2022年4月29日 星期五

JPO修法禁止「multi-multi claim」,包括各國筆記

「multi-multi claim」是依附多重附屬項(或稱多項附屬項)的多重附屬項,過去已知,歐洲專利局並未禁止多項附屬項直接或間接依附多項附屬項,在本次修法前,日本也沒有禁止這類依附關係。

JPO過去沒有禁止多項附屬項直接或間接依附多項附屬項,而現在正式修法(專利法、新型專利法)禁止「multi-multi claim」,於April 1, 2022實施。禁止「multi-multi claim」的理由是為降低專利審查的工作量,降低第三方監控專利的負擔,也可與國際實務接軌。

Article 36(6)(iv)

If a patent application filed after the enforcement of the Ministerial Ordinance contains any Multi-Multi claim, it falls under a reason for refusal for violation of Article 36(6)(iv) (Ministerial Ordinance Requirement on Statement of Claims.)

Any Multi-Multi Claim and claim referring to that is not subject to the examination for requirements other than the Ministerial Ordinance Requirement on Statement of Claims pertinent to Multi-Multi Claims.

If, in response to a notice of reasons for refusal for violation of the above Ministerial Ordinance Requirement on Statement of Claims, Multi-Multi claims are amended in proper form, and, as a result of which it becomes necessary to examine the amended claims and to be notified only the reasons for refusal that becomes necessary to notify due to the amendment, this shall be the final notice of reasons for refusal.

If an application for a utility model registration filed after the enforcement contains any Multi-Multi Claim, it shall not satisfy the requirements (Basic Requirements) provided in Article 6bis of the Utility Model Act.


禁止Multi-Multi claim範例:

Claim 4與Claim 3為不同分類,也禁止Multi-Multi claim寫法:



"A multiple dependent claim shall not serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claim."



過去曾有報導日本與歐洲專利可接受多重附屬項依附多重附屬項的撰寫形式:多重附屬項筆記 - about Claims(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2016/06/about-claims.html)。

歐洲專利實務沒有明文禁止多重依附多重附屬項的形式,這是源自訴願判例(BOARD OF APPEAL AND ENLARGED BOARD OF APPEAL CASE),關於專利範圍的解釋,一般原則是相關領域技術人員可以使用其一般知識根據原申請案與相關日期客觀地、直接而明確地推導出專利標的。相對於"US-style"的附屬項記載明確排除多重附屬項(multiple dependent claim)作為另一多重附屬項的依附項,歐洲專利局表明這不是不可以超越的限制,



my two cents:


