2021年10月22日 星期五

新穎特徵才"有機會"是專利適格性判斷中的"inventive concept" - Universal Secure Registry LLC v. Apple Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2021)


- US8,856,539:IPR2018-01350、IPR2018-00812,PTAB判定專利有效,但案件經APPLE上訴,CAFC否決PTAB決定。
- US8,577,813:CBM2018-00024/00025,PTAB判定不符CBM資格,不受理。
- US9,100,826:IPR2018-00813、IPR2018-00810、IPR2018-00175、IPR2018-00176,專利符合35 U.S.C. § 101規定,對於102, 103,部分無效,部分有效。
- US9,530,137:IPR2018-00809,專利不符35 U.S.C. § 103規定,沒有討論35 U.S.C. § 101議題。

APPLE花了些力氣"處理"以上幾件專利,雙方根據PTAB終判也分別提出幾件上訴案,本次討論CAFC於Aug. 26, 2021做出的判決(2020-2044)。

判決日:Aug. 26, 2021


列舉系爭專利US8,856,539的Claim 1與Claim 22,關於一安全註冊系統,保全使用者的安全資料,提供使用者與一實體(如銀行)進行交易,看來這是一個「第三方系統」,包括儲存使用者安全資料的資料庫,包括處理器,用以接收交易請求、提供多字碼給實體以與使用者進行交易確認。

1. A secure registry system for providing information to a provider to enable transactions between the provider and entities with secure data stored in the secure registry system, the secure registry system comprising:
a database including secure data for each entity, wherein each entity is associated with a time-varying multicharacter code for each entity having secure data in the secure registry system, respectively, each time-varying multicharacter code representing an identity of one of the respective entities; and
a processor configured to receive a transaction request including at least the time-varying multicharacter code for the entity on whose behalf a transaction is to be performed and an indication of the provider requesting the transaction, to map the time-varying multicharacter code to the identity of the entity using the time-varying multicharacter code, to execute a restriction mechanism to determine compliance with any access restrictions for the provider to secure data of the entity for completing the transaction based at least in part on the indication of the provider and the time-varying multicharacter code of the transaction request, and to allow or not allow access to the secure data associated with the entity including information required to enable the transaction based on the determined compliance with any access restrictions for the provider, the information including account identifying information, wherein the account identifying information is not provided to the provider and the account identifying information is provided to a third party to enable or deny the transaction with the provider without providing the account identifying information to the provider.

22. A method for providing information to a provider to enable transactions between the provider and entities who have secure data stored in a secure registry in which each entity is identified by a time-varying multicharacter code, the method comprising:
receiving a transaction request including at least the time-varying multicharacter code for an entity on whose behalf a transaction is to take place and an indication of the provider requesting the transaction;
mapping the time-varying multicharacter code to an identity of the entity using the time-varying multicharacter code;
determining compliance with any access restrictions for the provider to secure data of the entity for completing the transaction based at least in part on the indication of the provider and the time-varying multicharacter code of the transaction request;
accessing information of the entity required to perform the transaction based on the determined compliance with any access restrictions for the provider, the information including account identifying information;
providing the account identifying information to a third party without providing the account identifying information to the provider to enable or deny the transaction; and
enabling or denying the provider to perform the transaction without the provider's knowledge of the account identifying information.

針對35 U.S.C. § 101議題,在PTAB階段,行政法官判定'539非關抽象概念,理由是'539內容是關於電腦功能的改良,而非關經濟議題而電腦僅是一般應用的發明。'539在侵權訴訟中(被告有Apple, Visa等)判定是專利不符基於Alice判例下的TWO-STEP測試,其中關於安全確認的特徵涉及抽象概念(abstract idea),且沒有包括進步特徵(inventive concept),也就是不同PTAB的判定,地院判定'539案並不是電腦功能的改良沒有將抽象概念轉換到可專利應用(patent-eligible application)。

(可參考:抽象概念若僅以一般目的電腦實現,不可專利 - Alice Corporation Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank International (2014)(http://enpan.blogspot.tw/2014/06/alice-corporation-pty-ltd-v-cls-bank.html))


關於「35 U.S.C. § 101」,雖是老議題,就我而言,都是值得回顧的:

這裡有提到,每次遇到安全認證技術,總是會遇到專利適格性(patent eligibility)議題,主要問題是,其中是否改良(improve)了電腦功能?或是電腦是否在發明中僅是使用其固有能力(運算、儲存、顯示等)執行一般/習知功能?(所以這就是判定發明是否符合"35 U.S.C. § 101"的基本考慮)


根據'539,發明是通過"secure registry system"(也就是指出專利權人自己提出的第三方系統)識別執行交易的使用者身分,使用者一開始也需要以自己的電子ID裝置(如智慧卡、手機、呼叫器、手錶、電腦、個人數位助理等)存取"secure registry system",當使用者執行交易時,在自己的ID裝置輸入密碼,以產生"一次式碼",讓交易對象可以連同交易金額、時間、商店編碼等資訊傳送到銀行,使得銀行可以判斷是否交易有效。

法官拿先前案例中Prism與'539案比較,就是因為'539案與Prism很像,特別指上述Claim 22,所以地院判定系爭專利'539的Claim 22界定以安全驗證使用者身分以啟動交易的技術為抽象概念


關於這點,CAFC法官仍發現claim 22與Prism的差異,CAFC法官同意Claim 22涉及抽象概念,所描述的發明,以可變的碼取代使用者安全資訊(如信用卡號),讓銀行存取"secure registry system"資料,以此為基礎確定交易有效,這部分因為不是改良電腦技術判定為抽象概念

CAFC法官判定,'539發明中(1)隨著時間變動的一次式碼,以及(2)傳送到第三方作為交易認證基礎的特徵,其中第(1)個特徵是已知技術,Prism已經揭示,因此判定不具備Alice step TWO的進步特徵(inventive concept)。

關於第(2)個特徵,是否將一次式碼傳送到第三方資訊做為交易認證基礎具有進步特徵?USR引用Bascom案例,認為CAFC在此案中認為其發明以"不同於習知技術"的方法過濾內容產生的技術的改良,因此具備Alice TWO-STEP測試方法中second step的進步特徵要件。

(可參考:CAFC在BASCOM案確認軟體的可專利性 - BASCOM Global Internet Services, Inc. v. AT&T Mobility LLChttp://enpan.blogspot.tw/2016/07/cafcbascom-bascom-global-internet.html




針對另一系爭專利'813,地院判決是'813關於收集資料以認證使用者身分的技術屬於抽象概念,關於其中認證技術,CAFC認為這些是常用的已知技術("conventional actions in a generic way"),並沒有改良任何技術,CAFC同意地院判決,因為這些技術包括了已知、常見的電腦技術,沒有包括任何進步特徵。


關於'137專利,此案為'826延續案,技術相似,判斷結果也相似:"where the claims simply
recite conventional actions in a generic way” without purporting to improve the underlying technology "。

以上,全部系爭專利都不具可專利性專利適格性(正確的說法是專利適格性,指是否為可被專利保護的標的,clarified, updated on Aug. 3, 2023)

my two cents:
所拿出告人侵權的專利走到上級法院都"全盤皆墨",有些與行政機關PTAB意見不同,造成專利權人很大的困難,101真是難測的東西,雖然法院仍以可以接受的邏輯進行判斷,但仍有許多可以懷疑的地方。然而,如果要有一個結論是,有關安全認證的專利可以都是"抽象概念",但是是否能告轉換抽象概念為可專利的應用(patent-eligible application)?其中關鍵是,專利範圍中應該要有習知技術沒有的特徵,也就是至少是新穎的特徵,才有可能說服人這非習知、慣用或常見手段,而為inventive concept。


