2022年3月3日 星期四

關於"電腦實現的數學演算法是否具備技術性"的歐洲訴願案 - T0306/10

關於"電腦實現的數學方法是否具備技術性"的歐洲訴願案 - T0306/10,結論是使用一般目的電腦實現的方法(特別是數學演算法並沒有構成技術特徵時)缺乏進步性。本案例教導我們軟體發明進入歐洲要注意的事項

訴願決定:04 February 2015
相關法條:EPC Art 56(進步性)

本案緣起申請人對歐洲審查部門作出發明不符進步性規定駁回歐洲申請案No. 01932840.0提起訴願。本案經訴願委員會審查後,先行作出臨時意見:申請案請求項不具進步性,之後進入口頭審理(oral proceedings),最終作出進步性不足的決定。

main request的claim 1如下,(first auxiliary request在此省略),涉及電腦實現的探索項目之間的關聯性的方法,方法包括接收從使用者行為偵測得到的項目選擇;產生每個使用者的日誌(log);接收查詢請求;評分每個使用者,也是對每個使用者日誌評分;根據分數識別使用者日誌的子集合,再從中識別出結果項,結果得出相對於使用者日誌全部集合的過度表示的子集合,也就是比預期更常發生的行為。在實際應用中是,請求項的"項目(item)"如電子商務平台上的商品,在電子商務平台上追蹤使用者消費,能取得使用者相對一般使用者的興趣,以至於可準確推薦商品與服務

"A computer-implemented method of discovering relationships between items, comprising the steps of:
 - receiving item selections detected from observed behavior of each of a plurality of users;
 - generating a log (114) for each user, each log containing identifiers for the item selections detected from observed behavior of the respective user;
 - receiving a query (1402) including at least one query item identifier;
 - scoring each user log (114), the scoring being responsive to a degree of occurrence of the or each query item identifier in the respective user log so as to generate a score for each log that represents the relevance of the user log to the received query;
 - identifying (1404) a subset of user logs based on the scores generated for each user log; and
 - identifying at least one result item from the subset of user logs; characterized in that:
 - a result item comprises an item which is determined to be over-represented in the subset of user logs relative to the entire set of user logs in that it occurs more frequently in the subset of user logs than expected based on the occurrence of the item in the entire set of user logs."


這裡特別引用前例說明數學演算法對電腦實現的方法的貢獻僅在其技術目的中。("A mathematical algorithm contributes to the technical character of a computer-implemented method only in so far as it serves a technical purpose (see decision T 1784/06 of 21 September 2012, reasons 3.1.1).")



也就是說,請求項方法中的數學演算法並沒有貢獻技術特徵(technical character,而進步性(inventive step)僅考量請求項中的技術的體現(technical implementation)。還表示,上述請求項中用語如:generating, receiving, user log等,並沒有隱含特定實現技術的細節,並且對相關領域技術人員(如程式員)而言,並沒有困難。(編按,訴願委員會的意思是,即便用了技術性用語,如generating, receiving, ...,若沒有具體細節,也不能算是具有技術性)

因此,根據以上判斷,請求項中一些步驟為相關領域已知,數學演算法也不構成技術特徵,訴願決定表示系爭發明使用的一般目的的電腦(general-purpose computer)缺乏進步性

In the Board's view, the selection of an item, for example a song, for recommendation to a user does not qualify as a technical purpose. From a technical point of view it is irrelevant what songs are recommended to a user. While making "good" or "bad" recommendations may lead to different user reactions and thereby, in the end, to different technical results (the user might for example play more or fewer songs, or issue more or fewer search queries in order to find other songs), such results do not qualify as a technical effect of the recommendations, as they depend on subjective choices made by the user (cf. decision T 1741/08 of 2 August 2012, reasons 2.1.6).


