2019年2月1日 星期五

經典案例Diamond v. Diehr (Supreme Court 1981)筆記

(筆記)  因為有討論Diamond v. Diehr (Supreme Court 1981)的需求,在此筆記美國最高法院在當年(1981年)作出的涉及35 U.S.C. § 101可專利性的經典案例 - 即便使用數學方法,但仍應整體來看發明是否符合專利適格性,如果使用數學執行發明專利法所保護的標的,為可專利。

U.S. Supreme Court Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175 (1981)
No. 79-1112
Argued October 14, 1980
Decided March 3, 1981

系爭案涉及將未加工的「尚未固化的合成橡膠」固化為產物的技術,製程中採用公知的參數(時間、溫度、固化時間(cure time)),通過數學方法計算何時打開「壓模(molding press)」並取出已經固化的產物。(系爭案可參考文後補充內容)

系爭案的特點是通過「數學方法」更精確地計算產物在壓模中的溫度,通過持續地量測壓模中的溫度,將溫度輸入電腦,不斷地以數學方法計算固化時間(cure time),最後在最適當時間取出固化產物

系爭案在USPTO審查階段,審查委員以發明並非35 U.S.C. § 101法定可專利項目之一核駁,案件進入訴願委員會,訴願委員會維持USPTO意見,案件上訴當年的CCPA(Court of Customs and Patent Appeals),CCPA推翻過去意見,認為系爭案發明為可專利標的。


考量CCPA意見,最高法院解釋35 U.S.C. § 101中「process」,認為process為一系列動作(a series of acts),經執行在專利標的而轉換並形成不同的狀態,如果動作是新穎而有用的,可如機器裝置(machinery)一般為可專利的標的。這個machinery使得這個發明為可專利標的。



(a) For purposes of § 101, a "process" is
"an act, or a series of acts, performed upon the subject matter to be transformed and reduced to a different state or thing. If new and useful, it is just as patentable as is a piece of machinery. . . . The machinery pointed out as suitable to perform the process may or may not be new or patentable."

(b) While a mathematical formula, like a law of nature, cannot be the subject of a patent, cf. Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U. S. 63Parker v.

(c) When a claim containing a mathematical formula implements or applies the formula in a structure or process which, when considered as a whole, is performing a function which the patent laws were designed to protect (e.g.,transforming or reducing an article to a different state or thing), then the claim satisfies § 101's requirements. Pp.450 U. S. 191-193.

(重點一)專利申請人並非想要專利其中數學方法,而是製程,即便使用了習知的數學方程式,但是整個專利範圍是一種「process」,而不會因為使用了數學方程式(電腦程式、電腦本身)而簡單認定是法定不可專利標的("does not become nonstatutory simply because it uses a mathematical formula, computer program, or digital computer")。

(重點二)分析發明是否符合35 U.S.C. § 101,應整體來看,同時考量其中新的與舊的元件。


"The questions of whether a particular invention meets the "novelty" requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 102 or the "nonobviousness" requirements of § 103 do not affect the determination of whether the invention falls into a category of subject matter that is eligible for patent protection under § 101."




