2019年3月7日 星期四


US9564149 Method for user communication with information dialogue system



本案申請時專利範圍Claim 1(審查前有修改):

Claim 1界定一個讓使用者與資訊對話系統通訊的方法,包括啟動使用者輸入子系統、接收請求、轉換輸入為文字、傳送文字到對話模組、處理文字、形成回應、傳送回應、再生回應、重啟使用者輸入子系統、接收進一步請求。

35 U.S.C.§ 101核駁理由摘要:
(1) 發明因屬於法定例外(抽象概念)而沒有實質超越,不符35 U.S.C.§ 101規定。
(2) 引用Alice v. CLS BankMolecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.Mayo Collaborative Servs. v. Prometheus Labs, Inc.,認為發明為一般電腦,屬於抽象概念(first step)。
(3) 經判斷專利範圍中是否具有可以轉換抽象概念為可專利應用?或說,找找專利範圍中是否具有「inventive concept」能實質超越抽象概念本身 (second step)?審查結果是沒有可以實質超越抽象概念的額外元件(additional element)。
(4) 審查委員「提示」專利範圍需要「有意義的限制條件(meaningful limitation)」,使之連結抽象概念到特定技術上(the claims need meaningful limitations that go beyond generally linking the use of an abstract idea to a particular technological environment.)。
(5) 審查委員認為目前專利範圍屬於「人為」執行的步驟或心智活動(mental process),引用案例:CyberSource Corp.、In re Comiskey、Gottschalk v. Benson
(6) 審查委員「又提示」在判斷是否有可以超越抽象概念的額外元件時,從Bilski教示的「machine-or-transformation」仍是好用的原則,審查委員暗示可以連結到特定機器,或描述特定結構,來執行專利範圍描述的步驟,就可以避免被認為可由人為執行或是心智活動的問題。

編按,審查委員十分善意地暗示專利缺乏了硬體特徵(這也是十分技術人員的態度,不同於法官),這是很省事的方式,但是卻仍要避免僅是限定一般電腦的processor, memory, network, database等元件!

申請人修正專利範圍Claim 1,隨著審查委員的建議加入了一些硬體特徵,如:user device,並加強一些與硬體關聯的描述,不是僅列出步驟而已!(編按,修正還有考量其他103等核駁意見,不單純僅針對101)


Claim 1:
1. A method for user communications with an information dialogue system, the method comprising:
activating, by a user device, a user input subsystem associated with the user device upon a request entered by a user;
receiving, by the user input subsystem, the request;
converting, by the user input subsystem, the request into text;
sending, by the user input subsystem, the text obtained as a result of the converting of the request to a dialogue module associated with the user device;
upon sending the text, deactivating the user input subsystem;
processing the text by the dialogue module;
forming, by the dialogue module, a response to the request, the response including an instruction for activating the user input subsystem, the instruction including at least metadata and a time period required for the user to review the response;
sending, by the dialogue module, the response to the user;
reproducing the response by a voice generation and reproduction subsystem associated with the user device;
upon the reproducing of the response, determining, based on the metadata contained in the instruction, expiration of the time period required for the user to review the response;
based on the determining, re-activating, by the user device, the user input subsystem; and
receiving a further request or a clarification request, the further request or the clarification request being entered by the user.

my two cents:



