2020年11月12日 星期四










參考Claim 1,所提出方法是使用交錯矩陣值的向量乘法,目的是要優化矩陣乘法,矩陣顯然就會牽扯行列的描述,其中定義第一矩陣與第二矩陣,兩者相乘得出一結果矩陣,每個矩陣都以row值與column值來定義。(row為橫向,對應中文是列,column為直向,對應中文為行)

1. A computer-implemented method executed by one or more processors, the method comprising operations including:

identifying a first matrix and a second matrix to be multiplied to produce a result matrix, wherein the first matrix is defined by rows, each row including a plurality of row values at corresponding row indices, and the second matrix is defined by columns, each column including a plurality of column values at correspond column indices;
creating a first intermediate matrix including the row values from the first matrix ordered such that row values at the same index in adjacent pairs of rows from the first matrix are included at concurrent indices within a same row of the first intermediate matrix, the first intermediate matrix including at least two rows;
creating a second intermediate matrix including the column values from the second matrix ordered such that column values at the same index in adjacent pairs of columns from the second matrix are included at concurrent indices within a same column of the second intermediate matrix, the second intermediate matrix including at least two columns;
for each adjacent pair of rows in the first intermediate matrix:
selecting adjacent pairs of columns in the second intermediate matrix, and for each selected adjacent pair of columns, and each pair of column values at the same index in the selected adjacent pair of columns:
initialize a column vector with a repeating pattern of the pair of column values at the same index in the adjacent pair of columns;
multiply the column vector by row vectors from the adjacent pair of rows containing row values at the same index as the pair of column values; and
increment numeric values in a row of the result matrix corresponding to the adjacent pair of rows by a product of multiplying the column vector by the row vectors.

US6940766為高通專利,揭露一種半導體記憶體陣列的行列修復技術(Row-column repair technique for semiconductor memory arrays),從下圖可知,左方的「row repair circuit」是用來修復「橫向的記憶單元」,下方的「column repair circuit」是用來修復「直向的記憶單元」。


my two cents:




