2022年10月27日 星期四


- US-PGPUB(自3/2001尚未獲准的申請案)
- USPAT(自1970年至今的美國專利、專利號碼與分類可查到1790年)
- USOCR(1970年之前的文字辨識的專利檔案)




ex. "pmbus" and "floating point" and "decoding"

ex. "p?bus" and "floating$5" and "decod*"

ANDTwo terms, joined by "AND" must occur within the same document.photographic AND noodleReturns all documents that contain both the terms "photographic" and "noodle" somewhere in the document - regardless of their order.
ORTwo terms, joined by "OR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the document.dog OR catOne of these two terms must occur in the document.
NOTThe first term must occur, the second term must not.cardboard NOT boxReturns documents where the term "cardboard" does occur in the document, and the term "box" never occurs in the document.
XORTwo terms, joined by "XOR" means at least one of the terms must occur in the document, but not both termspipe XOR ptfeOne of these two terms must occur in the document, but not both terms.

ADJTwo terms must occur directly next to each other, and in order. ADJ is the only ordered operator.oxidizing ADJ bacteriaReturns documents where these two terms occur adjacent to each other and in the same order. This is the default operator, and is applied when no operators are given.
ADJ[n]Two terms must occur within [n] terms of each other, in order, and within the same sentence.wet adj4 siliconThe term "silicon" must occur within the 4 words that follow the term "wet" - so the following "wet oxidized, polysilazane-based silicon oxide" would be considered a hit. Maximum value of N is 450.
NEARSimilar to ADJ but order is not relevant.electrospray NEAR ionReturns documents where the terms "electrospray" and "ion" are next to each other and in the same sentence, but in any order. So unlike ADJ, this search would return a hit for "negative ion electrospray"
NEAR[n]Again, similar to ADJ[n], but order is not relevant.cyclotron NEAR7 magneticFinds documents where the term cyclotron is within 7 words or the term magnetic - regardless of order. This would hit the following "a magnetic sector mass analyzer, or an ion cyclotron." Maximum value of N is 450.
WITHTerms joined with WITH must occur within the same sentence.detect WITH lightFinds documents where the terms "Light" and "detect" occur within the same sentence.
WITH[n]Terms joined with WITH must occur within n sentences of each other.detect WITH10 lightFinds documents where the terms "Light" and "detect" occur within 10 sentences of each other. Maximum value of N is 25.
SAMETerm joined with SAME must occur within the same paragraph.synthesizing SAME tomographyVery similar to WITH but the searches occur over paragraphs rather than sentences.
SAME[n]Two term just occur within n paragraphs of each other.wheel SAME3 woodVery similar to WITH[n] but the searches occur over n paragraphs rather than sentences. Maximum value of N is 25.

ABSearches the abstract text of the patent.
ADSearches the application filing date of the patent.20120616.ad.
APPSearches the application number of the patent (must use with slash).10/501576.app. or (12/123456).app.
ASSearches the assignee name text of the patent.microsoft.as.
AYSearches the application filing year of the patent.2006.ay.
BSUMSearches the Brief Summary section of the patent.medicinal.bsum.
CCLSSearches against the US Patent classification and subclass.138/$.ccls.
CLASSearches the USPC Classification text of the patent.435.clas.
CLMSearches the claims section of the patent.tube.clm.
CLMSSearches the claims section of the patent.computer.clms.
CPCSearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.F16L11/00.cpc.
CPCASearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.B32B2307/50.cpca.
CPCISearches the Cooperative Patent Classification.
Date Ranges            
Various date ranges for application year, application date, patent date, and patent year.      
Equal = @pd=20011118
Greater than > @ad>19961231
Greater than or equal to >= @ay>=2014
Less than < @py<1997
Less than or equal to <= @py<=1975
Not equal to <> @pd<>19990216
Range >=…<= @ay>=1980<=1986
Searches the claims section of the patent.program.dclm.
DETDSearches the detailed description section of the patent.sheepdog.detd.
DIDSearches for a specific Document ID.US-2418590-A.did. or US-2418590.did.
must include the hyphens
FDSearches the application filing date of the patent.20110811.fd.
FYSearches the application filing year of the patent.2016.fy.
INSearches the inventor name text of the patent.black.in.
INVSearches the inventor name text of the patent.sontag.inv.
IPCSearches the international patent classification of the patent.G06F17/00.ipc.
PDSearches the publication date of the patent.20150217.pd.
PNSearches for a specific patent number.7557042.pn.
SPECSearches the Specification section of the patent.sheltie.spec.
TISearches the title text of the patent.concrete.ti.
URPNSearches the references cited patent number of the patent.8025207.urpn.
XASearches the assistant examiner's name of the patent.smith.xa.
XPSearches the primary examiner's name of the patent.hook.xp.


ex. 來找一個最近的作業。找到一個檔案,這個文件瀏覽的pane還蠻好用的,自帶一個pdf下載功能,以後就不用到別的網站下載了。在文件瀏覽區的最上方"highlights"還會主動列出從搜尋指令關聯的字串,方便查找文中內容。





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