2020年6月15日 星期一

專利法下沒有 「明確保留權利規則」- 再探Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark International, Inc.

本篇補充筆記「最高法院對權利耗盡的明確態度 - Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark International, Inc.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2017/06/impression-products-inc-v-lexmark.html)」中最高法院判決的簡要說明( syllabus)以及 網友Edward有關 「明確保留權利規則,"express-reservation rule"」意見。(編按,十分抱歉,因為不會第一時間看到部落格上的留言 ,都是好久以後 "突然" 發現... )


Edward 提到...
您好,我對您說的這部分有些疑惑:「(明確保留權利規則,"express-reservation rule")如此,最高法院的決定表示美國在權利耗盡原則中採取中立立場,除非專利權人明確表明保留權利,否則海外銷售將已經耗盡專利權。因為這個明確立場將影響海外購買者的期待,例如期待權利已經耗盡而可以自由地重新使用與重新銷售。」

按照我對法院的邏輯的理解,法院應該不允許這樣的保留的,正如這段所提到的:「The theory behind the Government's express- reservation rule also wrongly focuses on the likely expectations of the patentee and purchaser during a sale. Exhaustion does not arise because of the parties' expectations about how sales transfer patent rights. More is at stake when it comes to patents than simply the dealings between the parties, which can be addressed through contract law. Instead, exhaustion occurs because, in a sale, the patentee elects to give up title to an item in exchange for payment. Allowing patent rights to stick remora-like to that item as it flows through the market would violate the principle against restraints on alienation. Exhaustion does not depend on whether the patentee receives a premium for selling in the United States, or the type of rights that buyers expect to receive. As a result, restrictions and location are irrelevant; what matters is the patentee's decision to make a sale.

(2)針對本次墨水匣議題,當Impression Products是自銷售者合法取得而進口美國,因為「海外銷售產品」如同在美國本土販售,已經耗盡所有專利權,包括製造、使用、販售與販售要約,本次專利權人Lexmark不能對Impression Products提出專利侵權告訴。

案件討論(根據 Syllabus的內容):

根據35 U. S. C. §154(a) /271(a),專利權可排除他人未經授權而製造、使用、販售、提供販售或進口( 美國本土),否則將面對專利侵權責任,然而,專利權還是有限制的,就是 「 專利權耗盡原則」,也就是專利產品一旦售出,專利權人就 不能再以專利法限制購買其產品或是後續的行為。

當然,即便這樣,問題還是很多,如 轉售再進口、回收再重製 販售、又進口...等衍生的國內耗盡、國際耗盡議題

值得一提的是,要玩這些遊戲,武器要夠,就是國內外的大小專利權,本案主角 Lexmark就擁有國內外各種印表機、配件的 零組件專利(這裡列舉了Lexmark專利:https://patents.justia.com/assignee/lexmark-international-inc,且負責國內外產品設計、製造與銷售,產生本次議題的原因是,Lexmark提供「墨水匣」消費者兩個選項:

(1)全額 購買,沒有 回收限制;

問題就發生在,其他(國外)「回收業者」向消費者購買空的墨水匣,重置(裝填)後又進口美國,Lexmark向這些業者提出侵權告訴,其中之一即本次被告Impression Products, Inc.

Impression販售的「重製墨水匣」中有美國國內 參與Lexmark回收計劃的墨水匣 ,也有 Impression在國外取得沒有參與回收計劃的墨水匣,重製後又進口美國。Lexmark認為以上兩種情況都侵害其專利權。

以上兩個情況涵蓋國內與國際 耗盡的議題,Impression的答辯產生了「耗盡原則」適用性的問題,首先認為Lexmark將產品售出,專利權應已耗盡,如果進口墨水匣是國外取得, 專利權也應耗盡。



1. (針對國內販售專利物品)Lexmark對於在美國國內販售且參與回收計畫的墨水匣,專利權已經耗盡。


"As a result, even if the restrictions in Lexmark’s contracts with its customers were clear and enforceable under contract law, they do not entitle Lexmark to retain patent rights in an item that it has elected to sell."

這是基本的權利耗盡的精神,當販售了物品,這個物品已經不在專利權的壟斷範圍內(“is no longer within the limits of the [patent] monopoly”),且這個物品已經成為私人物品。

如本案,Lexmark通過合約限制消費者的使用與再販售權利,或許在合約法(contract law)效力下可以強制執行,但並非通過「專利侵權訴訟」解決(編按,根據最高法院意旨,在專利法下,保護發明人可以因為其發明獲得利益,但專利物品一旦賣出,已經取得利益,因此權利已經耗盡,不能再對已販售物品有使用或是支配的權利,而彼此訂定的合約卻是另一議題)。


2. (針對海外販售物品)Impression向海外消費者取得Lexmark海外販售的墨水匣,這些墨水匣沒有回收計畫,經重製(裝填)後再進口美國,法院認為,Lexmark不能針對這些墨水匣向Impression提起侵權訴訟,認為,海外販售物品如國內販售,已經耗盡專利權

這個議題涉及美國採用的「國際耗盡原則」,常見是著作權,作者已經賣出一本書,對這本書的著作權已經耗盡,也就不能限制購買者的權利,例如再販售,此稱為「first sale doctrine」。


這裡涉及一個案例「Boesch v. Gräff」,此案例中,法院認為專利權對於海外販售的物品權利未耗盡,理由是,該案中,專利權人無法控制海外交易,不能決定如何販售,因此權利耗盡,反之,如果專利權人本身可以決定販售物品,權利已經耗盡

對於這個「 express-reservation rule」問題:

"express-reservation rule"稱為「明確保留權利規則」,這針對「海外販售」的行為而定,海外販售專利物品時,專利權已經耗盡,除非專利權人明確表示保留權利。


任何合約限制與地點(海內外)都與專利權耗盡無關("As a result, restrictions and location are irrelevant for patent exhaustion")。


[相關法條] 35 U. S. C. §154(a) (Contents and term of patent; provisional rights)
Every patent shall contain a short title of the invention and a grant to the patentee, his heirs or assigns, of the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States, and, if the invention is a process, of the right to exclude others from using, offering for sale or selling throughout the United States, or importing into the United States, products made by that process, referring to the specification for the particulars thereof.
Subject to the payment of fees under this title, such grant shall be for a term beginning on the date on which the patent issues and ending 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed in the United States or, if the application contains a specific reference to an earlier filed application or applications under section 120, 121, 365(c), or 386(c), from the date on which the earliest such application was filed.
Priority under section 119, 365(a), 365(b), 386(a), or 386(b) shall not be taken into account in determining the term of a patent.
(4)Specification and drawing.—

A copy of the specification and drawing shall be annexed to the patent and be a part of such patent.

35 U. S. C. §271(a) (Infringement of patent)
(a)Except as otherwise provided in this title, whoever without authority makes, uses, offers to sell, or sells any patented invention, within the United States or imports into the United States any patented invention during the term of the patent therefor, infringes the patent.


my two cents:

常常回顧過去寫的內容,也常常是痛苦的,因為新的東西總是新鮮,對於舊的東西(過去的文章),除了需要一些時間回顧外,還常常會產生更多想法,甚至發現錯誤。就像寫完一篇專利說明書,第二次看時,會看到許多錯誤,第三次看時,又會想新增內容,第四...就完蛋了,可能想重 ...  基於現實的份上,就不要看太多次了。


