為"replacement telephone number"

'122案Claim 1:
1. A system for processing an outbound call from a call originator to a call target, the system comprising:
a database storing a plurality of outgoing telephone numbers;
an information processor controlled by the call originator and configured to process a trigger comprising a telephone number of the call target;
access the database and select a replacement telephone number from the plurality of outgoing telephone numbers based on at least an area code of the telephone number of the call target;
modify caller identification data of the call originator to the selected replacement telephone number, the selected replacement telephone number having at least an area code the same as an area code of the telephone number of the call target; and
transmit the modified caller identification data of the call originator to the call target.

'399案Claim 1:
1. A system for handling an outbound call from a call originator to a call target, the system comprising:
a database storing a plurality of outgoing telephone numbers, each outgoing telephone number having one of two or more area codes; and
an information processor controlled by the call originator and configured to:
a) process a trigger comprising at least an area code of a telephone number of the call target;
b) select from the database a telephone number from the plurality of outgoing telephone numbers where the selected telephone number has at least an area code the same as the area code of the telephone number of the call target;
c) set caller identification data of the outbound call to the selected telephone number; and
d) transmit the caller identification data to the call target in connection with the outbound call.

在地方法院解釋專利範圍,爭議在幾個專利範圍用語“modify caller identification data of the call originator to the selected replacement telephone number,” “replacement telephone number,” “outbound call”的解釋。

對於"replacement telephone number",專利權人NOBELBIZ解釋為不同於原本來電號碼的號碼;被告解釋就稍微複雜:不同於來電識別碼(caller ID)中原始電話號碼的號碼,且用於取代原始電話號碼。

對於"modifying caller identification data of the call originator to the selected replacement telephone number",僅被告提出解釋,認為是改變來電識別碼中原始電話號碼;對於"outbound call",也是只有被告提出解釋,認為是啟始後撥打出去的電話。

地方法院在口頭辯論後,提出解釋專利範圍應以其「一般與普通的意思("plain and ordinary meaning")」來解釋,專家證詞也都站在各自的解釋立場。結果,陪審團判定侵權成立,被告於是提起重新審查的請求,被法官否決後,被告提起上訴。


這裡引述CAFC案例"O2 Micro Int’l Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Tech. Co. (Fed. Cir. 2008)",在此O2 Micro案例中,CAFC認為地方法院錯誤地讓陪審團自由考慮雙方爭辯內容而進行解釋專利範圍,而沒有自己的解釋,因此認為本案也如O2 Micro案一般,否絕地方法院僅採用陪審團以「一般與普通意思」解釋的專利範圍。

因此,CAFC自行解釋專利範圍,認為系爭專利範圍是修改了來電識別資料為"replacement telephone number",這裡的"replacement"實際上也是取代了某些資訊,即為原始電話號碼。


因此,CAFC法官解釋其中"replacement telephone number"為取代來電識別資料中的原始電話號碼的電話號碼。

對於另一用語"outbound call",地院同樣以一般且普通意思來解釋,而沒有自己的解釋。然而,CAFC同意被告解釋這個用語在專利中就是,系統運作於已經啟始的呼叫上,並賦予新的來電識別資料到收話端。根據系爭專利說明書內容,系統處理撥號端到受話端之間向外撥號(outbound call)的程序,且在系統處理此向外撥號程序前已經啟始完成的通訊連線。

如此,CAFC法官認為系爭專利說明書支持被告的解釋,主要是"outbound call"的解釋使得侵權不成立。發回重審。

"The panel majority holds that the term:
(1) “replacement telephone number” should be construed as “a telephone number that substitutes for an original telephone number,”;
(2) the term “modify caller identification data” should be construed as “change caller identification data,”;
(3) the term “outbound call” in the clause “transmit the caller identification data to the call target in connection with the outbound call” should be construed as “a call placed by an originator to a target"

my two cents:

判決文後記載Judge Newman的意見,不同於本次CAFC否決地方法院拒絕進一步解釋專利範圍中用語的判決。

Newman法官認為申請專利範圍用語並非有特別的意思,都是一般可知的用語,CAFC已經破壞陪審團制度,當系爭專利申請專利範圍的一般與普通的意思已經清楚,地院法官不需要額外進一步作出解釋,因為,陪審團制度就是在此,讓陪審團以「一般與普通的意思」解釋專利範圍中用語"replacement telephone number",並據此作侵權判斷。

移動或固定,有關陪審團與法院解釋專利範圍的討論 - Eon Corp. v. Silver Spring Networks (Fed. Cir. 2016)http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/03/eon-corp-v-silver-spring-networks-fed.html)




