2020年4月21日 星期二

IPR程序與專利審查程序的舉證責任討論 - Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020)

以下幾件案例為USPTO/PTAB (April 7, 2020)指定為先例(precedential)或有資訊價值的案件:
- Ex parte Grillo-López, Appeal No. 2018-006082 (Jan. 31, 2020) (precedential)
- Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc., IPR2016-00204, Paper 19 (May 23, 2016) (informative as to section II.B) 
- Seabery North America Inc. v. Lincoln Global, Inc., IPR2016-00840, Paper 11 (Oct. 6, 2016) (informative as to section II.A.i)
- Sandoz Inc. v. AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd., IPR2018-00156, Paper 11 (June 5, 2018) (informative as to section III.C.1)
- In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. ConocoPhillips Company, IPR2019-00849, Paper 14 (Sept. 6, 2019) (informative as to section I.E)

Ex parte Grillo-López Appeal No. 2018-006082  案:

系爭案(美國專利申請案:13/524,837)在專利審查階段被駁回,USPTO審查意見認為其中claims 15-17為顯而易知,專利申請人ANTONIO J. GRILLO-LOPEZ提出訴願,2019年訴願決定以新的核駁意見,同樣認為系爭案為顯而易知。(結論相同,但理由不同,這不影響本篇討論的主要議題:舉證責任)

專利申請人針對訴願決定提出再審請求(request for rehearing),議題涉及系爭案發明曾經在申請前公開的資訊是否屬於出版物(printed publication)的討論

其中有關證據是否滿足「出版品」的議題參照IPR前例 - Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) (precedential),引用其中PTAB的意見,但在本案中,PTAB反倒覺得「在審查階段證明出版物文獻的責任不同於IPR階段,如Hulu案」(如下)。

"This decision to deny a request for rehearing explains that the burden for establishing that a reference is a printed publication is different in examination than in an inter partes review proceeding. The holding in Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) (precedential), does not apply to examination."

參考Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations中的意見:

在本案中,爭議的文件是「July 25, 1997 meeting of FDA's Biological Response Modifiers Advisory Committee("FDA Transcript"),專利申請人主張本案FDA Transcript並不同於所引用的前例("Hulu, LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (PTAB Dec. 20, 2019) ")判定FDA Transcript並非出版物的決定,但PTAB的意見是:前例Hulu案為IPR程序,IPR異議人(petitioner)被要求要表示足以證明專利不具專利性的論述與證據

但不同的是,USPTO審查專利申請案時,將舉證責任(burden of proof)轉移(shift)到專利申請人,而所舉出證據是要反駁專利性的核駁意見,審查委員的舉證責任為提出名義上(nominal,有名無實)的公開日,審查委員的責任也不需要過高。


在IPR異議程序與專利審查的舉證責任框架不同,在Hulu案中,異議人並不滿足證明FDA Transcript為公開出版物的責任,但本案並不是這樣,也非與前例相左。(編按,這部分差異很微妙,為本案主要議題)

Given the different legal frameworks and burdens for establishing a reference as prior art in IPR proceedings and examination, the Decision is not contrary to the Board decisions finding that a petitioner failed to meet its burden of showing that the FDA transcript is a printed publication.  In other words, the framework set forth in the Hulu decision for IPR proceedings does not apply to examination.


- examination and IPR proceedings have different standards for establishing a printed publication

- the examiner sufficiently established that the FDA Transcript is a printed publication

本案中,在相關技術領域中的腫瘤學家、醫學研究者屬於有興趣者(interested person),有意去發覺到發表FDA Transcript的會議,也就證明FDA Transcript為公開的出版物。

最終決定是,PTAB認為,本案中的FDA Transcript屬於35 U.S.C. 102規定中的「printed publication」。

my two cents:




