2021年11月29日 星期一

連結NFT與專利 - 專利交易的未來

NFT (non-fungible token),可翻為「非同質化代幣」,參考資料:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/非同質化代幣

wikipedia: "非同質化代幣(英語:Non-Fungible Token,簡稱NFT)是一種被稱為區塊鏈數位帳本上的資料單位,每個代幣可以代表一個獨特的數位資料。由於其不能互換,非同質化代幣可以代表數位檔案,如畫作、聲音、影片、遊戲中的...。" (more)










1. A computer based method comprising:
creating at least one electronic parallel storage of a differences layer linked to a distributed computer ledger (DCL); the DCL contains an electronic transaction record by a time-sequenced value or a time-sequenced string;
accessing and storing a value through the at least one electronic parallel storage of the differences layer, the value from a group comprising of at least one time-sequenced electronically published data stream and at least one descriptive differential, wherein at least one differences processing engine running on a specialized computer system creates and stores parameters from a group comprised of a measurement differences and a descriptive differences;
storing the DCL containing an electronic transactions record on at least one of a distributed network of connected independent computers or a decentralized network of computers wherein the electronic transaction record is time sequenced, and a writing or an appending of the electronic transaction records is performed on the distributed network of connected independent computers or the decentralized network of computers;
storing the at least one electronic parallel storage of the differences layer on at least one of a centralized storage device controlled by the specialized computer system or a decentralized storage device controlled by the specialized computer system for increasing functionality and utility of the DCL, reducing data storage requirements, eliminating transmission of redundant data, and improving data security;
linking the electronic transaction record in the DCL to records of the at least one electronic parallel storage of the differences layer utilizing at least one time sequenced value, string, code, or key; and
imputing at least one measured differential with a descriptive identifier or at least one descriptive identifier to the electronic transaction record of the DCL through data storage and processing on the at least one electronic parallel storage of the differences layer.



my two cents:


2 則留言:

  1. Hi Enpan大大,



    如果您對NFT VS 專利有興趣,小弟冒昧自薦,若能與您交流知識,將會是我的榮幸,

  2. hello, 你好,感謝回應,我呢,就只是一個普通的專利工程師,如果可以進一步了解,真是很棒的機會呀! enpan
