2017年9月1日 星期五

缺乏證明「合理期待的成功」論述的非顯而易見性討論 - In re Stepan Co. (Fed. Cir. 2017)

關於「顯而易知性(obviousness)」的答辯(35 U.S.C. 103),有許多討論,目前典型的判斷原則是由KSR判例而來,一些整理如下。

  1. 發明中一般元件的結合如果沒有產生超出預期的結果,為顯而易見的技術,也就是先前技術元件的結合根據已知方法產生可預期的結果(Combining Prior Art Elements According to Known Methods To Yield Predictable Results)。
  2. 發明中的方法之一在發明的時間為已知問題,且明顯有專利範圍包含的解決方案,不能准予專利,也就是已知元件的簡單置換,產生可預期的結果(Simple substitution of one known element for another to obtain predictable results)。
  3. 已知技術的使用以相同的方式改善類似的裝置、方法與產品(Use of known technique to improve similar devices (methods, or products) in the same way)。
  4. 在已知裝置或產品上應用已知技術,產生可預期的結果(Applying a known technique to a known device (method, or product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results)。
  5. obvious to try—從有限已定義的、可預期的解決方案中選擇,產生合理可預期的成功(“Obvious to try” – choosing from a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable expectation of success)。
  6. 根據設計需要、市場的驅使,特定技術領域中已知的方式所引出相同領域的變化為相關技術領域中的人可預期(Known work in one field of endeavor may prompt variations of it for use in either the same field or a different one based on design incentives or other market forces if the variations are predictable to one of ordinary skill in the art)。
  7. 先前技術中一些教示、建議與動機(TSM)使得該項領域技術人員可以修改先前技術而得到該發明的技術(Some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that would have led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art reference teachings to arrive at the claimed invention)。
  1. 證明本發明的特徵(或可經過限縮)並非為先前技術所未揭露而教示
  2. 說明多個先前技術並非能夠輕易結合,可能是技術領域不同,可能是因為目的不同而無法輕易結合成本發明的樣態。
  3. 強調即使元件類似(可能是連接關係不同、製程前後順序產生改變、化學配方的微小改變),卻有不同的功效
  4. 技術領域不同,使得無法達成本發明的技術目的
  5. Secondary consideration,如long-felt need, failure of others, and commercial success



本案緣起PTAB判定系爭專利發明為相關領域一般技術人員有動機組合先前技術後能輕易完成,僅為一般例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”)達成可預期的成功reasonable expectation of success),不具非顯而易見性。專利申請人對此結果上訴CAFC。


1. An ultra-high load, aqueous glyphosate salt-containing concentrate comprising:
a. water;
b. glyphosate salt in solution in the water in an amount greater than about 39 weight percent of acid equivalent, based on the weight of the concentrate, said glyphosate salt being selected from the group consisting of the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate, the potassium salt of glyphosate, mixtures of the isopropylamine salt and the potassium salt of glyphosate and mixtures of the potassium salt and the ammonium salt of glyphosate;
c. a surfactant system in an amount ranging from about 1 to about 20 weight percent, based on the weight of the concentrate, comprising:
i. from about 10 to about 60 weight percent, based on the weight of the surfactant system, of one or more dialkoxylated alkylamines;
ii. from about 5 to about 30 weight percent, based on the weight of the surfactant system, of one or more water miscible solubilizers; and
iii. from about 30 to about 75 weight percent, based on the weight of the surfactant system, of one or more amine oxides;
said concentrate having a cloud point above at least 70° C. or no cloud point when the concentrate is heated to its boiling point.


本案說明書揭露了此發明是基於無法預期的發現:"surfactant systems comprising dialkoxylated
alkylamine, water miscible solubilizer and amine oxide allow for formulation of ultra-high loaded (‘high-strength’) glyphosate salt concentrates possessing high or no cloud points.",涉及其中溶液濁點(cloud point)的發現。

主要引用先前技術為U.S. Pub. No. 2003/0087764與U.S. Patent No. 5,843,866,在USPTO與PTAB階段都認為發明為前案的組合而輕易達成,並能有合理期待的成功(或說"可預期的成功")。

"An obviousness determination requires finding both “that a skilled artisan would have been motivated to combine the teachings of the prior art . . . and that the skilled artisan would have had a reasonable expectation of success in doing so.”1 Intelligent Bio-Sys., Inc. v. Illumina Cambridge Ltd., 821 F.3d 1359, 1367–68 (Fed. Cir. 2016)."

這裡省略判決書中提及各方論述先前技術與系爭案中「濁點」溫度範圍的意見,但重點是,法院認為PTAB並未解釋為何系爭案中選擇表面活性劑(surfactants)的「濁點」在70ºC以上是個「例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”)」?這也是PTAB認為系爭案發明相關領域技術人員可以根據先前技術而有成功合理的期待(可預期的成功)的主要因素。

對於法院而言,需要足夠的理由才能判斷「顯而易見性」- 需要證明相關領域技術人員可以通過「例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”)」達到系爭專利發明。


  1. 系爭案發明的濁點可以通過例行的實驗得到(例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”));
  2. 系爭案發明為先前技術所教示的選擇而已;
  3. 根據先前技術,系爭案發明中在溶液中採用的「濁點」為「可預期的成功」。

然而,法院認為:"Nor did the Board articulate why a person of ordinary skill in the art would have had a reasonable expectation of success to formulate the claimed surfactant system with a cloud point above at least 70ºC."



CAFC要求更多證據,認為要證明為「成功的合理期待/可預期的成功(reasonable expectation of success)」,應該不僅是認為有動機去改變參數(如60ºC70ºC),或是嘗試多次選擇直到成功為止。(法院認為PTAB論述不夠,主要敗訴理由之二

"“To have a reasonable expectation of success, one must be motivated to do more than merely to vary all parameters or try each of numerous possible choices until one possibly arrived at a successful result.” Pfizer, Inc. v. Apotex, Inc., 480 F.3d 1348, 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (quoting Medichem, S.A. v.
Rolabo, S.L., 437 F.3d 1157, 1165 (Fed. Cir. 2006))."



my two cents:


「顯而易見性」的「主觀意識」含量很重,因此,要說服各方還不是件容易的事。如此,一切判斷都需要足夠的「事實發現(factual findings)」與合理的論述,至少法院需要如此。

本案涉及的是要證明一個發明「顯而易見」,需要有足夠的理由證明系爭案發明是「例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”)」,要證明在相關領域技術人員來說,使得系爭案發明為可預期的成功。

但可惜的是,法院認為PTAB缺乏足夠支持系爭案發明為「例行程序的優化(“routine optimization”)」而顯而易見的理由,我們只能看到負面教材。(但仍有許多案例供我們"正面"學習)

然而,對此結果,法官LOURIE認為系爭專利發明僅是一些非技術元件的條件與前案(Pallas)不同,前案幾乎與系爭專利無異,,不認為可以用相關領域一般技術人員(PHOSITA)修改先前技術仍缺乏成功的合理期待(reasonable expectation of success)而簡單判斷改善了先前技術的發明為可專利的發明。

且認為,即便"reasonable expectation of success"是個適當的顯而易見性測試,但卻未交代哪種成功是合理的期待?
"Even if reasonable expectation of success is a proper test in such a situation, what is the success for which there must be a reasonable expectation?"

"Where, as here, there is a single prior art reference, there does not need to be a finding of reasonable expectation of success for those skilled in a particular art to make conventional modifications to the prior art and look for improvements in some parameter."




