2020年5月4日 星期一

修正產生的超項費用 - 筆記

修正產生的超項費用 - 筆記

1. 新增專利範圍怎麼算?
2. 刪除部分請求項,又新增請求項,費用怎麼算?
3. RCE後增減請求項的費用怎麼算?


  • 申請時,提出的請求項超過3個獨立項,或總項超過20項,應繳付超項費用。
  • 任何修正包括新增範圍,超出"已付費"(基本費用:3獨立項、20總項)的「請求項數目」(編按,看"數目"),修正應伴隨超項費用。
  • 此處所說的「超項費用」是基於基本費用(3獨立項與20總項)。
  • 也可以說,如果修正後的請求項數目仍在先前已付費的數量內(3獨立項、20總項),不會有新增超項費。
  • 若有多重附屬項,應以其依附關係實際產生的項次計算費用,並且還要加入「多重附屬項費用」的申請費用(不論有幾項多重附屬項)。
  • 當修正加入新請求項,"還要考量已經刪除的請求項(應扣除)",使得超過"已付費"的請求項數目(3獨立項、20總項),申請人應繳付超項費用。
  • 也就是說,新增請求項,若整體數目仍在已經付費的數量內,不會有超項費用。
  • MPEP 714.10舉例很重要:

2014-06-30: 申請時共25項範圍,當中有5項獨立項。

2016-05-09: 第一次修正,新增claims 26-29(附屬項)


2014-06-06: 申請時僅提出1項範圍。

2014-08-14: 第一次修正,刪除了原申請的Claim 1,新增Claims 2-21,其中有新增的3項獨立項。


2015-12-28: 修正專利範圍,其中刪除Claims 3, 14、新增Claims 22, 23,全部仍維持20項範圍,獨立項沒變。

2016-02-16: 修正專利範圍,相對前一次,新刪除Claims 4, 15, 19,新增Claim 24,全部項次為18項,沒有新增費用。

MPEP 714 Amendments, Applicant’s Action

Any amendments (including after-final amendments) that add new claims in excess of the number of claims previously paid for in an application must be accompanied by the payment of the required excess claims fees. Failure to pay the excess claims fees will result in non-entry of the amendment. See MPEP § 607.

MPEP 714.10 Claims Added in Excess of Claims Previously Paid For

Applicant is required to pay excess claims fees for each claim that is in excess of 3 in independent form or in excess of 20 (whether dependent or independent). Fees for a proper multiple dependent claim are calculated based on the number of claims to which the multiple dependent claim refers (37 CFR 1.75(c)) and a separate fee is also required in each application containing a proper multiple dependent claim. See MPEP § 607. When applicant adds a new excess claim that is in excess of the number of claims that were previously paid for after taking into account claims that have been canceled, applicant must pay the required excess claims fees before the examiner considers the new claim. For example, in an application that contains 6 independent claims and 30 total claims for which the excess claims fees were previously paid, when applicant cancels 10 claims, 2 of which are independent, and adds 11 claims, 3 of which are independent, excess claims fees for a 7th independent claim and a 31st claim are required.

MPEP 714.16(c) Amendments Under 37 CFR 1.312, Additional Claims

If the amendment under 37 CFR 1.312 adds claims (total and independent) in excess of the number previously paid for, additional fees are required. The amendment is not considered by the examiner unless accompanied by the full fee required. See MPEP § 607 and 35 U.S.C. 41.


