2022年10月19日 星期三

NSS案告訴我們一些明確性的重點 - Nature Simulation Systems Inc. v. Autodesk, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2022)

Nature Simulation Systems Inc. v. Autodesk, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2022)案件資訊:
被告/被上訴人:AUTODESK, INC.
系爭專利:US10,120,961 (’961)、US10,109,105 (’105)
判決日:OPINION ISSUED: January 27, 2022OPINION MODIFIED: October 17, 2022(rehearing)


claim 1如下,產生幾個幾何面,並map至相鄰的幾個三角形,根據交叉連線判斷幾何關係,刪減線條,之後分離後,查看分離的三角形與布林運算的關聯而重新組合這些幾何面,再做些調整後形成新的三角形集合,之後映射到這些三角形的幾何面上。

其實這樣是看不懂的,但附屬項claim 9針對布林運算有定義,所稱的布林運算為利用三角形幾何面執行"組合、交集、排除、減法與除法",相關做法包括:刪除某物件模糊或可見的三角形、複製物件的三角形至緩衝器,或是從中複製出來,反轉每個三角形的法向量,合併三角形以形成新的擴展的三角形集。

1. A method that performs immediate Boolean operations using geometric facets of geometric objects implemented in a computer system and operating with a computer, the method comprising:
mapping rendering facets to extended triangles that contain neighbors;
building intersection lines starting with and ending with searching for the first pair of triangles that hold a start point of an intersection line by detecting whether two minimum bounding boxes overlap and performing edge-triangle intersection calculations for locating an intersection point, then searching neighboring triangles of the last triangle pair that holds the last intersection point to extend the intersection line until the first intersection point is identical to the last intersection point of the intersection line ensuring that the intersection line gets closed or until all triangles are traversed;
splitting each triangle through which an intersection line passes using modified Watson method, wherein the modified Watson method includes removing duplicate intersection points, identifying positions of end intersection points, and splitting portion of each triangle including an upper portion, a lower portion, and a middle portion;
checking each triangle whether it is obscure or visible for Boolean operations or for surface trimming;
regrouping facets in separate steps that includes copying triangles, deleting triangles, reversing the normal of each triangle of a geometric object, and merging reserved triangles to form one or more new extended triangle sets; and
mapping extended triangles to rendering facets.

案件緣起NSS對Autodesk提出侵權告訴,系爭專利範圍包括'961的claims 1, 8以及'105的claim 1。案件經地院進行專利範圍解釋的Markman審理程序,認為系爭專利範圍不明確(35 U.S.C. § 112(b)


首先,法院先定義上訴的"明確性"議題,所謂明確性是法律問題(question of law),並以發明相關領域技術人員觀點來判斷("Claim indefiniteness is decided from the viewpoint of persons skilled in the field of the invention."),所謂發明相關領域技術人員有定義:至少是電腦科學(特別是指電腦繪圖領域)的碩士學位,或是學士學位+兩年相關領域經驗。


(重點一,此重點需要參考CAFC不同的見解)地方法院判定系爭專利範圍不明確的部分有兩處,如上述標示:"searching neighboring triangles of the last triangle pair that holds the last intersection point",以及"modified Watson method"。地院提出一些待回答的問題,但認為即便說明書有解答,仍不見得使得專利範圍具備明確性。於是,這個地院見解成為主要上訴議題。



§ 112. Specification
(b) Conclusion.-- The specification shall conclude with one or more claims particularly pointing out and distinctly claiming the subject matter which the inventor or a joint inventor regards as the invention.


"The claims’ principal function, therefore, is to provide notice of the boundaries of the right to exclude and to define limits; it is not to describe the invention, although their original language contributes to the description and in certain cases satisfies it. Claims define and circumscribe, the written description discloses and teaches."

(重點三)經典案例 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 572 U.S. 898, 909 (2014),可參考本部落格報導:最高法院對明確性的態度 - Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc.(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2014/06/nautilus-inc-v-biosig-instruments-inc.html),其中定義申請專利範圍/專利的明確性,有權利也有義務:專利必須足夠精準以清楚告知所要保護與主張權利的專利範圍,並告知那些部分仍是開放給公眾的。

"A patent must be precise enough to afford clear notice of what is claimed, thereby ‘apprising the public of what is still open to them.’"

怎麼解釋專利範圍,則是規範於經典案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp.,可參考本部落格報導:合理解釋專利範圍的案例 - Phillips v. AWH Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2005)(https://enpan.blogspot.com/2015/05/phillips-v-awh-corp-fed-cir-2005.html


然而,CAFC認為地方法院是依據所提出的未被回答的問題判斷系爭專利的明確性,並非依照Phillips v. AWH Corp.原則解釋專利範圍,也就是說,地院針對系爭專利範圍中兩個技術特徵,並提出四個未被回答的問題,並非去參照說明書內容去解釋

以上述系爭專利範圍中"modified Watson method"為例,經查專利審查歷史,通過修正,說明發明使用這個在相關領域中已經是成熟的技術以能根據交叉線分開每個三角形,並在請求項中描述其中步驟,但地院卻忽略這個審查歷史給予的weight,CAFC在無需討論是否修正產生任何問題,但認為地院忽略審查歷史並不符合判例提供的解釋專利範圍原則。

(重點五)於是CAFC針對地院提出的問題查閱系爭專利說明書與答辯歷史,特別如系爭專利範圍中提及的"modified Watson method",表面上看來確實並不明確,但經查閱說明書的描述,CA理解系爭專利是要改善已知的"Watson and Delaunay methods",並使用已知並發展成熟的技術,如此,前例教示我們,在專利中參照相關技術領域中發展成熟的技術(界定在專利範圍中)並沒有使得專利範圍不明確("Precedent teaches that when “the general approach was sufficiently well established in the art and referenced in the patent” this “rendered the claims not indefinite.”")。


my two cents:



