2024年1月3日 星期三

什麼是"Barcode"?法院考量了他國答辯內容 - K-Fee v. Nespresso (Fed. Cir. Dec. 26, 2023)

K-Fee v. Nespresso (Fed. Cir. Dec. 26, 2023)案件資訊:
原告/上訴人/專利權人:K-FEE SYSTEM GMBH
系爭專利:US10,858,176, US10,858,177, US10,870,531
判決日期:December 26, 2023


列舉系爭專利US10,858,176的Claim 1如下,其中描述製作咖啡的方法,咖啡膠囊有兩個Barcode,下圖編號50是barcode,事實上系爭專利說明書並未定義第一與第二Barcode,根據claim的記載,"first barcode"設於第一膠囊的底部,讀取"first barcode"是用於控制第一生產程序,包括刺破第一膠囊的第一鋁箔蓋、注入熱水產生第一咖啡飲料;接著退掉第一膠囊,放入第二膠囊,底部設有"second barcode",經讀取"second barcode",控制第二生產程序,包括刺破第二鋁箔蓋,經注入熱水後產生第二咖啡飲料。


1. A method of making a coffee beverage comprising:
providing an apparatus including a barcode reader;
inserting a first portion capsule into the apparatus, the first portion capsule including a first foil lid sealed to a base element having a cavity within which a powdered coffee material is located, the cavity being free of a filter and including a central portion, and a plurality of ribs that are radially spaced, vertically oriented, and configured to extend toward the central portion of the cavity, the base element including a circumferential flange having a top side to which the first foil lid is sealed and an opposing bottom side with a first barcode located on the bottom side, the base element of the first portion capsule includes an outside surface having a plurality of vertically oriented grooves;
reading the first barcode with the barcode reader;
controlling a production process of a first coffee beverage based upon the reading of the first barcode;
piercing the first foil lid with a mandrel of the apparatus in a region that is offset from a central axis of the first portion capsule;
sealing the first foil lid against a seal of the apparatus;
introducing heated water into the first portion capsule through a water inlet of the apparatus that is arranged along the central axis of the portion capsule to form the first coffee beverage;
unloading the first portion capsule from the apparatus;
inserting a second portion capsule into the apparatus, the second portion capsule including a second foil lid sealed to a base element having a cavity within which a powdered coffee material is located, the cavity of the second portion capsule being free of a filter and includes a central portion, and a plurality of ribs that are radially spaced, vertically oriented, and configured to extend toward the central portion of the cavity, the base element of the second portion capsule including a circumferential flange having a top side to which the second foil lid is sealed and an opposing bottom side with a second barcode located on the bottom side and being different from the first barcode, the base element of the second portion capsule includes an outside surface having a plurality of vertically oriented grooves;
reading the second barcode with the barcode reader;
controlling a second production process of a second coffee beverage based upon the reading of the second barcode, the second production process being different than the first production process;
piercing the second foil lid with the mandrel of the apparatus in a region that is offset from a central axis of the second portion capsule;
scaling the top side of the flange and/or the second foil lid of the second portion capsule against the seal of the apparatus; and
introducing the heated water into the second portion capsule to form the second coffee beverage.


地方法院解釋專利範圍階段中,以"plain and ordinary meaning"解釋原則"Barcode"就是多種寬度的線條與間隙的組成("a code having bars of variable width, which includes the lines and gaps"),就如我們一般認知的條碼:

特別的是,本案系爭專利對應歐洲專利曾經有過解釋專利範圍的聲明,如此,是否歐洲專利答辯意見會影響這裡的"plain and ordinary meaning"?

在歐洲,Nespresso對K-fee歐洲專利EP3023362提出異議程序,引證案是WO 2011/141532 A1 (Jarisch),而K-fee為了要區隔Jarisch,提出專利範圍解釋,K-fee答辯意見是排除Jarisch膠囊上顯示的"bit codes",如以下Jarisch專利揭露的"bit code 70":

根據地方法院意見,這樣的記錄也是會提交給USPTO,成為"內部證據"的一部分,所述"Barcode"並不包括Jarisch膠囊上"bit code"。

如此,基於以上claim construction的指令(order),Nespresso表示Jarisch膠囊採用的"bit code"就是Nespresso使用的二元符號碼("two binary symbols"),這是K-fee排除的樣式如此,地方法院判定Nespresso被告產品採用的碼是由兩個二元符號形成,系爭專利範圍並未能讀入被告產品,地院判決侵權不成立


其中值得討論的議題是被告Nespresso引用原告歐洲專利異議答辯時所排除的前案Jarisch就是被告產品使用的二元符號,而原告在他國專利異議程序中的聲明是否形成在美國訴訟解釋專利範圍的限制(雙方爭辯的是,是否外國答辯形成專利範圍的"disclaimer"或是"surrender claim scope")?

如上述曾經提到的,從系爭專利說明書內容看不出太多barcode的描述,甚至沒有描述到first barcode與second barcode使用說明,更沒有說是一般理解的不同寬窄條紋組合的"條碼"。對於系爭專利所稱"barcode"的解釋,CAFC法官則是參照相關領域中技術人員理解的"barcode",並且反對地方法院引用K-fee歐洲異議答辯而排除"bit code"的決定

討論Barcode與Jarisch膠囊上的"bit code"差異,Jarisch的"bit code"是由多個小方形組成,方形能表達兩個狀態:0, 1;一般理解的"barcode"是由寬窄不一的條紋/間隙組成的"條碼",可以承載更多資訊(條紋並非僅寬與窄兩個狀態,而是具有多種寬度的條紋),如此可知,"barcode"就不是Jarisch的"bit code"

然而(編按,事實上不管是甚麼"碼",最底層都是用二元(0,1)表示),CAFC法官認為地方法院過度限制"barcode"的解釋。K-fee曾經表示,"Barcode"可以是"bit code",但沒有需要是"bit code",如專家證詞,"Barcode"可以表示為"bit code"的子集,換句話說,"Barcode"可以是"binary code/bit code"的一種版本。

進一步地,K-fee在歐洲異議答辯中曾經表示所謂"barcode"可以理解是"EAN [European Article Number]或是UPC [Universal Product Code]",這些也是二元(binary)表示的碼,也如"bit code",只是樣式上不同於Jarisch揭露的"bit code"。


"We conclude that the relevant artisan reading the asserted patents and their prosecution history (the latter now accepted by the parties to include the EPO opposition submission) would understand “barcode” to refer to line-code messages, displaying bars, that are characterized by the varying-width visual appearance of the bars in the messages."


"Taken as a whole, the prosecution history certainly demonstrates “that the patentee committed no clear and unmistakable disclaimer.”"

法院認為,K-fee在歐洲異議答辯中清楚地是要區隔Jarisch揭示的"bit code",基於歐洲爭議,CAFC法官判定是,K-fee主張與Jarisch的差異並沒有拋棄任何專利範圍,而是因為Jarisch的內容並未在專利範圍內

"We conclude that Jarisch was distinguished not through any clear disavowal of claim scope, but because it was never within the scope of the claim."


my two cents:

本篇用很多時間來理解,因為確實也是實務上遇到"barcode"(對應中文的"條碼")到底解釋上可否涵蓋到"QR Code"或其他各種圖形碼?我的理解是,最上位表示應該是"圖形碼",但需要解釋可以是一維、二維條碼,或是其他形式的圖形碼。


