2020年3月3日 星期二

歐洲訴願中修正產生的問題討論 - 歐洲訴願案T 1305/10

根據實務經驗,相對世界其他各國,歐洲專利審查時對於明確性是更為嚴格的,本篇討論歐洲專利審查中改變專利標的(change of subject matter)的修正以及權利範圍明確性(Art 84 EPC)等議題。

Case Number: T 1305/10 - 3.5.04
Application Number: 00308415.9
Publication Number: 1089564
相關法條:EPC 1973 Art. 84、RPBA Art. 13(1), 13(3)、Article 56 EPC
(編按,這裡"RPBA"指的是:歐洲專利局訴願委員會的程序規則(Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal)

系爭案(申請號:00308415.9)因不明確被EPO審查局根據Art 84 EPC核駁,即便可理解,也是不具進步性(Article 56 EPC)。其中主要還是明確的問題。

其中,請求項(如claim 1)不明確的理由是:請求項中提到的「user profile, uniform resource locator, data, content」等字表示的資訊不明確,而各步驟被「誰」所執行,也產生不明確的問題。

uniform resource locator: 就是URL。
content: 就是由URL得到的資源,如形成網頁內容的的影像。


訴願委員會召開口審(oral proceeding),申請人同時提出多個請求項方案:

main request:
claim 1: A method to enhance a video program displayed on a machine (16) used by a user, the method comprising the steps of:
transmitting (232), to a database (78), user profile information (206) of said user further comprising user activity information, and
accessing (224), via a network connection, for said user a profile file specifying user characteristics, said profile file being organized as a hierarchically organized database and being stored on the database (78),
determining based on the user profile, web content identified by a uniform resource locator;
transmitting the video program and the uniform resource identifier (254) to a server URL decoder (24);
extracting the uniform resource locator by the server URL decoder (24);
transferring the uniform resource locator to an Internet server (28);
transmitting the video program to the machine (16);
transferring the uniform resource locator from the Internet server (28) to the machine (16);
retrieving by the machine (16) web content addressed by the uniform resource locator;

displaying the web content with the video program.

auxiliary request:
claim 1: A method of accessing information for use in routing and transmitting content to a machine (16) via a network (94), the method comprising the steps of:
accessing (224), via a network connection, a user profile (202) characterized by the user profile comprising at least one hierarchical attribute value-pair data structure (210, 212) stored in a computer-readable medium on a server (4);
and further comprising the steps of:
transmitting (232), to the server (4), data comprising user profile information (206) further comprising user activity information, wherein the data is stored on the server (4) in the at least one hierarchical attribute value-pair data structure (210, 212); and
determining a uniform resource identifier (254), wherein the uniform resource identifier (254) identifies content information enhancing an audio video program, wherein the content information is selected according to the user profile information (206) for inclusion in the content.


案件在口審時,申請人缺席(事先申請),但缺點是,訴願委員會依職權考量行政效率,不受理上述auxiliary request,僅受理main request。

訴願委員會認為「main request」的專利範圍顯然改寫了原來提出的專利範圍,其中產生實質技術的差別,其中:

(1)修正內容之一是關於URL取得內容的技術,這部分卻沒有在前版專利範圍中,而內容也僅指出伺服器中儲存的user profile與通過網路傳送的資料。
(2)修正內容之二是關於user profile,不過,這個特徵被認定僅是具有層次結構的資料庫,所謂user profile的建立僅是功能描述,其中資訊僅涉及使用者活動資訊。
(3)有關user profile的修正內容已經脫離原來提出訴願的專利範疇了。

如此,訴願委員會作出決定,上述main request專利範圍,相對於訴願理由,已經產生「實質變更專利範圍」的問題。


申請人修正已經實質變更原專利範圍,例如方法中有關傳送與取得資料的步驟,使得判斷專利性時需要驅動進一步審查,這卻不符合歐洲專利局訴願委員會的程序規則,如Article 13(3) RPBA:

"Article 13 Amendment to a party's case
(3) Amendments sought to be made after oral proceedings have been arranged shall not be admitted if they raise issues which the Board or the other party or parties cannot reasonably be expected to deal with without adjournment of the oral proceedings."


my two cents:
1. oral proceedings要參加(代理人至少要參加),避免權益受損。
2. 進入訴願後的修正不要增加委員的審查負擔。
3. 應積極解決審查階段提出的問題,如本案為「不明確」的問題。



