2023年3月3日 星期五

如果專利不是使用藥物的方法,就不用列入FDA的橘皮書中 - Jazz Pharms, Inc. v. Avadel CNS Pharms, LLC (Fed. Cir. 2023)

本篇實際上是學習FDA要求藥物申請時列舉在Orange Book的專利的要求,與專利是甚麼甚麼比較無關,也無關是否侵權的議題。

判決日:February 24, 2023

本案緣起Jazz針對地方法院作出同意Avadel提出"強制令"的請求的決定提起上訴,很特別的是,這個"強制令"要求Jazz將自己的專利'963從美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)核准上市的藥品的治療等效性評估出版物(Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations publication,俗稱橘皮書/Orange Book)中除名。

系爭專利'963涉及一種敏感性藥物分配系統和方法,其中使用中央藥房和資料庫追蹤敏感性藥物的處方,其中追蹤處方的基礎是系統將記錄所有醫師的處方與病人的用藥資訊。其中claim 1如下,關於一種電腦實現的系統,針對誤用發作性睡病患者的治療用藥提出解決方案。表面上是醫藥類專利,但是實際是一個電腦軟體發明,系統包括記憶體與資料處理器,其中流程包括資料庫查詢、核對庫存,通過核對資料庫判斷是否藥物誤用、濫用或轉移的問題。

1. A computer-implemented system for treatment of a narcoleptic patient with a prescription drug that has a potential for misuse, abuse or diversion, comprising:
one or more computer memories for storing a single computer database having a database schema that contains and interrelates prescription fields, patient fields, and prescriber fields;
said prescription fields, contained within the database schema, storing prescriptions for the prescription drug with the potential for abuse, misuse or diversion, wherein the prescription drug is sold or distributed by a company that obtained approval for distribution of the prescription drug;
said patient fields, contained within the database schema, storing information sufficient to identify the narcoleptic patient for whom the company's prescription drug is prescribed;
said prescriber fields, contained within the database schema, storing information sufficient to identify a physician or other prescriber of the company's prescription drug and information to show that the physician or other prescriber is authorized to prescribe the company's prescription drug;
a data processor configured to:
process a database query that operates over all data related to the prescription fields, prescriber fields, and patient fields for the prescription drug; and
reconcile inventory of the prescription drug before the shipments for a day or other time period are sent by using said database query to identify information in the prescription fields and patient fields;
wherein the data processor is configured to process a second database query that identifies that the narcoleptic patient is a cash payer and a physician that is interrelated with the narcoleptic patient through the schema of the single computer database;
said identifying that the narcoleptic patient is a cash payer by said second database query being an indicator of a potential misuse, abuse or diversion by the narcoleptic patient and being used to notify the physician that is interrelated with the narcoleptic patient through the schema of the single computer database.

上述系爭專利權人Jazz獲得FDA允許新藥,其中爭議的藥方 - gamma hydroxyl butyrate (GHB),GHB這個藥方為鎮靜作用,可以加深夜間睡眠,改善白天的清醒狀態。但GHB可能被濫用,作為迷姦藥,因此FDA有條件地核准相關用藥。如此就對照了系爭專利利用電腦技術追蹤用藥的發明,其中claim 6:wherein the prescription drug comprises gamma hydroxyl butyrate (GHB)。

根據Hatch-Waxman Act,當提出新藥申請案(NDA),相關專利資訊也應提交給FDA(Orange Book),特別是專利範圍涉及申請的新藥或其成分,或是使用該藥品的方法。將專利資訊列於Orange Book也可以讓FDA延遲核准競爭對手新藥申請達30個月。

2014年,Jazz將'963專利列在Orange Book中,但是到了2017年,'963專利中有3項範圍經IPR被認定無效,並且剩下的專利範圍於2022年12年到期。不過,'963案已經讓FDA否決2023年6月前的相關新藥申請案。



除了對FDA提告外,Avadel還請求法院要求專利權人更正或是刪除列於Orange Book的專利。地方法院認為Avadel已經有要求賠償的充分補救措施,因此撤銷對FDA的訴訟。另一方面,Avadel對系爭專利'963提出"質疑"(非主張無效),因為'963專利主張的是一種系統,而非使用藥物的方法,因此不符合FDA要求要列於Orange Book的專利的條件。地院同意,要求Jazz將系爭專利'963自Orange Book移除。



議題變成「claim construction」。

'963專利範圍顯然是描述一個computer-implemented system(系統專利),不是方法專利,但Jazz主張本案system與method實質相同(同義字/synonym)。


結論:CAFC同意地方法院的意見,認為系爭專利是系統專利,不是方法,同意Avadel要求Jazz自Orange Book刪除'963

my two cents:

ChatGPT的回應我的問題,何謂「Hatch-Waxman Act」?


- 延長專利期限:為了鼓勵新藥的研發,該法案允許在新藥獲得批准前專利期限的延長,從而讓新藥更容易獲得商業上的成功。

- 簡化仿製藥的上市程序:該法案為仿製藥的上市提供了一個簡化程序,使得仿製藥生產商可以更容易地生產和銷售仿製藥,從而減少醫療費用和提高藥物可及性。

- 解決專利糾紛:該法案為藥品專利糾紛提供了一個解決機制,使得仿製藥生產商可以通過向原藥品製造商支付一定費用來解決專利糾紛。



