2018年2月22日 星期四

結構特徵也可以隱含在製程描述中 - In re Nordt Development Co., LLC. (Fed. Cir. 2018)

In re Nordt Development Co., LLC. (Fed. Cir. 2018)

前言: 本案為少見的專利申請人「如此頑強」地為了專利性上訴到CAFC的案例,結果是"部分"偏向申請人。

本篇案例討論到product by process,這是「製程」相關案很重要的申請專利範圍,除了製程範圍外,如何「界定一個產品」?

系爭案:13/241,865(公開號:US 2012/0016284)
判決日:February 8, 2018

本案緣起系爭案在專利審查階段被核駁後,提出訴願,PTAB仍然確認系爭專利請求項Claims 1, 14不具專利性的決定,申請人上訴CAFC。

系爭案關於一種樞紐關節具有雙樞軸的支持結構,結構具有可彈性延伸的框架,以及樞紐結構,請求項經審查過程中,最後到訴訟的範圍共有20項,其中Claim 1, 14為獨立項,Claim 1如下,具有樞紐關節的支持結構包括樞紐結構、塑膠可延展框架與其相關細節結構(如下圖),其中以「injection molded」描述支撐結構、兩側結構(arm)與相關框架。

1. A support for an area of a body that includes a hinge joint, comprising:
(a) a hinge mechanism comprising an injection molded strut component and injection molded first and second arm components;
(b) an elastically stretchable framework injection molded about the strut and arm components of the hinge mechanism, the framework being configured to extend
across the hinge joint of the area of the body, and the framework defining a flexible, elastically stretchable web of elastomeric interconnecting members;
(c) wherein the first arm component is connected to the strut component such that the first arm component is rotatable relative to the strut component only about a first pivot axis;
(d) wherein the second arm component is connected to the strut component such that the second arm component is rotatable relative to the strut component only about a second pivot axis; and 
(e) wherein the strut component is configured to extend with the framework across the hinge joint such that the first pivot axis is located on a first side of the hinge joint and the second pivot axis is located on a second, opposite side of the hinge joint.

這是一種塑膠護膝,專利圖示如下,判決書有彩色照片,編號106為塑膠網狀的框架、108為具有支撐112的樞接處,以及兩側結構114, 116。

請求項中用語「"injection molded"(注塑成型)」實際是描述一個製程動作,PTAB判定這個用語對於解釋專利範圍沒有比重("no patentable weight"),但CAFC判定PTAB解釋專利範圍有誤,成為勝訴(部分)的關鍵。

系爭案說明書描述「injection molded」是一個較佳的製作方法,例如:

"The supports of the invention and, in particular, the embodiments collectively shown and described above preferably are manufactured in injection molding processes, whereby the various components of each embodiment of the support, including, inter alia, the framework and strut components, are integrally formed from elastomeric materials."

"In particular, the strut components and strap interface components can be formed through injection molding of a first elastomeric material, and then the framework can be formed through injection molding of a second elastomeric material about the strut components and strap interface components."

一般來說,在請求項中以「製程」描述一些結構關係,可能會被視為「product by process」,而在美國專利實務中,這類申請專利範圍中的製程描述會是"no weight",不列入專利性考慮中,使得引用前案審查時,即便前案沒有揭露此製作方式,但結構上已經涵蓋,仍成為有效的先前技術。例如,系爭案審查時,面對先前專利US6,238,360(如下圖式),審查委員認為此前案'360已經涵蓋系爭案請求項所界定的支持結構。

答辯時,專利申請人Nordt主張「injection molded」表達了明確的結構限制,而前案'360卻沒有揭露以「injection molded」製作的支撐結構與框架。

PTO審查委員承認'360並未揭露以「injection molded」製程,但是系爭案請求項為產品,前案已經揭露其中結構特徵。案件上訴到PTAB,PTAB同樣認為製程產生的結構特徵並未有說服力而駁回專利。


上訴議題是:上訴人主張PTAB錯誤將請求項視為「product-by-process」專利範圍,而將其中「injection molded」視為製程特徵而沒有專利比重(no patentable weight)。

product by process專利範圍解釋原則:


參考案例:In re Thorpe, 777 F.2d 695, 697 (Fed. Cir. 1985) (“[E]ven though product-by-process claims are limited by and defined by the process, determination of patentability
is based on the product itself.”).

以上原則是對的,然而,又不是那麼地儀文主義,一旦製程特徵指向特定結構特徵,仍可能被考慮為結構的限制(structural limitation),仍應列入專利性考量

"If the process limitation connotes specific structure and may be considered a structural limitation, however, that structure should be considered. In re Garnero, 412 F.2d 276, 279 (CCPA 1969) (holding that “interbonded one to another by interfusion” connotes structure to a claimed composite and should therefore be considered in the determination of patentability)."

按照案例Garnero,其中專利範圍描述的「intermixed, ground in place, press fitted, etched, welded」等製程的全部或是分開都會產生結構特徵,如此,系爭案Claim 1應該被解釋為具有製程的產品專利範圍,而不僅是結構專利範圍。

"The trouble with the solicitor’s approach is that it necessarily assumes that claim 1 should be construed as a product claim containing a process, rather than structural, limitation."

CAFC法官認為,product by process專利範圍的專利性審查時,應該是:通過整個專利範圍的限制所定義出的結構特徵。換句話說,不是僅看結構的描述而刻意忽略其中製程特徵,而是整體定義出的結構特徵。

(重要)因此,即便系爭案說明書描述「injection molded」為製程步驟,但卻忽略了以此製程產生的結構差異(具有彈性的塑膠結構),CAFC駁回PTAB對於製程特徵不給予任何可專利的比重的意見。

my two cents:

本篇系爭案在PTO、PTAB就如一般經驗,解釋產品範圍時,「直接排除請求項中製程特徵」,而僅審查其中結構特徵,即便前案沒有其中製程(本案指”injection molded”)特徵,但是結構特徵一致,仍判不具新穎性。


(重要)product by process專利範圍的專利性審查時,應該是:通過整個專利範圍的限制所定義出的結構特徵。以整體定義出的結構範圍比對先前技術。這樣也提示我們,撰寫這類專利說明書時,要很明確地將製程連結(製作)到結構特徵,並且答辯時,申請人也要很明確地指出這些關聯



"We have held that, when considering the patentability of product claims that contain process limitations, claim scope is generally based on the product itself, not the process."




