2021年3月15日 星期一

提起商標無效的立場 - Australian Therapeutic Supplies Pty. v. Naked TM (Fed. Cir. 2020)

Australian Therapeutic Supplies Pty. v. Naked TM (Fed. Cir. 2020)

判決日:July 27, 2020

Naked TM, LLC (“Naked”)擁有商標「NAKED」(註冊No. 3,325,577)。

本案緣起Australian Therapeutic早於2000年開始使用NAKED在保險套產品廣告上,但沒有註冊這個商標,原本在澳洲賣,2003年通過網站開始向美國廣告,賣到美國去(包括廣告、販售與海運),在2005年發現「NAKED」商標(於September 22, 2003註冊)的擁有者Naked TM LLC。2006~2007年雙方通過電子郵件進行協商。

NAKED TM,根據郵件,宣稱協議是Australian Therapeutic同意不繼續在美國使用NAKED,並同意NAKED TM擁有「NAKED」商標。但Australian Therapeutic否認,認為雙方並沒有達成協議。

即便在協商過程,Australian Therapeutic在2006年向TTAB提起商標無效請願,無效理由是Australian Therapeutic為更早的商標使用人(可參考以上註記的時間),避免消費者混淆、被欺騙、錯誤連結(消費者根據商標連結廠商)與缺乏使用商標的善意。NAKED公司主張根據雙方協議,Australian Therapeutic沒有提起商標無效的立場。

顯然TTAB相信NAKED根據來往電子郵件主張的事項,以及基於NAKED公司取得「NAKED」商標的事實,TTAB的判決是Australian Therapeutic缺乏提出商標無效或是主張損害賠償的立場(standing to petition for cancellation proceeding or a reasonable belief of damage),理由是Australian Therapeutic與NAKED TM協商不專用「NAKED」商標。

Australian Therapeutic針對TTAB判決提起上訴。


案件經Australian Therapeutic上訴CAFC,CAFC基於15 U.S. Code § 1064(Cancellation of registration)規定,認為缺乏商標專用權本身並不能否定提出損害賠償的利害關係,所涉及的法條為15 U.S. Code § 1064,其中規範無效(舉發)註冊商標或主張損害賠償的立場(相關利害關係),但無效或主張損害賠償的請願人的立場並無關是否具有專屬的權利


15 U.S. Code § 1064 Cancellation of registration

A petition to cancel a registration of a mark, stating the grounds relied upon, may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, be filed as follows by any person who believes that he is or will be damaged, including as a result of a likelihood of dilution by blurring or dilution by tarnishment under section 1125(c) of this title, by the registration of a mark ...

根據CAFC意見,§ 1064沒有要求提起商標無效的請願人要證明其具有商標專用權以證明利害關係(訴訟立場),因此判定TTAB錯誤連結這個關係。

USPTO曾經駁回Australian Therapeutic的商標申請案,加上NAKED公司的「NAKED」商標也產生商品上的混淆,因此證明Australian Therapeutic據此受到損害。針對所謂利害關係,顯然Australian Therapeutic從2003年已經開始有廣告與販售商品,已經證明其具有提起商標無效與損害賠償的立場。也判定TTAB錯誤作出Australian Therapeutic缺乏立場的決定。

之後Naked要求CAFC聯席法官意見(en banc), en banc駁回。

15 U.S. Code § 1064 Cancellation of registration

A petition to cancel a registration of a mark, stating the grounds relied upon, may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, be filed as follows by any person who believes that he is or will be damaged, including as a result of a likelihood of dilution by blurring or dilution by tarnishment under section 1125(c) of this title, by the registration of a mark on the principal register established by this chapter, or under the Act of March 3, 1881, or the Act of February 20, 1905:

(1)Within five years from the date of the registration of the mark under this chapter.

(2)Within five years from the date of publication under section 1062(c) of this title of a mark registered under the Act of March 3, 1881, or the Act of February 20, 1905.



