2019年6月13日 星期四

pre-AIA的發明日爭議討論 - Arctic Cat Inc. v. GEP Power Products, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2019)

ARCTIC CAT INC. v. GEP POWER PRODUCTS, INC. (Fed. Cir. 2019),本篇一下此討論到pre-AIA的102(e)適用、發明日證明先前技術不適用,以及適用先前技術、IPR是post-AIA,但系爭專利適用pre-AIA,以及AIA前後102等議題。

上訴人/專利權人:ARCTIC CAT INC.
系爭專利:US7,072,188, US7,420,822
IPR案號:IPR2016-01385, IPR2016-01388
判決日:March 26, 2019

本案緣起GEP對系爭專利提起IPR,PTAB決定認為系爭專利無效,但案件經上訴CAFC,爭議在「發明日」,認為專利權人主張的發明日不僅於在系爭專利申請日/優先權日('188案:Oct. 29, 2002;'822案優先權日為'188案申請日),而是更早的日期(pre-AIA),比起IPR引證案(US6,850,421,Boyd,申請日:April 1, 2002,公開日:Oct. 2, 2003)更早,原本Boyd案適用pre-AIA的102(e)新穎性規定下的先前技術,但就「發明日」來看,顯然專利權人證明了系爭專利'188案的發明日早於Boyd,使得Boyd並不是'188適格(102(e))的先前技術,但對'822('188案的延續案)則仍是適格先前技術。




特別的是,與不少爭議案相似,本案例系爭專利為AIA實施之前的專利,適用pre-AIA法律,但GEP提起IPR則是post-AIA,產生pre-AIA的102, 103與post-AIA的102, 103的適用問題(pre-AIA 102(e)對照post-AIA 102(a)(1))。

pre-AIA的精神是先發明主義的「發明日」,證明發明日的條件主要是概念(conception)的生成與付諸實現(reduction to practice),付諸實現需要合理的勤奮(reasonable diligence)完成發明。

然而,PTAB委員認為系爭專利權人並未證明在專利申請日前有合理的勤奮的時間,不認為在申請日之前已經有付諸實現(reduction to practice)的活動,



PTAB駁回專利權人Arctic Cat的答辯意見,包括時間的問題、也駁回對於專利範圍前言限制的主張,也同時認為Boyd為新穎性先前技術,不採用Arctic Cat的先發明主張。對於專利範圍前言是否為限制條件的問題,PTAB給了一些原則(重要),跟內容的前後關係有關:


第一,Boyd為符合102(e)(2)的先前技術,因為申請日較早,即便其公開日晚於系爭專利申請日。但是,102(e)規定為「another filed in United States ... before the invention by the applicant for patent」,因此比的是「發明日」,系爭專利權人Arctic Cat主張更早的發明日。

第二,Boyd並非適格先前技術,理由是Boyd不符合102(e)(2)規定的「by another 」,因為Boyd的發明並非來自Boyd,而是Mr. Janisch,他是Arctic Cat的員工,且為系爭專利唯一發明人,他在Boyd申請日前已經完成發明(付諸實現)。


法官認為,要證明合理的勤奮(reasonable diligence),倒沒有要證明有合理地「連續」工作,不是要找碴(時間可能不連續),「reduction to practice」的充分條件是:證據是否顯示發明有被放棄或是被不合理延遲

"adequacy of the reduction to practice is determined by whether, “in light of the evidence as a whole, ‘the invention was not abandoned or unreasonably delayed.’”"

在此判斷原則下,CAFC認為,系爭專利發明人在所主張發明完成的期間有合理的勤奮(reasonably diligent)而使得證明沒有放棄發明,或是有不合理延遲的狀況。認為PTAB的判斷方式過於嚴格


my two cents:
有趣的是,現在仍有許多跨越pre-AIA與post-AIA的有效專利,本案可以成為一些爭議中的參考,保留「發明概念、研發、付諸實現」等記錄有好處,即便在post-AIA,仍有可能拿來阻卻付諸實現日之後的他人專利申請案(35USC102(b)(2)),或是證明在他人申請案之前已經完成發明與執行準備的先使用權(prior use、prior user right)。但對於主張先使用權(prior user right),將需要拋棄一些權利,包括無法取得專利與無法授權,使用範圍也僅限於原本使用的地理區域。



Pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102  Conditions for patentability; novelty and loss of right to patent.
A person shall be entitled to a patent unless-
(e) the invention was described in — (1) an application for patent, published under section 122(b), by another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for patent or (2) a patent granted on an application for patent by another filed in the United States before the invention by the applicant for patent, except that an international application filed under the treaty defined in section 351(a) shall have the effects for the purposes of this subsection of an application filed in the United States only if the international application designated the United States and was published under Article 21(2) of such treaty in the English language.

關於先使用權抗辯(prior use defense)的規定:
35 U.S.C. 273   Defense to infringement based on prior commercial use.

(a) IN GENERAL.—A person shall be entitled to a defense under section 282(b) with respect to subject matter consisting of a process, or consisting of a machine, manufacture, or composition of matter used in a manufacturing or other commercial process, that would otherwise infringe a claimed invention being asserted against the person if—

(1) such person, acting in good faith, commercially used the subject matter in the United States, either in connection with an internal commercial use or an actual arm’s length sale or other arm’s length commercial transfer of a useful end result of such commercial use; and
(2) such commercial use occurred at least 1 year before the earlier of either
(A) the effective filing date of the claimed invention; or
(B) the date on which the claimed invention was disclosed to the public in a manner that qualified for the exception from prior art under section 102(b).



