2020年6月29日 星期一

1857年案例 - 奴隸非公民 - Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857)

本篇來源是patently-o:Invention of a Slave and the Ongoing Movement For Equal Justice(https://patentlyo.com/patent/2020/06/invention-ongoing-movement.html

從patently-o文章得知這個1858年就有的規定:「A new and useful machine invented by a slave cannot be patented.」,署名的是Attorney General's Office(美國司法部長(Attorney General)辦公室)。

(更新) 這個1857年美國最高法院"Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857)"案例裁決奴隸非公民,接續這個裁決,產生的結果是奴隸的發明不能專利。


patently-o這篇文章顯然是針對最近美國種族歧視爭議(佛洛伊德之死)產生的黑人生命運動(Black Lives Matter movement),「專利系統」也存在有「歧視」,這應該是源自司法系統的歧視。

奴隸的發明不能專利涉及1857年最高法院案例 - Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857)判決,最高法院確認各州先前的決定:自由黑人與棕色人種(有色人種)不是美國公民(free (non-enslaved) black and brown people were not United States Citizens)。

Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857)(連結:https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/60/393/#:~:text=Sandford-,Dred%20Scott%20v,%2C%2060%20U.S.%20393%20(1856)&text=In%20a%20decision%20that%20later,even%20after%20they%20were%20freed.),這個連結中提到,此案最高法院意見已經被第13,14憲法修正案所廢棄,摘錄此案例兩段話,以現在的觀念回頭看,很驚嚇。

4. A free negro of the African race, whose ancestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves, is not a "citizen" within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States.
5. When the Constitution was adopted, they were not regarded in any of the States as members of the community which constituted the State, and were not numbered among its "people or citizens." Consequently, the special rights and immunities guarantied to citizens do not apply to them. And not being "citizens" within the meaning of the Constitution, they are not entitled to sue in that character in a court of the United States, and the Circuit Court has not jurisdiction in such a suit.


Dred Scott v. Sandford」內容可參考Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dred_Scott_v._Sandford):

這個故事可以反映當年美國黑奴奮鬥史,摘錄一些,黑奴轉變為自由人、或保留奴隸身份,或可販賣勞動力,除了主人的態度有關,也與持續搬遷有關,本案即涉及Dred Scott捍衛自己的自由人身份的訴訟,。

案主角Dred Scott於1799年出生在Virginia,出生就是奴隸,於1818年,他的主人Peter Blow搬家到Alabama,到了1830年,Blow將Scott賣給美軍軍醫John Emerson,後來被帶到"自由州"Illinois,也就是禁止販售奴隸的州。後來,Emerson與Scott繼續搬家到Wisconsin(wikipedia中會分"領土"與"州",法定地位不一樣,但這裡就忽略這些講法),這裡是禁止販售奴隸的地方。在此成為自由人,Scott與同為奴隸的Harriet Robinson結婚。不過,Emerson仍通過雇傭關係實質保留Scott的奴隸身份,但這在自由州是違法的。後來在移動過程,Scott與Harriet在自由的領土生下了女兒Eliza,出生就是自由人。


訴訟需要錢,Scott獲得他之前的主人Peter Blow資助,還受到Blow女婿銀行官員的擔保與銀行律師Samuel Mansfield Bay的法律幫助。

在1847年6月,Scott在一切看好的情況下(還有10多件前例)敗訴,主要理由是他無法證明自己實際為Emerson遺孀Erene Emerson的奴隸(前段表示他們是雇傭關係),還有證據無法被證實的問題。

不過,Scott仍提出另一新的訴訟,在此新的訴訟中,Scott提出的證據被證實,並獲判賠償。但這時由Erene Emerson上訴最高法院。

案件因為Erene Emerson搬家,Scott的擁有權轉移到她的兄弟John F. A. Sanford。案件變成Scott v. Sanford

Missouri(蓄奴州)最高法院判決Scott仍為合法奴隸,並表示他們應該在自由州為自己的自由辯護(sued for freedom while they lived in a free state),法官William Scott表示:

"Times are not now as they were when the former decisions on this subject were made. Since then not only individuals but States have been possessed with a dark and fell spirit in relation to slavery, whose gratification is sought in the pursuit of measures, whose inevitable consequences must be the overthrow and destruction of our government. Under such circumstances it does not behoove the State of Missouri to show the least countenance to any measure which might gratify this spirit. She is willing to assume her full responsibility for the existence of slavery within her limits, nor does she seek to share or divide it with others."


參考(https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/密苏里妥协):密蘇里妥協(英語:Missouri Compromise)是美國國會中的蓄奴州與自由州在1820年達成的一項協議,其主旨在於規範在西部新領土上所建各州的蓄奴行為。該協議規定,在原路易斯安那領地土地上新建的各州中,除密蘇里州外,禁止北緯36.5°線以北各州蓄奴。

案件之後由聘僱Scott為工友的代管人Roswell Field接手。

在1853年,Dred Scott向其主人John Sanford提出告訴,不同於以上在各州地方法院的訴訟,這回由聯邦法院審理,不過陪審團依據Missouri州法律仍判Scott為奴隸,裁定Sanford勝訴。

這回換Scott上訴最高法院,本案就此成為歷史案件:Dred Scott v. Sandford

在March 6, 1857,最高法院做出裁決,爭點:根據《憲法》,黑人是否可以擁有美國公民身份?(whether or not black people could possess federal U.S. citizenship under the Constitution?









