2023年1月10日 星期二

從訴訟中學習解釋專利範圍 - Cyntec Company Ltd v. Chilisin America Ltd et al. (N.D. California. 2022)

Cyntec Company Ltd v. Chilisin America Ltd et al.的訴訟日前在地院判決,接著會進入CAFC,經查閱地院判決後,覺得可稱上是一個標準的訴訟教科書,案件涉及侵權判定流程、專利範圍解釋,以及雙方"典型"的攻防。(分兩篇分享)

審理法院:California Northern District Court
Cyntec Company Ltd(乾坤科技)
被告:Chilisin America Ltd et al.(奇力新)
系爭專利:US8,212,641 ('641); US8,922,312 ('312); US9,117,580 ('580); US9,481,037 ('037)
更新判決:May 6, 2022



以系爭專利US8,922,312 ('312)為例,'312關於一種電子裝置 與其製造方法,可參考以下代表圖,講的就是電子裝置100(限流器choke),主體是磁性主體110,其中模封混和不同材料、硬度與直徑(D1, D2)的第一磁粉112與第二磁粉114,有幾條導線120埋設在磁性主體110中的一些延伸結構中(在磁粉中埋設繞線)。根據系爭請求項1描述的電子裝置,包括有上述特徵的第一磁粉與第二磁粉,導線埋設於第一與第二磁粉的混和體中,導線包括有絕緣封膠(insulating encapsulant)的部分以及被此封膠包覆的導電金屬,特別的是,藉由第一與第二磁粉之間的第一硬度差異,使得所屬磁粉混和體以及埋設其中的導線的組合體形成一個"溫度低於導線絕緣體熔點"的整合磁性體

US8,922,312 ('312)的Claim 1:

1. An electronic device, comprising:

a first magnetic powder;
a second magnetic powder, wherein the mean particle diameter of the first magnetic powder is larger than the mean particle diameter of the second magnetic powder, the Vicker's Hardness of the first magnetic powder is greater than the Vicker's Hardness of the second magnetic powder by a first hardness difference, and the first magnetic powder mixes with the second magnetic powder; and
a conducting wire buried in the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, wherein the conducting wire comprises an insulating encapsulant and a conducting metal encapsulated by the insulating encapsulant;
wherein by means of the first hardness difference of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder and the conducting wire buried therein are combined to form an integral magnetic body at a temperature lower than the melting point of the insulating encapsulant.

相應地,另一系爭專利'037的claim 1揭示電子裝置的製造方法,方法包括提供絕緣導線、絕緣導線埋設至一混和體中,混和體包括直徑不同、硬度不同的第一磁粉與第二磁粉,在所述絕緣導線與混和體上執行一封膠模壓程序(molding process),如'312案的描述,形成一個"溫度低於導線絕緣體熔點"的整合磁性體

Claim 1:

1. A method for manufacturing an electronic device, the method comprising:

providing an insulated conducting wire;
forming a mixture with the insulated conducting wire buried therein, wherein the mixture comprises: a first magnetic powder and a second magnetic powder, wherein the mean particle diameter of the first magnetic powder is larger than the mean particle diameter of the second magnetic powder, and the Vicker's Hardness of the first magnetic powder is greater than the Vicker's Hardness of the second magnetic powder by a first hardness difference; and
performing a molding process on the insulated conducting wire and the mixture, wherein by means of the first hardness difference of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, the mixture and the insulated conducting wire buried therein are combined to form an integral magnetic body at a temperature lower than the melting point of the insulated conducting wire.

US8,212,641 ('641):

US9,117,580 ('580)是'641的第二代部分延續案(CIP)

案件經地方法院於5/15/2019聽證後,於6/20/2019做出申請專利範圍解釋(claim construction)後,判定'641侵權不成立,其餘系爭專利案件則繼續審理。




(1) 在沒有明顯相反的意圖下,應根據申請專利範圍中用語的"一般而慣用"的意思,在發明當下以相關領域一般技術人員的知識來解釋

(2) 相關領域一般技術人員以申請專利範圍記載的用語,參照專利說明書的內容進行解釋

(3) 查閱說明書的目的是,專利權人可以自為辭彙編撰者(LEXICOGRAPHER)

(4) 查閱專利權人在說明書或審查歷程中所否認或排除(disavow)的範圍

(5) 解釋專利範圍時,通常不限制在說明書中的實施例或範例

(6) 專利審查歷程經常是告知發明人所解釋的專利用語的意思,並知悉發明人是否限縮了專利範圍


("A patentee is presumed to have intended the ordinary meaning of a claim term in the absence of an express intent to the contrary. See York Prods., Inc. v. Central Tractor Farm & Family Ctr., 99 F.3d 1568, 1572 (Fed. Cir. 1996)")

("“The ordinary and customary meaning of a claim term is the meaning that the term would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention.” Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1313 (Fed. Cir. 2005)")

("Although the court must read the claim in view of the specification, claims are not ordinarily limited to preferred embodiments or illustrative examples appearing in the specification. Kraft Foods, Inc. v. International Trading Co., 203 F.3d 1362, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2000)")

("The prosecution history “can often inform the meaning of the claim language by demonstrating how the inventor understood the invention and whether the inventor limited the invention in the course of prosecution, making the claim scope narrower than it would otherwise be.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1317.")


- 雙方同意的用語解釋:

1. "Vicker’s Hardness",指的是量測材料抵抗以鑽石金字塔形的壓頭變形的能力(“a measurement of a material’s ability to resist deformation from a diamond indenter in the form of a pyramid.”)。

2. "magnetic powder",指的是磁性物質的細小顆粒("fine particles of magnetic substance")。

- 雙方爭議的用語或句子的解釋(忽略討論過程):

1. “Vicker’s Hardness of the [first, second] magnetic powder”

指的是,第一第二磁性物質的微小顆粒的"Vicker’s Hardness"。

很特別地,系爭專利範圍中都提到了"Vicker’s Hardness"。原告主張應以其字面意思解釋,被告則主張相關前後文解釋是磁粉的"Vicker’s Hardness",而非指磁粉中任何一個顆粒的硬度。

原告認為,常識上壓在顆粒粉末上會造成顆粒的位移而不是顆粒的變形,法院同意這個解釋,因此認為"Vicker’s Hardness"指的是「量測材料抵抗以鑽石金字塔形的壓頭變形的能力("a measurement of a material’s ability to resist deformation from a diamond indenter in the form of a pyramid")」,相關領域一般技術人可知,所謂粉末的硬度,就是指對磁性物質細微顆粒的硬度。

2. “magnetic material” & “resin”

“magnetic material”指的是沒有揮發性溶劑備製的磁性材料。





("“Where the specification makes clear that the invention does not include a particular feature, that feature is deemed to be outside the reach of the claims of the patent, even though the language of the claims, read without reference to the specification, might be considered broad enough to encompass the feature in question.” SciMed Life Sys., Inc. v. Advanced Cardiovascular Sys., Inc., 242 F.3d 1337, 1341 (Fed. Cir. 2001).")

就本案系爭專利而言,是否有明確地排除特定特徵 - 在揮發性溶劑中備製材料?




3. “encapsulating the wire”



原告用'641案圖5來解釋,其中磁性材料並沒有"完全地"包住導線。這裡倒是釐清了"encapsulating"與"enclosing"的差異("the ordinary meaning of the word “encapsulate” means to enclose in or as if in a capsule"),被告是用"enclosing"解釋"encapsulating",企圖讓專利範圍解釋比較窄,但相關領域技術人員可知,因為導線仍與其他裝置的部件接觸,其中導線並非完全被磁性材料所包圍。

4. “[filling, filled in] the winding space”


原告主張是用字面上的意思解釋;被告主張是:佔據導線以外的繞線空間("occupying all of the winding space other than the wire")。


就系爭專利內容而言,繞線空間應是部分被導線或是其材料佔據,之後才是填入磁性材料,如此,如上述"encapsulating the wire"過程,就是充滿未被占用的繞線空間

5. “permeability”

指的是相對磁導率(relative permeability):自由空間的磁化率("ratio of magnetization to that of free space")

6. “substantially parallel”


7. “by means of the first hardness difference of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder, the mixture of the first magnetic powder and the second magnetic powder and the conducting wire buried therein are combined to form an integral magnetic body at a temperature lower than the melting point of the insulating encapsulant”


8. “iron powder”


在此一提的是,根據法院意見,'580與'641有關,'580引用'641為參考資料,而'580說明書中明確區隔"iron powder (Fe)"與"a metallic powder"(其中有合金粉末),也就是說明"iron powder"是純鐵。另外,'312與'037也明確區隔iron powder與iron alloy powder。並且說明書也明確用不同用語解釋各種成分:"iron", "iron powder", "alloy"等。






CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ORDER(https://cases.justia.com/federal/district-courts/california/candce/4:2018cv00939/322639/83/0.pdf;備份:https://app.box.com/s/idoz1ar51f2gj9u77qqjxzoe6ube06eg

AMENDED JUDGMENT FOLLOWING JURY VERDICT(https://cases.justia.com/federal/district-courts/california/candce/4:2018cv00939/322639/318/0.pdf?ts=1651909467


