2018年2月8日 星期四

申請專利範圍的格式與形式 - WIPO資料(1)


[WIPO "Patent Claim Format And Types Of Claims"筆記]

  1. 各請求項應以一個單句("single sentence")完成,除了句尾用句點結束,其他用逗點、分號等標點。
  2. 請求項識別符,如Claim 1。
  3. 請求項撰寫於專利說明書尾段(WIPO)。
  4. 請求項的內容:前言連接語內容
  5. 前言:請求項標的:apparatus, device, article, composition, method, process...。
  6. 前言:請求項標的應與發明名稱一致。
  7. 前言:可引述發明的目的,如:an apparatus for cooking...。
  8. 連接語:開放式:comprising, including, containing, characterized by...。
  9. 連接語:封閉式:consisting of...。(補充:如果以封閉式撰寫請求項,其中有百分比成份的描述,應最後相加為100%,否則為不明確)
  10. 請求項內容:要解釋不同元件之間的關係。
  11. 兩段式請求項("improvement claims", "Jepson type"):前言描述習知技術;連接語:"wherein the improvement comprises", "characterized in that", "characterized by";內容:描述新穎特徵。
  12. 功能手段用語(means-plus-function):請求項描述以結構特徵執行的功能,但其解釋則是被司法判決所左右,請求項中的手段功能用語必須充分地描述由結構特徵執行。
  13. 善用"a", "an" "the", "said"來建立前述基礎("antecedent basis")。
  14. 請求項元件可以括號標示圖式編號。
  15. 請求項可以"wherein", "whereby", "such that"以進一步定義特徵、功能關係。
  16. 「多元件(multiple elements)」請求項,也就是申請專利範圍不會僅有一個元件(附屬項為依附前述請求項,無此疑慮)。
  17. 請求項形式:(1)裝置;(2)方法;(3)用途("use claim");(4)成份("composition claim");(5)方法界定產品("product by process");(6)生技("biotechnology claim");(7)軟體("software claim");(8)綜合式("omnibus claim");(9)設計。
  18. 用途請求項(Swiss type):
  19. "The use of substance X as an insecticide ..."
    "The use of a transistor in an amplifying circuit ..."
    (醫藥類)"The use of compound XYZ in the manufacture of a treatment for malaria ..."
  20. 方法界定產品("product by process"):有些國家判定為產品專利,有些則是判定為方法專利。因此撰寫時需要判斷是否一定要用這個寫法。
    "A metalic salt obtained by a process comprising the steps of ..."
  21. 軟體("software claim")請求項的形式:
    (1) "A computer-readable storage medium storing instructions that when executed by a computer cause the computer to perform a method for using a computer system to [function], the method comprising: ..."
    (2) "A memory for storing data for access by an application program being executed on a data processing system, comprising ...
    a data structure stored in the memory, the data structure including information resident in a database used by the application program and including: [steps]."
  22. 綜合式("omnibus claim")請求項:引用說明說或圖示說明,但不是所有專利局都接受這樣的寫法,建議同一件專利中還是要搭配其他形式的請求項範圍。
    (1) "an apparatus for harvesting corn as described in the description."
    (2) "a juice machine as shown in figure 4."

[補充] 「method」申請專利範圍一般認知是要以多個「Ving」為首的步驟元件撰寫,這沒錯,也是通用方式,但這個寫法完全是因為要符合「文法」,因為整個請求項(claims)就一個動詞:「We/I Claim(s):」因此,後面描述都不能有「原型動詞」,不過,這仍視「preamble」如何撰寫而定,如果有了「to」在前,後面自然就接了「原型動詞」。


US 9609017
1. A method for mitigating distributed denial of service attacks executable by a system comprising one or more traffic manager computing devices, client devices and server devices across one or more networks, the method comprising steps to:
obtain by a first processor network information relating to a received request from a requesting device, the obtained network information comprising a plurality of network parameters associated with the requesting device, wherein the obtaining further comprises determining when additional network information is required to assign a rating;
determine by a second processor a rating for the network parameters based on an associated weight value when the additional network information is determined not to be required to assign the rating, wherein the network parameters are separately assigned with associated weight values;
determine by a third processor an action to take with respect to the request based on a comparison of a determined rating and a threshold rating, wherein the determining further comprises assigning one or more classification policies to a section of a range in the threshold rating; and
execute by a fourth processor a determined action comprising adjusting one or more quality of service parameters to a connection associated with the requesting device, wherein the quality of service parameters comprise one or more of an error rate, a bit rate, or a transmission delay.

如果標的不是「method」,而是system或是computer readable medium...,也有這樣的寫法:

US 7606149
13. A computer readable medium encoded with computer software, executed by a processor to perform steps to:
monitor at an interface, a plurality of active communication sessions, each active communication session between at least two endpoints; 

detect at an interface, at least one quality-impacted communication session out of the plurality of active communication sessions; 

generate by the processor, a first alert for each detected quality-impacted communication session out of the plurality of active communication sessions until a first throttling number of quality-impacted communication sessions is detected out of the plurality of active communication sessions; and 
upon detecting the first throttling number of quality-impacted communication sessions, generate by the processor, a second alert for each group of additional second number of quality-impacted communication sessions detected out of the plurality of active communication sessions.


