2020年9月15日 星期二

互動式自動販賣機承擔的社會責任 - 產品與專利

(這是早於2013年的產品)可口可樂的互動式自動販賣機可以用來消弭兩個民族(印度與巴基斯坦)的仇恨(可能僅是成見、政治立場造成的),就讓兩邊的人民通過這個自動販賣機的顯示器進行即時互動,一台放在「Lahore, Pakistan」,另一台放在「New Delhi, India」,機器上有攝影機、觸控顯示器、串流技術,讓兩邊即時"肢體"互動,雙方可以依照螢幕指示畫出和平的符號、做出笑臉、手碰手,如果完成就免費獲得一瓶可樂。






US9,082,251 Systems for providing an interactive networked product container
Networked product containers such as vending machines identify the presence of a potential customer via sensors, and present customized interactive marketing content to consumers. Consumers interact with a touch screen to win prizes, make purchases, or have a fun and interactive experience. The prizes and purchases offered by the product container may be determined by the product container or by one or more content servers in communication with the container. The content server may also provide digital content for display on the product container and remotely update the product container`s content. The networked product container also includes a wireless access point to provide nearby wireless-enabled devices network connectivity via the product container.

US7,593,867 Interactive networked product container
Networked product containers such as vending machines identify the presence of a potential customer via sensors, and present customized interactive marketing content to consumers. Consumers interact with a touch screen to win prizes, make purchases, or have a fun and interactive experience. The prizes and purchases offered by the product container may be determined by the product container or by one or more content servers in communication with the container. The content server may also provide digital content for display on the product container and remotely update the product container's content. The networked product container also includes a wireless access point to provide nearby wireless-enabled devices network connectivity via the product container.


