2018年5月23日 星期三

美國臨時案與優先權討論 - 筆記

網友"黃先生 (Huang Ching-Wen)"在「蘋果擅(善)用Provisional申請案的專利布局」文後留下一個問題:

您好, 請問如果申請的provisional patent為一個系統(產品),內容敘述與部件包含ABCD,若提出申請後,發現B已經有公開論文發表,這份provisional patent 未來是否無法就ACD轉為正式專利? 是否建議應該將ABCD分開寫成provisional patent ,較能保障權益? 謝謝您!

[+] 我的簡單回答是,一個發明"通常是"多個技術的組合,而且常常是「多個習知技術的組合」,習知技術是「申請前(臨時案、正式案有效申請日)已公開的各種資訊」。這個問題中提到其中一個元件(B)已有公開文獻,這樣並不會影響「A+B+C+D」組合後發明的新穎性

「A、B、C、D」即便可以組合成多個發明(A+B或B+C或B+C+D...),都可以用一個臨時申請案(provisional application)提出申請,不用分開申請

[+] 我用有限的知識的複雜回答是,臨時申請案(provisional application),有人稱"草案",已知美國、澳洲、新加坡有此制度,如果在沒有這個制度的國家(專利局),等效的方案是「國內優先權」。這是「正式專利申請案」前「取得較早申請日/優先權日」的方案,臨時申請案申請後「一年內」必須決定:








4. 利用本国优先权进行申请的合并或拆分



"You may claim multiple priorities in respect of one European patent application, even if they originate from different countries. You may also claim multiple priorities for any one claim. If you claim multiple priorities, time limits which run from the date of priority are computed from the earliest priority date."


"You must also file the priority document, i.e. a copy of the earlier application certified by the authority with which it was filed, together with authentication of its filing date from that authority, within 16 months of the priority date. In certain cases you are exempted from having to submit a priority document: currently the EPO includes a copy of the earlier application whose priority you claim in the file of the European patent application free of charge if the earlier application is either a European patent application, an international patent application filed with the EPO as receiving Office, a Japanese, Chinese or Korean patent or utility model application or a United States provisional or non-provisional patent application."




策略:在美國(或其他有臨時申請案的國家,如澳洲)提出一或多個臨時申請案(provisional application),接著在台灣提出一件內容較為完整的正式申請案,如果此台案主張先前臨時申請案的優先權,就無法成為後續申請案的優先權基礎案,於是可以建議在沒有"損失"過多早期申請日好處的條件下,可以不主張先前臨時申請案優先權,而作為後續正式案(別的國家)的優先權基礎案,而在時間允許下,後續申請案可以同時主張臨時申請案與台灣正式案的複數優先權。

歐洲Guide for Applicants
Claiming priority
If you or your predecessor in title have duly filed an application for a patent, a utility model or a utility certificate in or for any state party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or any member of the World Trade Organization you may claim priority when filing a European patent application in respect of the same invention. You must file the European patent application no later than twelve months after filing the first application (see points 226-228).

If the earlier application was filed in or for an EPC contracting state, you may also designate that state in the European application. The earlier application whose priority you claim may also be a European or an international (PCT) application (see point 19).

You may claim multiple priorities in respect of one European patent application, even if they originate from different countries. You may also claim multiple priorities for any one claim. If you claim multiple priorities, time limits which run from the date of priority are computed from the earliest priority date. 

To claim the priority of an earlier application you must indicate the date, country and file number of the earlier application. 

MPEP 211.02   Reference to Prior Application(s)

Both 35 U.S.C. 119(e) and 120 include the requirement that the later-filed application must contain a specific reference to the prior application.

For applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, the specific reference to the prior application must be included in an application data sheet (37 CFR 1.76). For applications filed prior to September 16, 2012, the specific reference to the prior application must be in an application data sheet (37 CFR 1.76(a)) and/or in the first sentence(s) of the specification following the title, although the Office prefers the use of an application data sheet. If applicant is claiming the benefit of multiple prior applications, and the reference to the prior applications is in the specification, the reference may be in a continuous string of multiple sentences at the beginning of the specification. The multiple sentences must begin as the first sentence after the title, and any additional sentence(s) including a benefit claim must follow the first sentence and not be separated from the first sentence by any other sentence not making a benefit claim. If the specific reference is only contained in the application data sheet, then the benefit claim information will be included on the front page of any patent or patent application publication, but will not be included in the first sentence(s) of the specification.


