2022年2月18日 星期五

設計的非顯而易見性是整體來看 - In re Lapworth (1971)

本案討論美國設計專利的1971年經典案例 - In re Lapworth, 59 C.C.P.A. 738, 451 F.2d 1094, 172 U.S.P.Q. 129 (1971),其中議題涉及設計案的專利性比對原則。

案件「In Re Charles William Lapworth」源自設計申請人不服USPTO駁回意見,提起訴願,訴願委員會確認USPTO審查結果,再提起上訴CCPA。

系爭設計對應的帆船CAL-36從網路上可找到:https://sailboatdata.com/sailboat/cal-36,設計者就寫著本案設計人:C. William Lapworth。





申請人主張,訴願委員會並沒有根據許多細節差異判斷其整體的差異,並宣稱系爭設計更優雅、更細緻。法院引用前例:In re Laverne, 53 CCPA 1158, 356 F. 2d 1003, 148 USPQ, 674 (1966),其中涉及設計專利的專利性測試:

1) 考量的是普通觀察者的視覺感受。
2) 細節差異不會影響普通觀察者對於設計整體外觀的印象。
3) 比對前後設計,不是比對細節差異,而是整體來看的獨特性(distinctiveness in overall appearance )。

upon a comparison of the subject design with that of the reference, we are inclined to agree with the Examiner that the average observer would take the two designs as mere manifestations of the same basic design, rather than characteristically different designs capable of supporting different patents. The detailed differences over the reference pointed out in the appeal brief, do not, in our opinion, affect the appearance of the design as a whole and the impression it makes to the eye of the average observer, which are still largely controlling of patentability of designs. It is distinctiveness in overall appearance of an Object, when compared with the prior art, rather than minute details or small variations in configuration as appears to be the case here, that constitutes the test of design patentability.




