2019年4月8日 星期一

前言與說明書對專利範圍的影響 - IBM v. Iancu (Fed. Cir. 2019)

本篇討論IBM v. Iancu (Fed. Cir. 2019)案,有關說明書中「描述」對專利範圍解釋的影響,特別是這個描述為自我設限;進一步地,若申請專利範圍的「前言」有自我設限的描述時,如何解釋專利範圍?


IBM v. Iancu (Fed. Cir. 2019)
判決日:April 1, 2019



"A federation is a loosely coupled affiliation of enterprises which adhere to certain standards of interoperability; the federation provides a mechanism for trust among those enterprises with respect to certain computational operations for the users within the federation."

系爭專利Claim 1界定一個管理使用者在分散資料處理系統中驗證程序的方法,如有第一系統與第二系統,在企業聯盟(兩個不同的企業)的電腦環境("federated computing environment")互動,兩者支持「一次登錄(single-sign-on)」的運作,方法中,先啟動「一次登錄」程序讓使用者存取第二系統的資源,取得資源之前,第二系統要求使用者帳戶資料,以完成一次登錄;接著第二系統自第一系統接收使用者識別符,在第二系統中根據識別符建立使用者帳戶,以順利存取第二系統的資源。

1. A method for managing user authentication within a distributed data processing system, wherein a first system and a second system interact within a federated computing environment and support single-sign-on operations in order to provide access to protected resources, at least one of the first system and the second system comprising a processor, the method comprising;
triggering a single-sign-on operation on behalf of the user in order to obtain access to a protected resource that is hosted by the second system, wherein the second system requires a user account for the user to complete the single-sign-on operation prior to providing access to the protected resource;
receiving from the first system at the second system an identifier associated with the user; and
creating a user account for the user at the second system based at least in part on the received identifier associated with the user after triggering the single-sign-on operation but before generating at the second system a response for accessing the protected resource, wherein the created user account supports single-sign-on operations between the first system and the second system on behalf of the user.

爭議在於,專利範圍是否限定在前言中「federated computing environment聯盟電腦環境)」?有趣的是,專利權人與IPR異議者都同意這句話限制了專利範圍:兩個企業之間的聯盟讓兩個電腦系統可以合作「單一登錄」。不過,PTAB卻有自己的意見,認為專利範圍並不限於「聯盟內電腦環境」("Board concluded that a federated computing environment “is not limited to enterprises.”"),而能解釋到一般群組,甚至包括一個企業內的兩個電腦系統,特別的是,PTAB考量的先前技術即為一個企業內的兩部電腦形成的驗證系統。



CAFC面對此爭議時,法官考量「先前技術」如何讓系爭專利不具新穎性,標準如前例In re Schreiber案:

- 裝置特徵在結構,並非功能 - In Re Schreiber, 128 F.3d 1473 (Fed. Cir. 1997)案例討論(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/03/in-re-schreiber-128-f3d-1473-fed-cir.html

- 單一引證案的顯而易見性核駁討論 - Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd., v. SFC Co. Ltd. (Fed. Cir. 2017)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/09/idemitsu-kosan-co-ltd-v-sfc-co-ltd-fed.html


"We conclude that the Board’s construction is not reasonable in light of the specification."


"In the context of the present invention, a federation is a set of distinct entities, such as enterprises, organizations, institutions, etc., that cooperate to provide a single-sign-on, ease-of-use experience to a user; a federated environment differs from a typical single-sign-on environment in that two enterprises need not have a direct, pre-established, relationship defining how and what information to transfer about a user."


法院因此認為,申請專利範圍中"federated computing environment"要求的是「多個不同的企業」("...“federated computingenvironment” requires a plurality of distinct enterprises.") ,認為PTAB解釋錯誤。

"We vacate the Sunada IPR decision because it rests on an incorrect claim construction of the “federated computing environment” limitation of all claims at issue, and we remand for further consideration under the correct construction."



my two cents:
本篇結論僅是CAFC認為PTAB錯誤解釋專利範圍中「federation of enterprises」,而不如PTAB結論先前技術揭露了所有系爭專利範圍的所有元件,並不代表系爭專利具備明確差異的技術特徵,這應該是進步性(非顯而易見性)的議題。


專利說明書...常用"such as"、"...etc."等列舉的用法,法官對這類用語有些建設性意見:解釋時會判斷是否涵蓋與列舉事項同類型的事物(編按,合理地,such as, etc.等用語就是舉例來說,可以使用,但可以放心在列舉很通常的事物,如果很重要的描述,這樣寫也可能很危險,因為...世事難料)。

"We have recognized that “such as” and “etc.” sometimes have just that meaning. See Archer Daniels Midland Co. v. United States, 561 F.3d 1308, 1313 (Fed. Cir. 2009) (holding that the “rule of ejusdem generis . . . limits the additional [things] included by the general phrase ‘etc.’ to others of the types listed”); United States v. Nichols Copper Co., 29 C.C.P.A. 186, 191 (1941) (holding that “by the use of the words ‘such as’ in the paragraph we are required to determine whether a substance not specifically named in the paragraph is like or similar to, or belongs to the same class as, the substances therein named”).





